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Health emphasis

 Pro 26:2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse
causeless shall not come.

 Take One teaspoon of cayenne pepper

and drink it down. Or chew one piece of
fresh cayenne pepper.
 If person cannot take the remedy on their
own; put cayenne on their tongue and
give some water and tilt the head so they
can swallow
 Heart attack will stop within 10 seconds.

 There are many factors that raise the

blood pressure
 • Stress (adrenalin)
 • Anxiety
 • Certain Medication (Antidepressants
(including venlafaxine, bupropion, and
 But the underlying factor is diet and a
sedentary lifestyle!

 Usually due to diet and sedentary living, a person gets

more energy from food than he can utilise on physical
activities! The excess energy is stored as fat for future
use! Also due to a high fat diet there is excess cholesterol
in the blood stream and this gets deposited in the arteries,
thus reducing the lumen (the space inside the artery)
 Thus the pressure the blood exerts on the arteries is
increased and results in high blood pressure!
 Other symptoms of hypertension include Headache,
difficulty breathing, blurred vision, rapid pulse, dizziness

 • Tobacco
 • Oral contraceptives
 • Sudden colvulsion in pregnant women (eclampsia) and other kidney diseases of
pregnancy usually cause high blood pressure in pregnant women
 Normal blood pressure can be in the
range 130-110/80-60
 The danger of high blood pressure is, it
leads to other serious conditions such
as Diabetes type 2 and Stroke. So one
has to know how to deal with this

 Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of
water, trust in divine power--these are the true remedies. Every person should
have a knowledge of nature's remedial agencies and how to apply them. It is
essential both to understand the principles involved in the treatment of the sick
and to have a practical training that will enable one rightly to use this knowledge.
{MH 127.2}

 When most people hear about exercise all they think of is hard labour. But
exercise is good for our health .Below are some of the benefits of exercise:
  Improves blood circulation
  prevents hypertension, diabetes
  recovery treatment for stroke
  headaches, muscle aches

 The exercise that is recommended for all ages is

walking. Walking for not less than 30min a day is
what scientists recommend.
 What's the difference between running vs Jogging
and waking?
 Whenever you engage in an exercise that involves
you panting or failing to catch your breath. What you
do is you just use up the glycogen in your muscles.
Glycogen is storage form of glucose in your muscles.
So once you finish the exercise you are more fit, you
have improved blood circulation but you don’t lose

 The reason is as soon as you eat the

glucose in the food is converted into
glycogen and goes straight to replace the
glycogen that was used up during the
exercise. But if you Jog or walk or do
any exercise that does not involve you
losing your breath. You use up the fat, fat
is used as a source of energy and at the
end you have improved your blood
circulation and also end up losing weight

 On average a healthy person must exercise 3-5 times a

week to stay healthy. Another issue is most people are
brain workers. They only use their brain and not the
 But if they were exercising they would get a fresh
supply of blood to the brain and also avoid migraine
 Migraine headache which are caused by blood pooling
in the brain area. Also another thing is exercise helps
prevent low self-esteem and depression. When you
exercise your body releases endorphins which are what
we call feel good hormones. Which elevate the mood
as well as make u have a good sense of well-being.
 Finally, when you exercise you burn fat,
fat causes diabetes type II as well as
cardiovascular disease and also stroke
and variety of other diseases. So even if
you are healthy today, you want to be
healthy tomorrow. So start exercising
now, do something to get the blood

 Sunlight is by far one of the most ignored

natural remedies out there.
 The sunshine can be used in the following
  hypertension
  insomnia
  depression
  weak bones
  weak immunity

 The sun is by far one of the greatest wonders of

nature. But the best time to sun bathe is always in
the morning around 7-10am when the sun is not at
its hottest. And again from 3-5pm when the sun is
about to set. But around the noon hours it's not wise
to be other sun as the sun is at its strength and
harmful rays can hit you.
 But when we sun bathe we raise the temperature of
the body and thus encourage the production of white
blood cells, which are cells that fight off infection in
the body. Thus in case of sickness the patient should
be allowed some sun instead of indoors all day

 Also when sunbathing you set off a long chain

reaction whereby cholesterol or fat in the body is
converted into Vitamin D, thus this is helpful in
people with high blood pressure. Vitamin D works
together with Calcium in order to have strong health
bones and without vitamin D, calcium absorption and
utilisation in the body would be minimal
 The sun also encourages the production of hormones
that regulate sleep, so if you suffer from sleep
disorders the sun will help you in this areas. In a day
at least bathe in the sun a total of 45min-1hour.

 Temperance is self-control, without it no

one can be heal of disease. We need to
exercise self-control in every area. In eating
most people will eat from morning all the
way to evening, they say they are
"snacking" but this is all wrong. What you
are doing is diverting massive amounts of
energy to digestion. Just to show you that
digestion takes up alot of energy.

