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What do you think???

 What is your favorite advertisement?


 Have you ever been influenced to buy a

product or service because of an

 Do you believe that advertising techniques

are always ethical?
Advertising Techniques
And Their Influence on
 Define advertising
 Identify 12 types of advertising techniques
 Determine the type(s) of advertising techniques
used when viewing or listening to
 State your opinion on the ethicality of
 Explain how responsible consumers should
analyze, evaluate, and use advertisements when
making decisions (in 5-8 sentences)
What Is Advertising???
 Any paid form of communication through
mass media directed at identified
consumers to provide information and
influence their actions (Dlabay et al)

 Any paid form of nonpersonal

communication about an organization,
food, service, or idea by an identified
sponsor (Kerin).
Types of Advertisements
 Product  Institutional
 Pioneering  Advocacy
(informational)  Pioneering institutional
 Competitive  Competitive institutional
(persuasive)  Reminder institutional
 Reminder
Developing the Advertising Program
 Identify the target audience (Who)
 Specify advertising objectives (Why)
 Setting the advertising budget
 Designing the advertisement
 Deciding on message content (What/Why)
 Creating the actual message
 Selecting the right media (How)
 Choosing a medium and vehicle
 Evaluating the advertising program
Deciding on the Message Content
 Jingles/Slogans  Snob appeal
 Facts and figures  Emotional appeal
 Glittering generalities  Free gifts/rewards
 Endorsements  Fear
 Testimonials  Sex
 Bandwagon  Humor
"Buy it. Sell it. Love it."
"Keeps going and going and going."
"Can you hear me now? ...Good!"
"Where do you want to go today?"
"It takes a licking and keeps on ticking."
"Beef. It's what's for dinner."
"Cuckoo for Coco Puffs"
"Give me a break! Give me a break! Break me off a piece of that ___!"
"Have it your way."
"Have you had your break today?"
"Zoom Zoom “

Retrieved October, 2006 from

"Buy it. Sell it. Love it." ~ eBay
"Keeps going and going and going." ~ Energizer Batteries
"Can you hear me now? ...Good!" ~ Verizon wireless
"Where do you want to go today?" ~ Microsoft, 1996
"It takes a licking and keeps on ticking." ~ Timex Corporation, 1956
"Beef. It's what's for dinner." ~ Cattlemen's Beef Board
"Cuckoo for Coco Puffs"
"Give me a break! Give me a break! Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat
"Have it your way." ~ Burger King
"Have you had your break today?" McDonald’s
"Zoom Zoom " ~ Mazda, 2000s

Retrieved October, 2006 from

Deciding on the Message Content
 Jingles/Slogans  Snob appeal
 Facts and figures  Emotional appeal
 Glittering generalities  Free gifts/rewards
 Endorsements  Fear
 Testimonials  Sex
 Bandwagon  Humor
Deciding on the Message Content
 Jingles/Slogans  Snob appeal
 Facts and figures  Emotional appeal
 Glittering generalities  Free gifts/rewards
 Endorsements  Fear
 Testimonials  Sex
 Bandwagon  Humor
What Kind of Message Content Is Used?

 FedEx  Mac #1
 CareerBuilder #1  Mac #2
 CareerBuilder #2  Mac #3
 Full Throttle  Mac #4
 Volkswagen #1  Mac #5
 Volkswagen #2  Political
 Degree Advertisement
How Should Advertisements Be Viewed?

 Informational/Educational?
 Trustworthy?
 Deceptive?
 Ethical?
 Unethical?
How Can We Become More Responsible
Consumers of Information?

 Research on products or services

 Product/Service comparison
 Trusted sources
 Unbiased reviews
 Define advertising
 Identify 12 types of advertising techniques
 Determine the type(s) of advertising techniques
used when viewing or listening to
 State your opinion on the ethicality of
 Explain how responsible consumers should
analyze, evaluate, and use advertisements when
making decisions (in 5-8 sentences)
A Look Ahead…

Create a print advertisement that is targeted

towards a certain marketing segment and
incorporates one of the advertising
techniques discussed

(Not your assignment…yet)

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