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Ahmet Baki Sarı Serhat Kuşcu
160103025 160103028
Definition , Responsibilities
Unbundling of TSO

List of Europen TSO ‘ s


• Electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) are
responsible for the reliable transmission of power from
generation plants to regional or local electricity
distribution operators (DSOs) by way of a high voltage
electrical grid.
• Since TSOs are usually a natural monopoly, they are
subject to state regulation.
• TSOs provide grid access to the electricity market players (i.e. generating companies, traders, suppliers,
distributors and directly connected customers) according to non-discriminatory and transparent rules.
• Each European Member State typically has one national TSO but in Germany’s case, there are four, each
responsible for a particular “control area”. TSOs are often wholly or partly owned by state governments
• TSOs are tasked with maintaining, operating, planning and
extending, a robust and cost-efficient network. With safety
and reliability in the foreground, their main responsibility is
to ensure that the grid remains stable at all times so as to
safeguard the consumer’s security of supply.
• Security of supply entails meeting the demand for
transmission while keeping generation/consumption levels
balanced as to avoid any fluctuations in frequency,
interruptions in supply and even grid failure..
• At times, balance necessitates making appropriate levels of generation reserve capacity available. In the
EU, TSOs are also expected to set the minimum operational rules and obligations on network security and
be able to forecast electricity demands for a medium-term period.
With the Third Energy Package in 2009, the EU introduced the obligation for grid operators to be unbundled from
power generation. Three different unbundling models are possible:
• Full Ownership Unbundling - this option requires that the same person or persons controlling TSOs are not
entitled to directly, or indirectly, have any interest in companies which generate, produce or supply electricity.
This is the European Commission's preferred option.
• Independent System Operator ("ISO") - under this option, the vertically-integrated company still owns the
transmission network, but the operation of the network is carried out by an independent system operator
appointed by the relevant E.U. Member State and approved by the European Commission.
• Independent Transmission Operator ("ITO") - this is the lowest threshold for unbundling and allows for the
ownership of the transmission network to remain with the vertically-integrated company but requires the
company to comply with a number of rules aimed at ensuring the independence of its supply and generation
businesses, e.g. the
A nearly complete list of European TSOs
• Within the framework of the Transmission License
obtained from the Electricity Market Regulatory
Authority in 2003, TEİAŞ continues its activities
with central units and projects, facilities, control,
operation, maintenance and load distribution units
spread throughout the country in accordance with the
new market structure.
• TEİAŞ 'transmission network; It consists of 66,453 km energy transmission line, 729 transformer centers, 163,849
MVA transformer power and 12 interconnection lines with neighboring countries.
• As of the end of 2017, we operate the Interconnected Electricity System in an uninterrupted, high-quality and reliable
manner with 85,200 MW power plant installed power, 47,660 MW instant power, 295.5 billion kWh annual electrical
energy production.
• The Turkish electricity system has been operating in synchronous parallel with the European Electricity Transmission
System Operators Network (ENTSO-E) since 18.09.2010.
Regional transmission organization (North

• A regional transmission organization (RTO) in

the United States is an electric power 
transmission system operator (TSO) that
coordinates, controls, and monitors a multi-state
electric grid.
• The transfer of electricity between states is
considered interstate commerce, and electric grids
spanning multiple states are therefore regulated by
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
• The voluntary creation of RTOs was initiated by FERC Order No.
2000, issued on December 20, 1999. The purpose of the RTO is
to promote economic efficiency, reliability, and non-discriminatory
practices while reducing government oversight.
• ISOs but cover a larger geographic area. An independent
system operator (ISO) is similarly an organization formed at the
recommendation of FERC.
• In the areas where an ISO is established, it coordinates, controls,
and monitors the operation of the electrical power system,
usually within a single US state, but sometimes encompassing
multiple states. RTOs typically perform the same functions as
ISOs but cover a larger geographic area.
The German transmission system

• The rising demand for energy and the need to bridge increasing distances have over the decades required ever higher
transmission voltages.
• At the highest level, the supra-regional transmission grid, electricity is transmitted at extra-high voltages of 380 kV or 220
kV, across long distances from large-scale power plants connected to the extra-high-voltage system to centres of electricity
use – including to European neighbors
• They distribute electricity at a voltage of 110 kV in relatively large areas.
• The voltage is transformed to higher or lower voltages.
• Grid types on the right side for Germany.

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