 When you get sick, your body tries to shut down

operations so that most of the energy is converted to
fighting off disease. So you get low appetite and if
you persist to eat you vomit. This is nature's ways. So
in case of sickness what must one eat. He can eat lots
of fresh fruits and vegetable salads (separately, fruits
n veggies must not be at same meal they ferment in
the stomach). Also because Raw fruits and vegetables
have their enzymes intact you don’t task the body
much in digestion. Thus why a sick person can eat
fruits and not vomit. So we see that a person must
allow the stomach rest a full 4-5hrs before a next

 If your stomach does not rest liver hardness leading to

liver failure, because once food is absorbed into the
body but is directed to the liver via the hepatic portal
vein where the liver has to reassemble the food
molecules, so if you are eating all the time you may
develop liver complications as you age.
 Have a proper eating plan for example: breakfast at
7:00 or 8:00 lunch at 12:00 or 13:00 dinner at 17:00 or
18:00. The reason one must one eat after 18:00hrs is
simple. Food takes 2-3hrs to digest if it's a vegetarian
meal, and takes longer if it's meat. So when you eat at
20:00hrs or so and sleep an hour later. Whilst you sleep
the stomach is still at work

 And while you sleep your abdominal muscles which help digestion are inactive, during the day you are
up and down and the abdominal muscles squeeze the stomach and assist in churning the food but at
night this doesn't happen and digestion takes longer and the food ferments and when it's done you have a
lot of energy and most of it is turned into energy store or fat
 thus those who eat late usually gain weight. But if you had eaten around 18:00 you would still be active
and some of the food would have been used up as energy. Thus if someone wanted to lose weight they
would have to change their meals around Every heard of breakfast like a king, lunch like a peasant and
dinner like a beggar. The breakfast should be the heaviest meal of the day e.g. Nsima in the morning. So
that by lunch most of the energy from food is used up. By lunch you have already done so much work
you can have a lighter meal e.g some pasta
 And dinner you can take some fruits which will take less time to digest. In between drink water. Do this
and you may never have to complain of weight gain again, plus you will be healthy because the body
needs most energy in the morning and less as the day goes by

 Also we need to get rid of caffeine. This is found in coffee, tea, energy drinks and other
beverages. Caffeine is dangerous it implants where your receptors receive adenosine which is
a hormone for sleep. Caffeine Makes you feel awake and alert, because it makes your body
feel stress and shocked, thus your body starts pumping blood and breaking down glycogen
into glucose thus raising blood glucose level. Thus caffeine is dangerous for those with high
blood pressure or diabetes. So instead you can plant some lemon grass near your house and
use this as a tea it has many health benefits too, hibiscus as a tea or black strap molasses.
 Another thing is refined sugar. Refined sugar is dangerous and so too are sugars in the soft
drinks. These can drop your immunity for upto 5hrs and also you use up calcium from bones
to breakdown the sugar, So instead replace with natural honey which has more health benefits.

 Cow Milk is another evil, most people develop diabetes type 2. Once milk is
digested the Body fails to digest casein which is a milk protein. In the body since
it's a protein the body recognises it as an antigen and antibodies cells are sent to
attack it. And it is these same antibodies that attack the islet cells of the pancreas
because they have similar receptor site. So as time goes the pancreas gets weaker
and fails to produce insulin and diabetes type 2 starts. Replace milk with soya
milk. The purpose of temperance is to take out the bad and replace with
something good. And also regulate the good. Intemperance always results into

 one area that needs care! Eat whole grain rather than refined grains!
Whole maize or wheat brans products are better. Eat lots of fresh
fruit with breakfast, eat green leaves together with supper and lunch,
make them into salads if not steam them! Whole grains, fruits,
vegetables all contain fibre.
 Fibre is important in reducing the amount of cholesterol in the body,
as well as helping the movement of food in the alimentary canal.
When bile is secreted to emulsify fats in the intestines, the fibre binds
to the bile and it is excreted in the faces, whilst if you eat refined
foods there is little or no fibre and the bile is reabsorbed to be re-
used! Bile is made in the liver and the liver makes it from the
cholesterol, so in case of fibre foods, the liver continual makes bile
from the cholesterol in the blood stream.
 Fruits and vegetables contain anti-
oxidants such as vitamin E. These help
fight oxidised cholesterol, and help raise
the amount of High density lipo-proteins
which is good for the heart! Also drink
400ml of carrot juice on an empty
stomach, will help remove plaque from
the arteries and prevent them from
hardening and also restore their elasticity
 Eat nuts, nuts (a handful per day) with breakfast. Legumes are also good,
especially soy beans, green beans, etc... Seeds are also best because they contain
a concentration of organic minerals. Sesame seeds as well as pumpkin seeds are
very good as they contain lots of fibre. So the health diet will consist an
abundance of fruits, nuts, grains, legumes, vegetables and seeds! Also eat tubers
such as potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes and cassava. Also kidney beans, black
eyed peas, green peas, soya beans are all great sources of plant protein. Green
leafy vegetables are excellent, and it's best to eat the raw whenever possible. For
example, spinach has more protein than beef. It's best to eat twice a week.
 Meat and meat products, eggs, chicken, as well
as milk and milk products these are what will
cause hypertension and are the mother of all
disease, due to the high amount of fat they
contain. Deep frying will only worsen these
food items. When you deep fry these food items
become oxidized and thus are carcinogenic to
the body and will lead to cancer or tumours.
Avoid preservatives, soft drinks, baking soda.

