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Advanced Theory of

Dr. Noman Hasany
Chairman & Assoc. Prof. (CS), SSUET
Lecture 5
Equivalent DFA of NFA
• The proof that DFA's can do whatever NFA's
can do involves an important "construction"
called the subset construction because it
involves constructing all subsets of the set of
states of the NFA.
Equivalent DFA of NFA
Equivalent DFA construction
• Example 1
Equivalent DFA of NFA: example
Equivalent DFA of NFA: example
• Which states will be in the DFA?
– Find inaccessible states…
– Lazy construction principle…
• List only those states in the table that comes in the
result of previous states “starting from the start state”
• we only construct a state if we are forced to.
NFA to DFA: lazy construction
0 1
φ φ φ
{q0} {q0,q1} {q0}
{q0,q1} {q0,q1} {q0,q2}
{q0,q2} {q0,q1} {q0}
Equivalent DFA of NFA: example
Finite Automata with Epsilon-
• An NFA that is allowed to make a transition
spontaneously, without receiving an input
symbol i.e. a transition on ɛ, the empty string.
Formal Notation for an ɛ-NFA
Example ɛ-NFA
Example ɛ-NFA
Eliminating ɛ Transitions –
conversion of ɛ-NFA to DFA
Eliminating ɛ Transitions –
conversion of ɛ-NFA to DFA … contd
Example ɛ-NFA

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