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 the quality or state of being accepted or acceptable. 
•Acceptance is a willful and courageous
action. It’s an active dialogue, there is
nothing passive about it. It’s not a fleeting
thought. It’s a hard commitment, and
that’s why it’s so difficult. 

•To achieve acceptance, you first must acknowledge what exists.  How can you
accept that there’s a problem if you don’t even know there’s a problem? Or are
unwilling to see the problem? This is called denial and is a natural obstacle
that stands in the way of acceptance. It’s the first hurdle, and often times the
biggest hurdle you must jump on your road to recovery.  
Acceptance is
•Ultimately when you truly accept something you undergo a transformation. The structures of
your brain literally change. New neurons and networks are formed; you literally physically
transform.  That’s pretty cool. We’re powerful beings in this sense. The most powerful we know of.
This speaks to the saying “Write your own life story or somebody will write it for you, and you
might not like the ending.” You have the power to author the story of your life. No matter your past,
you can change your future. But you must first accept your past.

•Accepting the past allows you to write a new future. The great thing is the transformation takes
place at the moment of acceptance. Once you’re able to truly accept you transform, and start your
new journey. You’ll continue to transform as you progress, hopefully for the remainder of your
life. Continual transformation toward the good is the journey of life. It’s what leads to happiness.
•Being respected by important people in our lives growing up teaches us how to be
respectful toward others. Respect means that you accept somebody for who they are,
even when they're different from you or you don't agree with them. Respect in your
relationships builds feelings of trust, safety, and wellbeing.
Honesty is when you speak the truth and act truthfully. Honesty is not just about telling the
truth. It's about being real with yourself and others about who you are, what you want and what
you need to live your most authentic life.

Honesty promotes openness, empowers us and

enables us to develop consistency in how we present
the facts. Not anyone can be so honest, it's easy to be
honest but sometimes some people cannot because
they have their reasons. If you're honest, you can
change someone life. Telling them the truth can help
them to realize things, and build your trust to each
other. "Honesty is the best policy" is a famous saying
said by Benjamin Franklin. Honesty is considered as
the best tool of success in life on the other hand, saying
truth helps strengthening our character and make us
So, being honest especially with family, friends and
other loved ones helps us a lot in many ways all
through the life. Being trustworthy helps us to build a
strong relationship and having a peace of mind
because we do not have to remember the lie which we
have told to people in order just to save us.
Start today, first, by being as honest as you can with
yourself. Be honest about your thoughts, words,
actions and wants. Then think about your interaction
with society and your personal relationships. Are you
letting people know your true self? If not, what are you
afraid of?
is a type of behavior marked by acts of generosity, consideration, or concern for others, without
having an expectation of praise or reward. It is considered a virtue and is recognized as a value in many
cultures and religions.

○Everyone is affected by an act of kindness. Kindness is

contagious and you never know just how big of an impact a
small gesture of kindness can have

○Kindness improves our quality of life in the workplace as well

as in the community. It brings people together.
○Doing good for others feels good. Showing kindness to others
is just as rewarding as receiving it from someone else.

○Stop and think before you talk or act (Is it true? Is it

necessary? Is it kind?).
○Remember to laugh throughout the day. Spreading joy is its own
act of kindness.
Other ways to spread kindness

○Put an end to petty criticism. Remember the saying, “If you can’t
say something nice, don’t say anything at all”? Try to keep it

○Recognize one another’s strengths; not weaknesses. A pat on the

back can go a long way. I have never met a person that doesn’t like
to feel appreciated.

○Be kind to others. Always remember that even though you may
work in a different department, we are all in this together.
○Lead by example. Always remember your manners. Our
parents taught us them for a reason, please make sure to use
them. Thank you. Others will follow your lead.
A caring person is someone who is willing to take
time out of their life on a daily basis in order to help
others improve their own. They are not only
considerate of other people's feelings, but they also
share in other's ups and downs. A caring person should
not only be recognized by their characteristics, but also
by their actions. My parents have shown that they care
for me each and every day by working very hard to pay
for my tuition and by taking time to teach me
important life lessons that only come with experience.
My parents have stressed the importance of being a
good person and what that entails, which therefore has
pushed me to live up to their expectations. My mom
and dad are the main role models in my life and
influence me as a whole. Their strong influence as
caring people has made me want to help others just as
much as they do. I strive each day to become more and
more like them, and to continue passing on the
characteristics of a caring person.

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