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Presented By::
Fatima tul zahra
Sana Zulqarnain
 Sana Ali
 Eshaal Fatima
Meher Bano
Ghulam Khadija

Salah, the second pillar of Islam, is the most beloved form of worship
in the eyes of Allah (SWT). Salah is offered five times a day, every day.
It is obligatory on all Muslims – men and women alike.

Salah, in essence, is a direct representation of a Muslim’s dedication

and submission to Allah (SWT) and His Will. These five daily prayers
are spread out throughout the day in order to create ease for the
believer in offering Salah amidst the daily chaos of the world.
What is Namaz?

Salaah or namaz is an obligatory prayer performed by a practicing

Muslim five times a day. The namaz is performed early in the
morning, afternoon, evening, near sunset and late evening.
Each namaz lasts for between five to 10 minutes, and so cumulatively
the prayers take up around 30 minutes in a day.
Importance of Namaz

Direct communication with Allah

"The closest a person is to His Lord is when he is in prostration."

Through prayer, you are able to connect with your Lord. The Arabic word for prayer
(As-Salah) is actually derived from the Arabic word meaning “connection.”

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “When any one of you stands to
pray, he is communicating with his Lord, so let him pay attention to how he
speaks to Him.” Don’t cut this relationship between you and your Creator.
Importance of Namaz

A pillar of Islam
Prayer is the second most important pillar of Islam and is the most regular compulsory
action in a Muslim’s life. We fast just one month a year; we must give Zakah once a year; and
Hajj is only once a lifetime.
However, prayer is the one act that must be fulfilled at least five times a day, regardless of the
circumstance .
In fact, Allah did not even exempt the Muslims from praying during the battle! He says:
“Guard strictly your (habit of) prayers... If you fear (an enemy), pray on foot, or riding.”
Importance of Namaz

Success lies in the Prayer

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 

“The first of his deeds for which a man will be called to account on the Day of
Resurrection will be the prayers. If it is found to be perfect, he will be safe
and successful. But if it is defective, he will be unfortunate and a loser.”
Benefits of Namaz

Shields against evil

Man was created weak and without seeking help from Allah, it will be impossible to
refrain from evil.
Allah says:
“Verily, prayer restrains (oneself) from shameful and unjust deeds...”Qur’an 29:45
There is no doubt that the one who stands in front of Allah willingly will be different
from the one who doesn’t.
How can you continue to commit the same sins if you’re standing before Allah 5 times a day?
Benefits of Namaz

Enriches the soul

Man is forgetful, especially with the our busy lifestyles. Prayer satisfies our
spiritual need to be in contact with our Creator. This gives the soul peace and

Allah says,
“Without doubt, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.”
Qur’an 13:28
Benefits of Namaz

Makes us humble
By realizing Allah’s greatness and dependence on our Lord, man is humbled and rids us from pride
and arrogance. In the prayer, the Muslim puts the highest part of his body and source of intellect, his
head, on to the ground and says, “How perfect is my Lord, The Highest.”

Humbleness is one of the qualities which Allah has associated with success.

He says,
“Successful indeed are the believers, who are humble in their prayers.”
Qur’an 23:1-2
Benefits of Namaz

Washes away sins

Everyone commits sins; however, Allah has provided, in prayer, a way to wipe out those sins.

Allah says:
“And perform prayer… surely the good deeds remove the evils deeds.”
Qur’an 11:114
The Messenger gave a beautiful example when he said to his companions:
 “Consider if one of you had a river by his door in which he bathed five times a day. Would
any filth remain on him?” They said, “No.” Then the Prophet replied: “Likewise, Allah wipes
away sins with the five daily prayers.”
Benefits of Namaz

Cures our Problems

Man is surrounded by numerous trials and problems. Once we focus on strengthening our
relationship with our Lord, He, who is All-Powerful, will fix our worldly problems. Like our
scholars say, whoever strengthens their relationship between themselves and Allah, Allah will
strengthen their relationship between themselves and the creation.

Allah says,
“Seek help in patience and prayer.”
Qur’an 2:153

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