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CODE : IN302





Read the following writing task.

You have seen the following announcement on your college


My best friend

Tell us about your best friend for the college newspaper : We

want to know:

 How you met this person

 Why he or she is so special to you.
 We will publish the most interesting articles next week.

Write your article.

Read Henry´s article below and match the notes for his plan a
– d with the paragraph numbers.

Para 1 a How we became friends – same table at school,

playground visit each other´s houses.

Para 2 b My first impressions of Thea – contrast with

other kids.

Para 3 c When I met Thea – on school bus.

Para 4 d Why so special – share secrets, help each other,

spend time together, sit together.

An inseparable friend
An article
should have
a title
Thea has been my best friend from the day when,
aged seven, I climbed onto the school bus to go to
my new primary school.

I wandered nervously down the bus, which was full

of noisy kids shouting and laughing excitedly, and Notice the
Instead of adverbs.
using the found a place beside a quiet girl with fair hair and
You will
same friendly green eyes. get higher
word marks if
again, use We were both very shy, so we didn´t talk much to you use a
different each other on the way to school, although we range of
words vocabulary-
smiled at each other timidly. And when we went into
similar class we naturally sat down together at the same
meanings, table. Gradually we got to know each other, we
e.g. shy – played together in the playground, we visited each
timidly. other´s houses and our parents soon became firm
friends as well.

We still share each other´s secrets and we have

complete confidence in each other. When either of
Good to
us has a problem, the other is always ready to help.
have a
We have so much in common that we spend most of small joke
our free time together. We´ve even been on holiday at the end!
together sometimes. And we still share the same
table at school ten years later!
A good article consists of:

a. An eye-catching headline which suggests the topic of

the article that follows:
b. An interesting introduction;
c. A main body consisting of two or more paragraphs in
which the topic is presented in detail, and
d. A conclusion which gives an appropriate ending to the
article. Such pieces of writing can be found in
newspapers, magazines or newsletters.
Massive earthquake hits Georgia

A desvastating earthquake measuring 8.2 on the Richter

scale struck the provincial town of Brozhomi in Georgia,
Southern Russia last night.

Residents were awakened shortly after 2.00 am by violent

tremors lasting more than a minute. Eighty people were
killed in the earthquake, which destroyed hundreds of
homes and caused severe damage to those left standing.

Authorities fear that dozens of people may still trapped

under the debris of ruined buildings. Rescue efforts have
been hampered by a lack of equipment, and rescue
workers are battling under appalling weather conditions in
subzero temperatures.

Speaking over the wail of sirens, Vasya Puchka described

her personal tragedy. “There is nothing left for me. I have
Lost my home, my husband and three young children, I saw
them die.”

Unable to cope with the widespread devastation, Georgia

has appealed to the international community for medical
supplies and help with temporary housing. The rest of the
world has been quick to respond. Fleets of trucks carrying
food, medical supplies and tents are already on their way in
an attempt to relieve the horrific situation.

Write an article about how our country is affected by the

pandemic known as COVID -19. (140 – 190 words).

Send the task to the platform from 13rd to 17th July 2020.

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