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Our Presentation : Group 2

GEVI MAVANTY (1910070110013)
DIVA KAMILA ANANDIRA (1910070110014)
SRI DEWI SAFITRI (1910070110015)
ZYANKA SHAFIRA (1910070110016)
LINDA PUSPIATASARI (1910070110019)
VELLYANA PUTRI YARTA (1910070110020)
LAILI RAHMAWATI (1910070110021)
SHARDILLA RAHMAH (1910070110022)
WILIA SAFITRI (1910070110023)
DZAKY ZAHRAN MUSTI(1910070110024)
Malocclusion is a medical term to describe an abnormal position or
arrangement of teeth and jaws where the condition of the arrangement
of the jawbone and teeth is not aligned or even. This condition causes
teeth to fall apart, whether it's overlapping, crooked, overbite, and
other problems.
Etiology of Malocclusion
1. Malocclusion is generally genetic, meaning that the condition can be passed from parents to children.
However, there are some childhood habits that can change the jaw structure and cause malocclusion.
Some of those habits are:
-Use a pacifier or bottle feed up to 3 years of age.
-Frequent thumb sucking
-Improper dental care.

2. In addition to the habits above, malocclusion can also be caused by the following conditions:
- Excess number of teeth, abnormally shaped teeth, or missing teeth.
-Injury to the teeth or jaw.
-Oral tumors.
-Cleft lip or cleft palate.

3. The best way to find out the exact cause of the malocclusion is to see a dentist. The doctor will perform a
physical examination and a series of tests to diagnose the condition of the malocclusion and determine the
Classification of Malocclusion
01 02
Class I: Normal anteroposterior Class II: Posterior relationship of the
relationship of the mandible and maxilla. mandible to the maxilla. The mesiobuccal
The mesiobuccal cusp of the permanent cusp of the upper first permanent molar is
first molar is in the buccal groove of the more mesial to the buccal groove of the
mandibular first permanent molar mandibular first permanent molar

03 Class III: anterior relation of the mandible

to the maxilla. The mesiobuccal cusp of the
upper first permanent molar is more distal
to the buccal groove of the mandibular first
permanent molar and there is an anterior
Clinical Signs and Symptoms of Malocclusion

The main symptom of malocclusion is the arrangement of the teeth that looks messy. There are types with different
arrangements of malocclusion. Some of these include:

Overcrowding (crowded teeth)

In the overcrowding type, the teeth overlap and are usually caused by limited space for the teeth to grow.

Excessive overjet (Calp teeth)

Overjet horizontal distance between the tip of the upper and lower teeth. Normally, a person has an overjet of 2-4 mm.
This malocclusion condition will also cause eating and speaking disorders.

Excessive Overbite (Bite too deep)

the vertical distance between the tip of the upper and lower teeth. Excessive overbite spacing makes the upper teeth
drop too low, resulting in a deep bite.
Clinical Signs and Symptoms of Malocclusion
Crossbite (Cross bite)
the position of the teeth looks like they are swapped, because the upper teeth are located further in than the lower teeth.
Crossbite that occurs in the front teeth is known as cakil teeth.

Spacing (Arrangement of tenuous teeth)

The arrangement of the teeth is not tight so there is a wide gap between the teeth. This condition can be caused by
missing teeth, small teeth, or certain habits (such as sucking your thumb or pushing your teeth with your tongue).

There is a wide gap between the two teeth. This condition generally occurs in the front teeth.

Tooth impaction
Tooth impaction means that the tooth cannot erupt completely or is completely embedded in the gums.

Hypodontiaa condition in which there are no teeth in the area that should be filled by teeth, aka toothless.

