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*Students are still in the process of becoming a better person in different aspects. At this stage
of development, their brains functioning is a work in progress. Learning to be a better person
entails learning how to handle brain and the corresponding behavioral changes that it

*The brain acts as a dense network of fiber pathways that consists of approximately 100 billion
neurons which is responsible for all connections among the three principal parts; Stem,
Cerebellum, and Cerebrum.

*Learning can be owned to the Cerebrum, since it is where higher-order functions like memory
and reasoning occur. Its task become apparent in behavior as each area accomplishes its
functions in hearing, speech, touch, shot-term memory, language and reasoning abilities.

We are Group 9
Daniella Alcantara
Rodalyn aquino
Angel Dela Cruz
Mark Wendel Salvador

How Learning
Happens in the
Human Brain
Let’s start with the first set of slides

Expounded by Ford, learning happens through a

network of neurons where sensory information is
transmitted by synapsis along the neural pathway and
stored temporarily in short-term memory, a volatile
region of the brain that acts like receiving center for
the food of sensory information we encounter in our
daily lives.

This process occurs in an instant but

*Once processed in short-term it is no always perfect. In fact as
memory, our brains neural information races across billions of
pathways carry these memories neuron’s axons, which transmit
to the structural core, where they signals to the next neurons via
are compared with the existing synapse, some degradation is
memories and stored in our long common. It is the main reason why
term memory, the vast repository many memories are incomplete.
of everything we have ever
experienced in our lives.

As an example, when student’s commute or when an employees get to work

places, they don’t really need to think consciously about how to arrive at
their destinations. It becomes effortless because the trip had taken many
times already that the brain gets used to the usual scenario every time it
During emotional reaction to fear, anger, laughter, love to name a few the
emotion becomes part of the memory and strengthens it dramatically. This
explains why students had the best emotions during an event in their college
ears like the first college sweetheart (SANA ALL) first heartbreak

Failing a subject humiliated by a teacher are most likely to remember the

events with higher accuracy than those who simply witnessed the event
without any emotional attachment to it.

Birth, marriage, divorce and even death of loved one become


Stevens emphasized that changes in the brain allow for faster stronger
signaling between neurons as the brain gains new skills, but the best way
to speed up those signals is to slowly introduce new information to the

2. Metacogniton

Introducing metacognition into this chapter gives students the ability to control
and direct their learning experience to develop powerful skills that can directly
relate to their academic and career success.

*PERRAS has mentioned these descriptions of the word, metacognition;

According to PIERRE PAUL GAGNE; Metacognition enables students to be
more active in their learning to mobilize all of their resources in order to have
successful learning experiences. In order to do this, they must know how they
learn and be aware of the steps that are followed and the means that are used to
acquire knowledge, solve problems, and perform tasks.

*According to the LD Online Glossary, metacognition is the process of “Thinking

about Thinking” for example good readers use metacognition before reading
when they clarify their purpose for reading and preview the text. So in other
words metacognition is the understanding and awareness of ones own mental or
cognitive processes.



*A student learns about what things help him or her to remember facts, names,
and events.

*A student learns about his or her own style of learning.

*A students learns about which strategies are most effective for solving problems.

Students become increasingly autonomous in their learning as they become aware

of their strengths and weaknesses and understand that being successful depends
on the effort they make and the strength they implement.



Practice testing refers to any form of any testing for learning which a student is able
to do on his or her own. Examples of this technique are practicing recall through falsh
cards, or completing practice problems or tests.

2.Questioning and Explanation.

Elaborate interrogation is a complex name for a simple concept asking one’s self why
something is the way it is or a particular concept or fact is true and providing the answer.
Self explanation refers to a similar process through which the explanation might take the
form of answering why but also other questions, as well as relating new information to
information which is already known.


1. Importance of goals

Ryan as cited by Locke & Latham, premised that conscious goals affect action,
thus, a goal is the object or aim of an action. A college student’s academic goal Is to fulfill
the course requirements and pass all examinations to graduate on time for the length of
the program he/she is taking. Goals affect performance through four mechanisms.

First goal serve a directive function; they direct attention and effort toward goal-relevant
activities and away from goal-irrelevant activities.

Second goal have an energizing function. High goals lead to great effort than low goals

Third goals affect persistence. When participant are allowed to control the time they
spend on a task, hard goals prolong effort.

Fourth goals affect action indirectly by leading to the arousal, discovery, and use of
task-relevant knowledge and strategies.

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