Welcome To Our Presentation: Today Our Topic Is Operating System

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Welcome to our Presentation

Today our topic is Operating System

What is an Operating System?

The most important program that runs on your computer. It manages all
other programs on the machine.

Every PC has to have one to run other applications or programs. It’s the first thing
Operating System
It performs basic tasks,
such as:
• Recognizing input from the keyboard or mouse,
• Sending output to the monitor
•Keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and
•Controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.
Is There More Than One Type of OS?
• Generally, there are four types, based on the type of computer they control and the sort
of applications they support.

1.Single-user, single task

• This type manages the computer so that one user can effectively do one thing at a time.

2. Multi-user, multi-task
• Allows two or more users to run programs at the same time. Some operating
systems permit hundreds or even thousands of concurrent users.
3. Real Time Operating Systems
• RTOS are used to control machinery, scientific instruments, and industrial

4. Single-user, Multi-tasking
• This is the type of operating system most desktops and laptops use today.
• Microsoft’s Windows and Apple’s MacOS are both examples of operating systems that
will let a single user have several programs in operation at the same time.
OS’s Manage Applications
• Operating systems provide a software platform on top of which other “application”
programs can run.

• The application programs must be written to run on a particular operating system.

• So, your choice of operating system determines what application software you can run.
OS - Memory Storage and Management
• 1. Each process must have enough memory in which to execute, and It can neither run
into the memory space of another process, Nor be run into by another process.
• 1. The different types of memory in the system must be used properly so that each
process can run most effectively.
Cache Memory
• •Cache - A section of a computer's memory which temporarily retains recently accessed
data in order to speed up repeated access to the same data.

• It provides rapid access without having to wait for systems to load.

Virtual Memory
•Virtual Memory – a method of using hard disk space to provide extra memory. It
simulates additional RAM.

• •In Windows, the amount of virtual memory available, equals the amount of free RAM
plus the amount of disk space allocated to the swap file.
How a virtual memory realized?
• 1. on-line secondary storage
• 2. Swapping
• 3. Demand paging
File Management
• File access methods
1.Sequential access files.
2. Random access files.
File Operations
• An opining systems providing a set of operations to deal with files and their contents.

File operation:- Create, delete, open,, Close, Read, write, seek, copy
• When a file creator creates a file, he/she/it gives a name that users can use to access the file.
The rules for naming files vary from one opining system to another.
• For processing data, a commuter must first input data program for which it needs input
devices, Similar, to produce the results of processing, it needs output devices.
Controlling I/O Devices
• A computer uses device controllers I/O device to it. Each device controller is in charge of
and controls a set of device of a specific type.

1. NON-DMA Transfer
2. DMA Transfer
1. User authentication
2. Access control
3. Cryptography
Command Interpretation
The CPU needs to understand a command keyed in by a user. The CPU can interpret only
binary code, i.e. the code containing 0's and 1's. A command keyed in by user has to be
translated to binary code for the CPU to understand it. An operating system performs this task.

1. Command-line interface:- Command line interface (CLI) is a text-based interface that is

used to operate software and operating systems while allowing the user to respond to visual
prompts by typing single commands into the interface and receiving a reply in the same way.
• 2. Graphical user interface:- The graphical user interface, is a type of user interface that
allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and visual indicators
such as secondary notation, instead of text-based user interfaces, typed command labels or
text navigation.
Some of popular operating systems

Microsoft Windows ( windows3,0,windows95, windows98, windoows2000, windows XP,

windows XP Professional, windows vista, windows 8, windows 8.1, windows 10)
2. Microsoft windows NT
3. Linus

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