MATHS2003 Profit, Loss and Gambling: Bayes' Rule Basic Statistics Probability Distributions

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MATHS2003 Profit, Loss and Gambling

Bayes’ Rule
Basic Statistics
Probability Distributions
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Week 2 Homework
Overview (last week)
Event composition
• Sum rule
• Multiplicative rule
Overview (this week)
Bayes’ Rule
Basic Statistics
• Measures of central location
• Measures of variability
Probability Distributions
• Random variables
• Expected value
• Standard deviation
Bayes’ Rule

Provider No.No. 00103D
Three bowls
• Bowl B1 contains 2 red and 4 white chips
• Bowl B2 contains 1 red and 2 white chips
• Bowl B3 contains 5 red and 4 white chips
The probabilities for selecting the bowls:
• P(B1)=1/3, P(B2)=1/6, P(B3)=1/2

The experiment consists of selecting a bowl and then

drawing a chip from that bowl
What is the probability of event R (red)
Law of Total Probability
Given a set of events B1, B2, …, Bk that are mutually
exclusive and exhaustive and an event A, the probability of
an event A can be expressed as:

P(A) = P(B1)P(A|B1) + P(B2)P(A|B2) + … + P(Bk)P(A|Bk)

Three bowls
• Bowl B1 contains 2 red and 4 white chips
• Bowl B2 contains 1 red and 2 white chips
• Bowl B3 contains 5 red and 4 white chips
The probabilities for selecting the bowls:
• P(B1)=1/3, P(B2)=1/6, P(B3)=1/2

The experiment consists of selecting a bowl and then

drawing a chip from that bowl
Suppose that the outcome is a red chip. What is the
probability that it came from B1?
Bayes’ Rule
The conditional probability of an event Bi, given that an event
A has occurred

P ( A  B )  P ( A)  P ( B | A)  P ( B )  P ( A | B )
P( B) P( A | B)
P ( B | A) 
P ( A)

P ( Bi ) P( A | Bi )
P ( Bi | A) 
P ( A)
Suppose that the outcome is a red chip
• What is the probability that it came from B1?
• What is the probability that it came from B2?
• What is the probability that it came from B3?
Medical case histories indicate that different illnesses may
produce identical symptoms. Suppose a particular set of
symptoms, which we will denote as event H, occurs only
when any one of three illnesses A, B, or C occurs. Studies
show these probabilities of getting the three illnesses:
P(A) = 0.01; P(B) = 0.005; P(C) = 0.02
The probabilities of developing the symptoms H, given a
specific illness, are:
P(H|A) = 0.90; P(H|B) = 0.95; P(H|C) = 0.75
Assuming a person shows the symptoms H, what is the
probability that the person has illness A?
In a certain factory, machines I, II and III are all producing
wires of the same length
Of their production, machines I, II and III produce 2%, 1%
and 3% defective wires, respectively
Of the total wire production, machine I produces 35%,
machine II produces 25%, and machine III produces 40%
• If one wire is randomly selected, what is the probability that it is
• If the wire is defective, what is the probability that it was produced
by machine III?
Basic Statistics

Provider No.No. 00103D
Measures of Central Location
• most popular measure
• commonly referred to as the average
• sum of values divided by number of measurements

n N

x i x i
x i 1
 i 1

n N
Example 1
• The number of hours that 6 students watched television
during an exam week are shown below:
10, 15, 24, 6, 18, 10
Determine the mean number of hours these students
spent watching television
Measures of Central Location
• Value that falls in the middle when measurements are
arranged in order of magnitude
• Symbol m
• It will be the (n+1)/2 term
• average two numbers if n is even
Example 2
• The number of typing mistakes per page from 5
secretaries follow:
3, 6, 15, 2, 0
Find the median number of mistakes per page
• Find the median for the following set of numbers:
2, 5, 6, 9, 11, 27
Measures of Central Location
• Value that occurs most frequently
• If there are 2 modes then the distribution is said to be

• Find the mode for the number of hours spent watching

10, 15, 24, 6, 18, 10
Measures of Variability
Measures of central tendency do not tell the whole story
about a distribution of measurements
Consider the average monthly rainfall in 2 areas

