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 You can find re-sellers details from this link:
 [Sarah Siddique]Posted On:March 16, 2020 11:12  Trainee's Message:
AMReplied On:March 16, 2020 03:49 PM Msg No. 193077

Subject: salam sir...which one font style use in

Graphic design inter...

salam sir...which one font style use in Graphic

design internationally. and height also.
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Coach's Reply:

Dear Sarah,
Wa alaykumu as-salam,
All the fonts are equally important. The
recognition and right use of fonts come by the Hello sir,where this alignment of objects work?
time with practice. Even now, it is not possible to
remember all the fonts all the time because there Post Your Comments
are countless font variations available in the Other Students' Comments: 0
 [Sarah Siddique]Posted
Here are the top 10 fonts that are commonly used
Coach's Reply:
On:March 16, 2020 02:40
by professional Graphic Designers
•    Helvetica. Helvetica is among the widely used  Trainee's Message:
PMReplied On:March 16, 2020
fonts by graphic designers either professionals or
working as a mid-to-senior resource. ...
Msg No. 193161
04:00 PM
•    Garamond. Garamond offers a variety of
versions to the community of graphic designers Dear Somia,
•    Trajan  
•    Futura
•    Bickham Script Pro Alignment is a major principle of Graphic Design that means to place the visual
•    Bodoni elements in such a way that they line up in the composition. It helps to create
Subject: AOA. Sir if any color dlt
•    Frutiger order, organize design elements, creates visual connections, and improves the
•    Gotham
by mistake how to undo? readability of your design.
There are two major types of alignments.
AOA. Sir if any color dlt by  
The Edge Alignment suggests refers to the placement of content on either edge
mistake how to undo? of the page or the canvas. Whether the elements are placed on the right, left,
Post Your Comments top, or bottom of the page, everything is kept on the edge.
Other Students' Comments: 0 Center Alignment– this is the second type of alignment which places the
content on the central imaginary line.
Coach's Reply:  
Dear Sarah, You can also watch the video lecture No. 71 to 74 to learn about the type tool
and alignments in detail.
Wa alaykumu as-salam, To more learn about Alignment please follow the links given below:
We tried reaching you on the
call regarding your query but
you were unavailable.
Kindly press Ctrl+Z then your
deleted color will be back into
the swatches panel.
Subject: sir my name is sohail. sir what is gigs tell ma in

sir my name is sohail. sir what is gigs tell ma in detailed?

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Coach's Reply:
Dear Sohail,
A gig is a service that you sell on Gig allows
the seller to offer their services at different format and
prices. For example, if you are a graphic designer, and you
want to provide services like designing a logo, banners,
mockups, and business cards. So, you will create a gig for
logo, set its description, price, completion time and other
details. Creating your “Gig” is an opportunity to show off
your talent and provide buyers with all the information
they need to help them decide to do business with you. 

Subject: Sir what is meant by active seller on fiverr 2. if we do no...

Sir what is meant by active seller on fiverr 2. if we do not get any first order, how can we become active
seller. Kindly tell in detail
Subject: sir my name is sohail. sir what is gigs tell ma in detailed... Post Your Comments
Other Students' Comments: 0
Coach's Reply:
sir my name is sohail. sir what is gigs tell ma in detailed?
Post Your Comments Dear Saif,
Other Students' Comments: 0 Fiverr has different levels for a seller account, in the start, you will be a new level seller. After completing
60 days, 10 orders and earning $400 on Fiverr you will be promoted to level one seller. After completing
Coach's Reply: 120 days, 50 orders and earning $2000 on Fiverr you will be promoted to level two seller and after
completing 180 days, 100 orders and earning $20,000 on Fiverr you will be promoted to the top-rated
seller after proper evaluation. Every level provides some perks to the freelancer. For more information
Dear Sohail, about Fiverr levels, visit the link given below:
A gig is a service that you sell on Gig allows the seller to offer You will easily get orders on Fiverr as it is best for the beginners and by selling your services at a low price
their services at different format and prices. For example, if you are a graphic you can grab the attention of the clients. Most of our trainees started their freelance career from Fiverr, a
majority of them is earning successfully and have been promoted to level one and level two seller. If those
designer, and you want to provide services like designing a logo, banners, trainees can do it then you can do it too.
mockups, and business cards. So, you will create a gig for logo, set its Sometimes the employer prefers a low-cost freelancer over an experienced and costly freelancer. This
creates an opportunity for a newcomer to enter the market by offering a low-cost service without
description, price, completion time and other details. Creating your “Gig” is compromising the quality. You can attract the clients by providing some offers i.e. free mock-ups, extra fast
an opportunity to show off your talent and provide buyers with all the delivery, etc. It is also recommended to do some local work for free or at a low cost just for getting some
experience and building your portfolio. Join the Facebook groups created for freelancers and you will be
information they need to help them decide to do business with you.  able to find several jobs with low budget. You can work on such jobs to gain experience relevant to your

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