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Lesson 8 :

personal relationship

Ms. Fuentes
Today’s Objectives:
At the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. Discuss that understanding the intensity and

differentiation of your emotions may help in
communicating emotional expressions
2. Explore your positive and negative emotions and how
you express or hide them and
3. Demonstrate and create ways to manage various

Review Time
The neurobiological basis of emotions
Emotional intelligence
Gardners Multiple Intellegence

What is a Personal Relationship

Even before language was invented, prehistoric humans

were already interacting through many forms of behavior.

Survival is the primary reasons why we have a need to


What is a Personal Relationship

This is the type of relationship with a person and which

can only have meaning to this person.

It involves a degree of commitment to another person.


How are Attachments Developed

The very first meaningful relationship every human being

encounter is with one’s mother.

Our relationships in the future are shaped to a large

extend by our attachment to our parents.

Ainsworth’s Attachment Theory

1. Secure Attachment – will grow up to have more stable

2. Avoidant Attachment - the child senses rejection
which leads to detachment.
3. Anxious-Ambivalent Attachment – when the caregiver
is inconsistent, the child may develop mixed feelings.

Fisher’s Three Stages of Falling in Love

1. Lust – driven by sex hormones, testosterone and

2. Attraction – involves neurotransmitters such as
dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin.
3. Attachment – long-lasting commitments are

Other Reasons for Attraction

1. Transference – sometimes when we meet people, we

are reminded of someone we know in the past.
2. Propinquity effect – we develop a sense of familiarity
with people who are close to us.
3. Similarity – we are often attracted to like-minded

Other Reasons for Attraction

• Reciprocity – we like people who like us back

• Physical Attractiveness – connotes positive health and
reproductive fitness
• Personality – possessing desirable traits such as
optimism and empathy.

Responsibilities in a Relationship

• Be responsible for what you think and say to the other

• Be responsible for what you promise to do or not do.
• Ensure the relationship is mutually beneficial
• Respect the other parties involved.
• Be ready when support is needed

Responsibilities in a Relationship

• Be responsible for what you think and say to the other

• Be responsible for what you promise to do or not do.
• Ensure the relationship is mutually beneficial
• Respect the other parties involved.
• Be ready when support is needed

The Neurobiological Basis of Emotions.

All emotions are, in essence, impulse to act, the

instant plan for handling life that evolutions has
instilled in us.

-Daniel goleman

How do you stay
mentally healthy?

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