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Research Methodology-

Minor Project
Presented By-
Abhilekh Thakur
Gufran Ahmad
Topic-Buying Pattern of Youth in Kolkata –
Readymade Garments over Tailored Clothing

 To find preferences of youth in buying apparel:

Readymade Garments over Tailored Clothing.

 Sub-Objectives-
 To find the factors influencing the purchase of
Readymade Garments.
 To find out from what media do youngsters get
information about their Readymade Garments style and

 Youth these days purchase only Readymade Garments

over Tailored Clothing.
 Despite it having several advantages like personal fit.
 The need is to find out the reasons, why youths prefer
Readymade Garments over Tailored Clothing.
Literature Review

 The majority of Indian population has historically been

brought up on tailored clothing
 Over the last decade, there has been a visible migration
from tailored clothing to readymade garments
 Factors like easy availability, variety of colours, and
range available gave consumers enough reasons to shift
their preferences
 Tailor made and Store bought clothes sit on complete
 The former is custom, hence unique, and the latter is
ready made, hence widely available
Sample Size Determination

Sampling technique preferred

Data Collection

Data Analysis


Statistical Techniques


Sample Size Determination
 Total Population of Kolkata is 4496694 (cencus-2011)
 Percentage of youth population in Kolkata= 12.4%
 Sex ratio of Kolkata is 908 females per 1000 males.
 The Youth population in Kolkata(Age-15-29 years)
 =(124x4496694)/1000 =557590
 Margin of Error=3% (plus-or-minus figure)
 Confidence Level=95% (how sure you can be of the margin of error?)
Constituencies  Percentage share of Approximate numbers of
  approximate youth youth to be covered
population (as per govt.
of India data) in Kolkata 
North Kolkata  39%  382 
South Kolkata  24%  230 
East Kolkata  15%  144 
West Kolkata  7%  66 
Central Kolkata   15%  142 
Total Kolkata Municipal Area 100% 964 
Greater Kolkata Data not Available 36 
 Total 1000
Data Analysis
Data Evaluation

 Style and Fit is the most important factor considered

while purchasing Readymade Garments.Mode-112
 People mainly prefer Readymade Clothes for Casual wear
 Social networking sites are the most significant in giving
information regarding Readymade apparel products
 The youngsters are most influenced by their friends
(psychologically) and advertisements for buying.
 60% of Sample oberservations have problem regarding fit
of Readymade Garments followed by size (37.8%)
Data Analysis

 Null Hypothesis HO= Readymade clothes provide more

value than Tailor made clothes.
 Alternative Hypothesis H1=Readymade clothes does not
provide more value the Tailor made clothes.
 The questionnaire has 15 questions based on various
factors of Readymade clothes and Tailor made clothes.
Strongly Agree 1 In Favour of Readymade Garments
Agree 2 -
Neutral 3 Neutral
Disagree 4 -
Strongly Disagree 5 In Favour of Tailored Garments
Chi Square Analysis of Questionnaire

 Readymade Garments vs Tailored Clothing (Responses).xlsx

 Tabular value of Chi Square at 5 per cent significance level
is 162.016 for the degree of freedom 134.
 If the calculated value is < tabular value, only then the
Null Hypothesis can be accepted.
 Variance = (∑(X1-Mean)2 )/n
 Standard Deviation =√ (∑(X1-Mean)2 )/n
 Calculated Chi-Square=∑(O-E)2/E
 Degree of Freedom = (n-1) = 134
Conclusion of Chi-Square

 We find that the calculated value of Chi-Square (24.138)

is less than the Tabular (162.016) value of Chi-Square.
 The result, thus, supports the hypothesis H0 and it can
be concluded that Readymade clothes provide more
value than Tailor made clothes

 Due to time constraint the sample size is minimum 50.

Considering the huge population of the city, the sample
size is very small and might not be the right
representation of population.
k Y
T h
 A study on consumer buying behavior in retail readymade
garment shops- P. M. RENUKA and SADHANA D. KULLOLI

 Research Methodology: C.R. Kothari

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