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Nuclear Physics

Course Contents:
“Measurement of Beta Ray energies
and magnetic lens spectrometer”
Energies of Beta-decay:

••As  there are three possible modes of have the energies is to be discussed separately for each.
•Electron emission/ :
•When no. of Neutrons are greater than protons then neutron convert into proton in the nucleus with the
emission of electron and anti –neutrino and energy.
•It take place when a nucleus has excess neutrons.
• The equation form:
•zAX→ Z+1Ay + -10e + + Q
•General form:
•01n→11P + -10e +
•Let MP = mass of parent atom(X) , Me = mass of electron & MD = mass of daughter atom.

•[MP –zme]c2 = MD – (zH)me]c2 + meC2 + mec2 + Q


• Pauli in 1913 discovered the paricle


  to law of conservation of mass
•MPc2–zmec2 -MDc2 – zmec2 - meC2 = Q
• Q=(MP-MD)c2
• Q=MPc2-MDc2
•So fer B- decay to take energy Q is share by daughter atom 01e &
•Positive emission / B+ decay:
•It take place when a nucleus has excess protons and can be represented as
•zAX→ Z+1Ay + -10e + U+ Q

•11P→01n + +10e + V
•[MP –zme]c2 = MD – (z-1)me]c2 + meC2 + mec2 + Q
•Electron Capturing:
•In the process proton write the nucleus is transformed into neutron by capturing e -
from K- shell along with emission of neutron (V)
•zAX+ -10e → Z-1Ay + V+ Q
•11P+ -10e →01n + V + Q
•11P→01n + -10e + V

•zAX→ Z+1Ay + -10e + V+ Q

•[MP –zme]c2 = MD – (z-1)me]c2 + meC2 + Q
•MPc2 –zmec2 + mec2 - MDc2 +zmec2 - mec2 = Q
•For electron capture Q>D , (MP – MD)c2>0

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