Open bite
the upper teeth do not touch the lower teeth at all. As a result, there will be a wide gap between the two.
Malocclusion Examination

Examination of malocclusion can be done by looking at the patient's symptoms,

such as a clicking sound in the patient, the appearance of asymmetry or
proportionality in the patient's facial condition, then palpation of the patient's TMJ
can This is one of the indications for the patient's malocclusion and finally a
radiographic examination can be done.
Malocclusion Treatment

Some of the methods that can be used are:

1. Installation of special wires or plates to strengthen or stabilize

the jawbone.
2. Extraction of certain teeth to correct the position of teeth that
are too crowded.
3. Installation of dental crowns or dental crowns.
4. Surgery to shorten or correct the shape of the jawbone.
5. Installation of braces.
6. Although aimed at treating, these treatment methods also
have the potential to cause side effects, namely irritation of
the teeth and mouth, pain, and difficulty speaking and
chewing. It is possible, teeth can also be damaged.
Malocclusion can cause various impacts, which can be seen from
In terms of function, if there is a malocclusion in the form of crowded teeth, it will
result in teeth
difficult to clean when brushing your teeth. in terms of pain, severe malocclusion
can make it difficult to move the jaw (TMJ disorders and pain). From
In terms of phonetics, malocclusion is one of which can affect distocclusion
clarity of pronunciation of the letters p, b, m while mesio-occlusion s, z, t and n. In
terms of
psychic, malocclusion can affect a person's aesthetics and appearance .

How to Prevent Malocclusion??

Early detection of malocclusion can help reduce its severity and determine the treatment needed to
correct the problem. Prevention is done by reducing the risk factors, namely by limiting the use of
pacifiers, the use of feeding bottles, and not letting the child suck the thumb to help reduce changes
in jaw development. control measures to the dentist since childhood can also help prevent
malocclusion, regular dental check-ups, at least once every six months. With this, disorders of the
teeth can be more quickly detected and treated, including malocclusion. In addition, socioeconomic
level is one of the supporting factors for preventing malocclusion.
Orthodontic Treatment
Definition and Functions of Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment is a branch of dentistry that focuses on correcting improper, untidy,

unbalanced facial structures, making it difficult to clean and maintain teeth. The goal is not
only to restore the function of the teeth, but also to make them look more attractive because
piled up teeth are difficult to clean, as a result, they are prone to cavities, causing decay and
gum disease
Types of Orthodontic Treatment
Fixed braces can be divided into several types:

1. Metal braces (Metal braces). These braces are the most common type and
are most often used. Using these braces is enough to accommodate the
dental treatment that will be carried out. Metal braces require rubber to
bond between brackets and wires. The rubber used has a variety of colors
that the patient can choose from.

2. Transparent braces (Sapphire/Crystal braces). Transparent/aesthetic braces

is a type of braces treatment that combines the function of treatment and
aesthetic function. By using transparent braces, the treatment of braces is
relatively disguised so that patients are not ashamed to smile even though
they are wearing braces.
Types of Orthodontic Treatment

3. Damon System Braces (Self Ligating). Damon System braces are braces with
a Self Ligating system, which means this system does not require rubber to
bind the bracket to the braces, because the bracket already has a door to lock
the wire.

4. Invisalign. Invisalign is an aesthetic treatment system because the tools used

are clear so they are often invisible when the patient uses them. However, not
all cases can be solved using this system, only some mild dental treatment
cases can be solved with this system.
How long does orthodontic treatment take?

Installation of braces or stirrup is a procedure to correct the arrangement of

teeth that are not neat or the position of the jaw is not normal. Once
installed, braces must be used for at least 1–3 years to get the desired
result.Generally, the length of time for orthodontic treatment will depend on
the severity of the malocclusion (abnormal position of the teeth), the
patient's level of compliance for routine controls to make adjustments to his
stirrups, and so on.
How to Maintain Cleanliness During Orthodontic Treatment

1. How to brush your teeth

Brush your teeth using a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste that contains fluoride. Use a small toothbrush
specifically for braces to clean the dirt between the braces.

2. How to clean between teeth (flossing)

Cleaning between teeth in braces users does take longer, which is about 10-15 minutes. This activity is done
once a day, using a special thread (dental floss) that contains wax.

3. Use of oral irrigator

An oral irrigator or water flosser is a special tool to clean between the teeth and the part of the tooth that
borders the gums.

4. Take care of your food intake

Increase your intake of low sugar and avoid foods that are hard and crunchy, because they can damage braces.

5. Gargle with mouthwash

If brushing your teeth after lunch is difficult, you can use an alcohol-free fluoride-based mouthwash.

6. Regular check-ups with the dentist

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