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Ultima Mentor

Network Analysis Tools

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Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson you will be able to analyze

the network performance and quality based on the
network model or
rich data from the call database

Network Analysis Tools 2

Analysis Tools
The following tools can be used for the network analysis:

• KPI-based maps and reports

• Call trace-based maps and reports
• Event Viewer
• Statistics Viewer
• Combined maps
• Computed maps

Network Analysis Tools 3

Network Performance KPI-based Maps
KPI map layers are based on selected KPIs, showing aggregated data
for a time resolution ranging from 1 hour up to all the dates included in
the model.

Network Analysis Tools 4

Network Performance KPI-based Maps – KPIs
and Aggregation
• Select the required KPIs (the available KPIs appear according
to the network vendor)
• Each selected KPI will be saved as a separate layer.

Network Analysis Tools 5

Commonly Used KPIs – Example
• Bad Call Rate
• Call Attempts
• Soft HO Factor
• Softer HO Factor
• Primary Traffic
• Code Traffic
• Access Failure Rate
• Dropped Call Rate
• Average Power

Network Analysis Tools 6

Network Performance KPI-based Maps – Time Range
• Date and Time Range
• Click the browse button to open the Date and Time Range dialog

• In the Date Range area, select a date range or specific dates.

• In the Time Range area, select one of the available options:
24 hours, Busy Hours, Hours (from/to)
Network Analysis Tools 7
Network Performance KPI-based Maps – Save Layer
• By default, the layers are saved to a default KPIs folder under the GIS
category (folder can be edited). If you do not choose to save the layers,
they can be displayed in the Detailed Table only.

Network Analysis Tools 8

Network Performance KPI-based Maps – Display
• Once the KPI map is ready, a dialog box is displayed:
• Details – displays warnings generated during the map creation.
• Detailed Table – displays the selected KPIs for each sector in the
selection in the Detailed Table.

• Each selected KPI layer is displayed in the Layers pane, in the

specified folder under the GIS category.

Network Analysis Tools 9

Network Performance KPI-based Maps – Example
• Use the sector tooltip to view the KPI summary for selected layers.
• In the Detailed Table you can view individual element values.

Network Analysis Tools 10

Displaying Histograms
You can display a histogram of the map layers in order to view
a graphical display of the values in the layer.

Network Analysis Tools 11

Displaying Histograms (cont.)
• The histogram displays the values for 100% of the data in the
selected layer.

• You can run a query to calculate the

percentage of items between a range
of values, as well as set the range of
values to be displayed in the

Network Analysis Tools 12

Call Trace-based Maps
Mentor uses mobile measurements and special algorithms to
generate positioning-based map layers.
• Mentor supports the following map types:
• Call Trace–based Bin Maps
• Call Trace–based Sector Maps
• Call Trace–based Event Maps

• Positioning-based maps can be created at any time from the toolbar

or by right-clicking an area or sector selection.

• If your selection contains both UMTS and LTE sectors, you will be
prompted to select the technology to display.
• In Multi-RAT environments with a UMTS and LTE call DB, you can
display multi-RAT maps.
Network Analysis Tools 13
Call Trace–based Bin Maps
The following call trace–based bin map types are available:

• Performance
• Drop
• Traffic
• Server and Polluter
• Arc
• Combined
• GSM Maps

Most filtering options for creating the maps

are similar across all map types.

Network Analysis Tools 14

Performance Maps

• Performance maps display selected performance layers

based on the busy-hour call-trace
• If you have a license
for the call database,
you can display the data for
all hours.

