Electronics 2: BJT AC Analysis

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Electronics 2

BJT AC Analysis
Chapter 5

Dr. Nasser H. Almofari

Amplification in the ac domain
• Conservation of energy dictates that over time the total power
output, Po , of a system cannot be greater than its power input,
Pi , and that the efficiency defined by η= Po > Pi cannot be
greater than 1.

• There is an “exchange” of dc power to the ac domain that

permits establishing a higher output ac power.

• The key to transistor small-signal analysis is the use

of the equivalent circuits (models) to be introduced in
this chapter.
• A model is a combination of circuit elements, properly
chosen, that best approximates the actual behavior of a
semiconductor device under specific operating
• There are two models commonly used in small signal
AC analysis of a transistor:
• re model
• Hybrid equivalent model
Determining the Current Gain

The current gain is defined by


The minus sign associated with the output equation is simply there to
indicate that the polarity of the output voltage is determined by an output
current having the opposite direction.
Practical Applications

When two or
more signals are
to be combined
into a single
audio output,
mixers such as
Shown in figure
are employed.
Audio mixer
• The potentiometers at the input are the volume controls for each
• potentiometer R3 included to provide additional balance between
the two signals
• Resistors R4 and R5 are there to
ensure that one channel does not
load down the other
• The parallel combination of R6 &
Zi is also approximately 1.4 kΩ.
• Setting both volume controls to
their maximum value and the
balance control R3 to its midpoint
result in the equivalent network of
Fig. a.
• The signal at v1 is assumed to be
a microphone with an internal
resistance of 1 kΩ. The signal at v2
is assumed to be a guitar
amplifier with a higher internal
impedance of 10 kΩ.
• Which provides a pretty good balance between the two
signals, even though they have a 10:1 ratio in internal
• If we now remove the 33 kΩ resistors from the diagram and
the following equations are obtained
• The primary function of a preamplifier is as its name implies:
an amplifier used to pick up the signal from its primary source
and then operate on it in preparation for its passage into the
amplifier section.
• For dc biasing conditions, the collector
dc feedback configuration was chosen
because of its high stability characteristics.

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