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Reach Your Full

Career Potential
Reach Your Full
Career Potential
Reach Your Full
The changing work place: Career Potential
Work place is having nature of rapid change owing to :
Fast growing
Technology: Global economy:
u s t. occupation will
s .
It will continue
Will result in job outsourcing,
is a m e be focused by

ee r
to advance and mergers, change management,
1 0 ti knowledge
affect how,
r ca r jo bs
adaptability , efficiency for survival workers.
when, and here
g yo u a n g e
business is a g i n ay ch Higher education and better
Man s m Time Zones:
done , its pace
lo y ee training will be required by fast
and how
people will Em pProsperity:
Small business
difference in it will
growing occupations
demand flexible
communicate will prosper hours , extended Diver work force:
hour and conduct of Workers needs to be
more flexible, respect
Entrepreneurial business
difference and work
skills will be
Reach Your Full
Competitive with NINE success strategies: Career Potential

Self esteem


Positive Action

Dynamic goal


Positive self


Positive thinking
and behavior
Reach Your Full
Competitive with NINE success strategies: Career Potential
Positive thinking and behavior:

I. To think with an optimistic attitude and

anticipate positive outcome.

II. When you think positively, you guide your mind

toward your exact goal and generate matching
mental and physical energy.

III. Research proves that positive thinking and

behavior has powerful effect on personal

IV. This energy and confidence is the mettle which

the interviewer is looking for.
Reach Your Full
Competitive with NINE success strategies: Career Potential

I. It is the process of forming the picture of success and recalling it.

a. Relax
b. Draw a mental picture or video/situation
c. Put in details
d. Incorporate more pictures, actions & senses
e. Dwell on it and recall
Reach Your Full
Competitive with NINE success strategies: Career Potential
Practice positive self talk:

I. It means purposely giving yourself positive

reinforcement , motivation, and recognition.

II. Your subconscious triggers physiological

responses of your mind picture & thoughts,
for that you have to keep your +ve talk.

III. Stop –ve talk ,because it is damaging the

subconscious beliefs.

IV. Replace the –ve with +ve words in your

thoughts as well as in your communication.
Reach Your Full
Competitive with NINE success strategies: Career Potential

Affirmation Statements:

I. These are positive punch lines to motivate

your subconscious to work for your.

II. Should be a short, personal & emotional line.

III. Make subconscious believe it as a fact.

IV. Say the affirmation, once a day.

Reach Your Full
Competitive with NINE success strategies: Career Potential
Dynamic goal setting:
I. It involves recording clear objectives and the
actions required to achieve them.
II. People don’t achieve them because they
don’t set them.
Reach Your Full
Competitive with NINE success strategies:
Career Potential
Dynamic goal setting - steps
 Define your goals in writing
 Identify and focus on the benefit for you and others
 Define the purpose of goal
 Identify supportive forces
 Develop action plan
 Establish priorities
 Make it public
 Be realistic about the limitations
 Use positive talk and visualization and affirmative statements
 Practice
 Evaluate and revise goals
 Reward your self
 Record the progress
Reach Your Full
Competitive with NINE success strategies: Career Potential
Take Positive Action:
I. Take regular positive action ( no matter how small) making progression towards
your goal

II. You will create real evidence of achievement.

III. Actions fuels more action; interim actions generate momentum towards goals.

a. Learn the skill needed for qualification

b. Take the course to help these skills
c. Get involved in some study- work, internship program or entry level
Reach Your Full
Competitive with NINE success strategies: Career Potential
Develop Assertive behavior :

I. Assertive behavior promotes equality

and healthy balance in human relations

II. Assertiveness is to express your self

honestly, courteously and comfortably.

III. It is your opinion to say “Yes” or “No”.

Reach Your Full
Competitive with NINE success strategies: Career Potential
Develop Assertive behavior :

Techniques to develop assertiveness:

1) Initiate a friendship with an acquaintance and try to know him.

2) Express your opinion in any conversation even if you disagree.
3) Join a club or association to build network and develop this skill
4) Compliment some one , once a while.
5) Tell some one how s/he offended you.
6) Return a faulty merchandise.
7) Initiate a conversation with a stranger.
Reach Your Full
Competitive with NINE success strategies: Career Potential
Self esteem building:
I. It is your belief in your abilities and your worth.
II. Identify the negative and positive in your self with the help of a family member or
friend and start working to reduce the first one and upgrade the later one.

Maintain a healthy self esteem by:

1. Believe it can be done 2. Identify your strength

3. Set written goals 4. Practice +ve self talk
5. Visualize your success 6. Adopt +ve action/habits
7. Indulge in +ve environment 8. Look good to feel good
9. Stay fit.
Reach Your Full
Competitive with NINE success strategies: Career Potential
Self esteem building:
Reach Your Full
Competitive with NINE success strategies: Career Potential
Proactive habits :

Proactive behavior Reactive behavior

Focus on problem solution/ personal growth Focuses on problems/difficulties.

Take responsibility for personal/team task Blames other for circumstances

Seek synergistic solutions by productive sol. Procrastinate

Personal motivation based on + ve expectation Do not seek resource for solutions

Encourage /assist others No motivation/inspiration for others

Network for mutual benefits/ Share info Diminishes energy for others
Reach Your Full
Competitive with NINE success strategies: Career Potential
Proactive habits – Out comes:

1. Enhances personal motivation/self esteem

2. Improves problem solving skills
3. Enhance professional reputation
4. Improves ability to correct personal errors and strengthen allied skills
5. Helps to gain skills under mentors in the network
6. Increase knowledge and career resource
7. Expands perspective

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