Network Analysis Tools 15

Performance Maps (cont.)
• Choose the Map type:
• Binned map
• Sector-level map – map will be aggregated to cell level. (Model only)

Network Analysis Tools 16

Performance Maps – Map Type (UMTS)
You can choose one of the following performance maps for UMTS:

• Ec/Io Best Server / Coverage / Coverage Peak

• IRAT Density
• Number of Polluting Pilots
• Pilot Dominance
• Pilot Pollution
• RSCP Best Server / Coverage / Coverage Peak
• Soft HO Factor
• Softer HO Factor
• UE TX Power

Network Analysis Tools 17

Performance Maps – Map Type (LTE)
You can choose one of the following performance maps for LTE:
• CQI Index
• IRAT Density
• Overlapping
• RSRP Best Server / Best Server Peak / Coverage
• RSRQ Best Server / Best Server Peak Coverage
• UL Power Restriction Rate

Network Analysis Tools 18

Performance Maps – Map Type (Multi RAT)
You can choose one of the following performance maps for
Multi RAT environments:

• Best Technology (Throughput)

• Downlink Volume
• LTE Volume Ratio

Network Analysis Tools 19

Performance Maps – Map Type (GSM)
You can choose one of the following performance maps for
GSM environments:

• Downlink RxLevel Best Server

• Downlink RxQual Best Server
• GSM MS Power
• Uplink RxLevel Best Server
• Uplink RxQual Best Server

Network Analysis Tools 20

Performance Maps (cont.)
• Choose the Data source:
• Client Model – data taken from the network model on the client.
• Rich Data – data taken from the call database via the Mentor

• If you choose to use the call database, additional filtering options will be

• Choose the Date and time

Network Analysis Tools 21

Selecting the Map Filters
By default, maps display all RABs. You can filter the RABs as
well as select additional filters.

• Click Add New Filter and select

a filter from the list of available filters.

• The available filters and their options depend on the data source,
vendor, and technology used.
Network Analysis Tools 22
Map Filters
• Profile – select whether to display the map for indoor or outdoor calls,
or for all call including those not identified as being indoor or outdoor.
• Mobility – select whether to display the map for static or moving
calls, or for all calls including those not identified as being static or
• Speed – select whether to display the data for all mobiles or filter the
data according to specific IMEIs or IMSIs.
• RAB Group – select single, multiple or all RABs
• Release Cause – filter the data according to the release cause.
• Networks – select whether to filter the subscriber networks. By
default, maps are displayed for all networks identified in the database.

Network Analysis Tools 23

Map Filters (cont.)

• Select Mobiles – select whether to display the map for all terminals
in use in the network, or filter it according to a list, file, or expression.
• Device Type – select the device models by which to filter the data.
• Device Capabilities – select the device capabilities by which to filter
the data
• Establishment Cause – select one or more causes for the call

Network Analysis Tools 24

Performance Maps – Example

Ec/Io Best Server Map

Pilot Dominance Map

Network Analysis Tools 25

Drop Maps
Drop maps display the geographical distribution of the
dropped calls.

Network Analysis Tools 26

Drop Maps – Example

Network Analysis Tools 27

Traffic Maps (UMTS)
Traffic maps display the distribution of the busy-hour traffic
layer for the best server.

• Map type:
• Busy Hour Minutes of Use (model)
• Busy Hour Total Number of Users (model)
• Busy Hour Traffic (model)
• Downlink Throughput / Throughput Peak / Volume
• Number of Calls
• Number of Distinct Users (rich data)
• Total Traffic (rich data)
• Uplink Throughput / Throughput Peak / Volume

Network Analysis Tools 28

Traffic Maps (LTE and GSM)
Traffic maps display the distribution of the traffic based on the
data in the call database.
• LTE Map type:
• DL Traffic (Throughput Events)
• Downlink Throughput / Volume
• Number of Distinct Users
• Number of Sessions
• Traffic (available from model as well)
• UL Traffic (Throughput Events)
• Uplink Throughput / Volume
• User Downlink /Uplink Throughput
• GSM Map type:
• GSM Traffic
Network Analysis Tools 29
Traffic Maps – Example

Network Analysis Tools 30

Server and Polluter Maps
Server and Polluter maps display the names of the best servers,
strongest legs, or worst polluters in areas they were identified as such:

• Map type UMTS:

• Best Server Cell Name
• Fifth Strongest Leg
• Fourth Strongest Leg
• Penetration Loss (rich data)
• Second Strongest Leg
• Third Strongest Leg
• Worst Polluter

Network Analysis Tools 31

Arc Maps
Arc maps display selected KPIs at either predefined distance
increments from selected sectors, or according to predefined
percentages on the map area.

