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Ashik Istiak

It is a poem that has five

lines and creates a
mood, picture, or
feeling. Lines 1 through
4 are made up of words,
phrases or clauses while
the first word of each
line is in alphabetical
order. Line 5 is one
sentence long and begins
with any letter.

An acrostic poem is a
type of poetry where the
first, last or other letters
in a line spell out a
particular word or
phrase. The most
common and simple
form of an acrostic poem
is where the first letters
of each line spell out the
word or phrase.

It is a poem that tells a

story similar to a folk
tale or legend which
often has a repeated

It is a form of poetry
which has three stanzas
of seven, eight or ten
lines and a shorter final
stanza of four or five. All
stanzas end with the
same one line refrain.
Blank Verse

It is a poem written in
unrhymed iambic
pentameter and is often
unobtrusive. The iambic
pentameter form often
resembles the rhythms
of speech.

It is a kind of poetry that

Thank you
treats a serious subject I had forgotten the world
as humor. As in love with you was I
Now I thank you for the treachery
I’m very much aware of the world now.
Carpe diem

It is a Latin expression
that means 'seize the
day.' Carpe diem poems
have a theme of living
for today.

A syllogism is a form of
logical reasoning that
joins two or more
premises to arrive at a
conclusion. For example:
“All birds lay eggs. A
swan is a bird. Therefore,
a swan lays eggs.”
Syllogisms contain a
major premise and a
minor premise to create
the conclusion, i.e., a
more general statement
and a more specific
Dramatic Monologue

It is a type of poem
which is spoken to a
listener. The speaker
addresses a specific
topic while the listener
unwittingly reveals
details about

It is a sad and
thoughtful poem about
the death of an

It is a commemorative
inscription on a tomb or
mortuary monument
written to praise the

An Ode is a lyric poem,

usually addressing a
particular person or
thing. It originated in
Ancient Greece. Odes
use similes, metaphors
and sometimes a
technique called
Free Verse

It is a kind of poetry
written in either rhyme
or unrhymed lines that
have no set fixed
metrical pattern.

It is a short lyrical poem

that arose in Urdu. It is
between 5 and 15 couplets
long. Each couplet contains
its own poetic thought but
is linked in rhyme that is
established in the first
couplet and continued in
the second line of each pair.
The lines of each couplet
are equal in length. Themes
are usually connected to
love and romance. The
closing signature often
includes the poet's name or
allusion to it.

It is a Japanese poem
composed of three
unrhymed lines of five,
seven, and five morae,
usually containing a season
word. It is a major form of
Japanese verse, written in
17 syllables divided into 3
lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables,
and employing highly
evocative allusions and
comparisons, often on the
subject of nature or one of
the seasons.
Terza Rima
A terza rima is an Italian form of
poetry first used by Dante
Alighieri.A terza rima consists of
stanzas of three lines (or tercets)
usually in iambic pentameter. It
follows an interlocking rhyming
scheme, or chain rhyme. This is
where the middle of each stanza
rhymes with the first and last line
of the following stanza. There is no
set length to this form, as long as it
follows the pattern as follows:
With the last stanza as a couplet
rhyming with the middle line of
the previous stanza. In this case,

A Triolet is a poem of
fixed rhythmical form,
with repeated lines. It is
made up of eight lines
with a set rhyming
scheme. A Triolet
consists of eight lines,
the rhyming scheme is:
AB, aA, abAB

It is a nineteen-line
poem with two rhymes
throughout, consisting
of five tercets and a
quatrain, with the first
and third lines of the
opening tercet recurring
alternately at the end of
the other tercets and
with both repeated at
the close of the
concluding quatrain.
Shape Poem

A Shape Poem is a type

of poetry that describes
an object and is shaped
the same as the object
the poem is describing.
You could write your
shape poem on
Wanna Try?

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