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Rules, Rewards, Consequences

with Mr. Bee

First Grade 
Ms. Haley Pedersen
Hive Rules
Be like Mr. Bee! 

01 02 03 04 05 06
1. Always do your 2. Raise your 3. Be nice to your 4. Keep all hands, 5. Have fun!  6. Be respectful! 
best!  hand to speak classmates!  feet, and supplies
your turn!  in your bubble!
Rewards For every day you are a
 good bee, you will earn a
Be a good Bee! honeycomb!

5          = Five minutes of free time! 

10        = Pick from treasure chest!

15            = Free Homework Pass!

20        = Lunch with Ms. Haley!

Everyday the whole class is a good bee, a stick will go in the hive.. Once our hive is full we get to have a class party!! 
 Start: Good Bee! 
Good job today! You get a honeycomb!

 One bad behavior: Shocked Bee!

Mr. Bee's  Just a warning, try again tomorrow! Fill 

Log Out the bee-havior form!

you must pull a slip every time

Mr. Bee spots you breaking Hive  Two Bad Behaviors: Sorry Bee!
rules.  Call home to parents!

 Three Bad Behaviors: Angry Bee! 

Cool down in another beehive!

Worker Bee Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday Thursday  Friday 

Annabelle Good bee

*Received Honeycomb*
Shocked Bee
*Filled our Bee-Havior
Good bee
Good bee
Shocked Bee
*Filled our Bee-
sheet* Honeycomb*  Honeycomb* Havior sheet*

Sean Sad Bee Shocked Bee Sad Bee Angry Bee Good bee
*Called and talked  *Filled our Bee- *Called and talked  *Sent to Mr. P's beehive *Received
With mom* Havior sheet* With mom* for a cooldown*  Honeycomb*

Everley Good bee Good bee Good bee Good bee Good bee
*Received *Received *Received *Received *Received
 Honeycomb*  Honeycomb*  Honeycomb*  Honeycomb*  Honeycomb*

Luca Good bee Good bee Good bee Good bee Good bee
*Received *Received *Received *Received *Received
 Honeycomb*  Honeycomb*  Honeycomb*  Honeycomb*  Honeycomb*

Aubrey Shocked Bee Good bee Good bee Good bee Good bee
*Filled our Bee- *Received *Received *Received *Received
Havior sheet*  Honeycomb*  Honeycomb*  Honeycomb*  Honeycomb*

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