 Also avoid using much refined salt (salt

containing sodium chloride and iodine).
The sodium causes water retention and
increases blood pressure. Also refined
sugar is converted to fat in the body, so
replace this with honey!
 If you look at fish it has a lot of histamine,
which is a hormone that regulates water
loss, but it induces asthma attacks
 The thing people must know is meat and animal products such as meat, chicken,
fish and eggs even milk all contain animal protein. This animal protein has to be
deaminated and the products are acidic. The pH of the blood is slightly alkaline
pH 7.4 Thus whenever these contents are being transported the pH slightly
changes thus makes healing difficult. But when you eat plant proteins as well as
fruits and vegetables the pH is maintained in its alkaline state. This is why
patients with cancer who go on a pure vegan diet and subsist on pure vegetable
juices recover from cancer. But if they continue feeding on meats they feed their
cancer and die
 Choosing a healthy diet may seem like a great sacrifice but, its worth it in the
end. People usually believe vegetarian dishes are about dull, but if you do a little
research and begin to study more and use cookbooks it can be fun and

 ½ cabbage
 1 handful of onions
 1 handful of garlic
 1 handful ginger
 Chop the above ingredients.
 Boil 3 litres of water, after the boil add the ingredients and sieve after 1 hour or leave
overnight and sieve in the morning. Drink 300 ml 3 times a day.
 Effects heals oedema of the feet and pain in the legs. Brings back sight lost by diabetes

 - when you fast your body detoxifies and

revitalises its self, but when you add fruits and
vegetable juices this process is increased
tenfold but so too don’t mix fruits and vegies on
a meal, fermentation happens in the stomach
and it destroys the nutritional content of food.
 So take fruits for breakfast and vegetable salads
for lunch and fruits again in the evening.
 On fruits take apples as they contain pectin
lowers blood pressure, oranges as well

 On vegetables make salads with lots of garlic as well

as onions as well as beet roots
 Do this for three days and the blood pressure
normalises, also make sure you don’t eat any cooked
foods, but drink lots of water during this three-day fruit
fasting. Also drink juice from crush celery leaves this
acts as a vasodilator. Broccoli also helps reduce the
blood pressure elp dissolve fat in the body and thus
reduce high blood pressure. 2 teaspoons in warm water
 (250ml) once a day 30min before a meal or 2hrs after a

 Black strap molasses

 -they help dissolve fat in the body and
thus reduce high blood pressure. 2
teaspoons in warm water
 (250ml) once a day 30min before a meal
or 2hrs after a meal

 Black seed oil

 Take one tablespoon of black seed oil in the
morning and the evening


 Himalayan salt
 -this prevents water retention in the
body as it contains 84 minerals and is
the best replacement for refined salt
which only contains sodium chloride
and iodine

 Garlic
 It is a vasodilator; this helps the blood
to be less viscous but if a surgical
operation is on the way stop 7 days
before being operated
 Take 3 cloves of garlic in the morning
and 3 in the evening

 Lemons
 - these contain a lot of anti-oxidants and
also help dissolving fats. Take 5 lemons
and squeeze their juice- take their juice on
an empty stomach for 2 weeks.

 Crush the rinds of five lemons soak in one

litre of water add 1 bulb of crashed garlic.
Leave the mixture overnight drink 300ml
3 times a day, 30 min before meals. Do
wet sheet wrap morning and evening

 Natural Raw honey and cinnamon

 2 tablespoons of honey with three teaspoons of cinnamon
in 250ml of warm water reduces cholesterol in the body,
take it 2hrs after lunch and breakfast.
 Also make a paste of honey and cinnamon in a 1:1 ration,
this taken with breakfast, will save patient from heart
attack and strengthen the heart beat as well as retain
 Taking honey 2 tablespoons of honey with 1 teaspoon of
cinnamon in hot water, take it on an empty stomach in the
morning and at night before sleeping- this does not allow
fat to accumulate in the body even and lower cholesterol

 Moringa leaf powder

 - this is one of the most powerful remedies on
reducing cholesterol and is a must in order to
supplement your diet with all minerals

 Moringa contains all minerals found in milk and

comparing them gram for gram, Moringa has 3
times the amount found in milk
 Take a teaspoon in each meal
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