A: 35 45 22 15 2 4 6 2 4 4 20 21
B: 15 16 15 15 13 12 15 16 16 16 15 16

• Determine mean for both areas

• Which area would you choose for a farm that needs constant
Measures of Variability
• numerical difference between largest and smallest
Variance n

 (x  x )

s 
2 i 1

• most widely accepted measure of variability of a set of
• takes into account each measurement
Measures of Variability
Standard Deviation

 (x  x )

s i 1

• Has units that are the same as the original data
Interpreting Standard Deviation
If income of a company’s employees has a mean of $45,000
and standard deviation of $5,000, what does it tell us about
the spread of the data?
It would be more meaningful if we could determine the % of
measurements that fall within a specified range
Empirical Rule
If a sample of measurements has a mound-shaped
distribution (bell-shaped), the interval:

( x  s, x  s )contains 68% of measurements

( x  2 s, x  2contains
s) 95% of measurements

( x  3s, x  3contains
s) virtually all measurements
Telephone-call durations have been recorded for a company.
The calls have a mean of 10.2 and standard deviation of 4.5
• If the distribution is bell-shaped, 95% of the calls lie in
what interval?
It is known that the average income of 1000 employees has
a mound-shaped distribution with an average of $45,000 and
standard deviation of $5,000. How many employees would
you expect to earn between:
a. $40,000 - $50,000
b. $35,000 - $55,000
c. $30,000 - $60,000

Provider No.No. 00103D
Qualitative (categorical) variables
– places an experimental unit into one of several groups
Quantitative (numerical) variables
• Measures a numerical quantity on each experimental
• Discrete or continuous
Nea Employee Information
eerd Name Age Gender Job Salary # Kids
FM Sam 39 Female Manag. 62100 2
a9aa12 Bert 27 Male Techn. 47350 4
e. Eve 22 Female Cleric. 18250 0
BM e7 Fred 48 Male Manag. 77600 2
Random Variables
A variable X is a random variable if the value that it assumes
is as a result of a random event
• number of accidents on a strip of road
• number of calls in a time period
• amount won in a roulette spin
Discrete random variable
• Only a finite or countable number of values
Probability Distribution
Probability distribution for a random variable X is a formula,
table or graph that provides the probability p(x) associated
with each of the values of x
• Requirements:

0  p( x)  1  p( x)  1
Probability density function (pdf)
Toss two fair coins and let X be equal to the number of
heads observed
• Find the probability distribution for X

Roll a 4-sided die twice and let X equal the larger of the two
• Write down the probability distribution for this
Distribution Function
Instead of considering events such as {X=x} and the
corresponding probabilities P(X=x), one can consider the
probabilities P(X≤x)
The function F(x) = P(X≤x) is known as the distribution

Let the pdf of X be defined by p(x) = x/9, x = 2,3,4
Determine the distribution function and sketch its graph
Expected Value
Value that you would expect to observe on average if the
experiment is repeated over and over again
  E ( X )   xi p( xi )
i 1

Ex. Consider the probability distribution again for the number

of heads from two tosses of a coin. Suppose the experiment
is repeated a large number of times
How many heads would you expect to get on average?
Variance measures the spread or variability of the random

 2   ( x   ) 2 p ( x)  E ( X 2 )   2

  ( x 2  2  x   2 ) p( x)

  x 2 p ( x)  2   xp ( x)   2  p ( x)

  x 2 p( x)  2 2   2   x 2 p ( x )   2
Standard deviation is equal to the square root of the

  ( x   ) 2
p( x)

  x 2
p ( x )   2
Consider a dice game in which the player rolls a die
If any number from 1 through 5 is rolled, the player receives
a return of $3
If a six is rolled, the return is $15
• Write down the probability distribution
• What is the expected return?
• What is the variance of the probability distribution?
• What is the standard deviation?
Bayes’ Rule
Basic Statistics
• Measures of central location
• Measures of variability
Probability Distributions
• Random variables
• Expected value
• Standard deviation

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