• Map type UMTS:

• Ec/Io
• Fixed Distance Busy Hour Traffic
• Fixed Distance Drop Call
• Fixed Percentage Busy Hour Traffic
• Pilot Dominance
• Pilot Pollution
• Soft HO Factor
• Softer HO Factor
Network Analysis Tools 32
Arc Maps (cont.)
• Map type LTE:
• Average RSRP by Distance
• Average RSRQ by Distance
• Downlink Volume by Distance
• Fixed Percentage of Downlink Volume
• Fixed Percentage of Uplink Volume
• Number of Drop Events by Distance
• Number of IRAT Events by Distance
• Overlapping by Distance
• Traffic by Distance
• Uplink Volume by Distance

Network Analysis Tools 33

Call Trace–based Event Maps
Use Event Maps to create call trace-based maps for events, which
display a positioned visual indication, per mobile handset:

• Virtual Drive Test Maps

• Mobile Drop Maps
• Access Failure Maps
• Mobile IRAT Maps
• CSFB Maps
• Additional Maps

Most filtering options for creating the maps

are similar across all map types.

Network Analysis Tools 34

Virtual Drive Test Maps
The virtual drive test map enables you to display an immediate
visualization of all call flow events associated with specific sectors
and terminal handsets, according to a specific time.

• Data for the virtual drive test is usually

taken from the Call DB via the Mentor

Network Analysis Tools 35

Virtual Drive Test – Map Layer
You can view the virtual drive test on the map area, or display its
details in the Event Viewer.

Network Analysis Tools 36

Virtual Drive Test – Event Viewer
You can use the Event Viewer to view the details of any of the calls
that took place in the virtual drive test (right-click the virtual drive test
layer to display the Event Viewer).

• The left pane shows call-related details, for example IMSI and type
of call:
Normal Drop Access Failure

• The right pane shows event-related details, for example, type of event.
Network Analysis Tools 37
Event Viewer – Example

Network Analysis Tools 38

Event Viewer and Map
Right-clicking on each point in the map displays a menu
enabling you to:

• Show Servers – displays the serving sectors for each point.

• A solid line represents active sectors, and a dashed line
represents candidate sectors.

• Show in Event Viewer – selects the relevant call and event

in the Event Viewer.

You can save one or more calls in the left pane as a separate layer by
right-clicking, enabling you to investigate these calls at a later stage.

Network Analysis Tools 39

Event Viewer – Main Operations
• Filter events or list of calls.
• Search for selected text.
• Export and Import events.
• Display the actual contents of the selected event.
• Display all the mobiles associated with the selected calls
at maximum zoom.

Network Analysis Tools 40

Drop and Access Failure Maps
• Drop Maps display all drops (except for drops caused by access
failure) reported in the network or in an area or sector selection.

• Access Failure Maps display

drops caused by access failure.

Currently Mentor supports maps

for layers of up to 250,000
access failures.
Network Analysis Tools 41
Mobile Drop Maps – Example

All Reasons

Selected Reasons

Network Analysis Tools 42

Mobile IRAT Maps
Mobile IRAT Maps display IRAT handover events indicating a
shift from the LTE network to the UMTS network, or from the
UMTS network to the GSM network.

Network Analysis Tools 43

In order to display CS calls, mobiles in LTE networks must move
to the underlying UMTS network.
CSFB Maps display the circuit-switch fallback events from an
LTE to a UMTS network.

Network Analysis Tools 44

Statistics Viewer – Performance Statistics (UMTS)

• Downlink Throughput
• Downlink Volume
• Ec/Io Best Server
• Ec/Io Coverage
• RRC Setup Time
• RSCP Best Server
• RSCP Coverage
• Uplink Throughput
• Uplink Volume

Network Analysis Tools 45

Statistics Viewer – Performance Statistics (LTE)

• Downlink Throughput
• Downlink Volume
• RRC Setup Time
• RSRP Best Server
• RSRQ Best Server
• Uplink Throughput

Network Analysis Tools 46

Lesson Summary – Q&A
• What types of performance maps can you create?
• Describe the main statistics available in Statistics Viewer?
• What is the purpose of the Event Viewer? What information
can you display in it?

Network Analysis Tools 47

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