Rights of Kuwaiti Women Married To Non-Kuwaiti Men

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Rights of Kuwaiti women married

to non-Kuwaiti men
Kuwaiti woman who married non-Kuwaiti men faces huge
challenge in residing together in Kuwait with her spouse.

In this case husband and children of Kuwaiti woman does not
get citizenship right while if Kuwaiti man married non-Kuwaiti
woman then she and the children gets citizenship right within a
specific period.
Law of Kuwait
Law of Kuwait follows the
system of civil law.
Law system of Kuwait is
Strong influence of Islamic
law can be seen in Kuwait
Influence of Gulf
Cooperative Council
Nationality Law of Kuwait
According to the 1959
nationality law of Kuwait,
Kuwaiti women cannot
transmit their nationality to
non-Kuwaiti children and
spouses while Kuwaiti men
can do that.
Article 2 empowers Kuwaiti
men to transmit their
nationality to their children
who born even outside of
Nationality Law of Kuwait
The nationality law of
Kuwait is introduced just
after introducing
democracy in the country.

Elected officials did not

take any step to make
changes in the law rather
they mentioned condition
basing on law may vary.
How Kuwaiti law deprived women
from their right
 Kuwaiti women who married
non-Kuwaiti men cannot pass
her citizenship to her children
and spouse.
 Her children deprived for
taking benefit of scholarship
and employment
 Her children cannot take
benefits of state welfare
program as well.
Arguments made against Kuwaiti
nationality law
Activists argument
against the law by
stating that according to
Islam women have the
right to choose a spouse
from any social or
national background.
This value is
demonstrate din verse 13
of the Sūra al‑Ḥujurā.
Arguments made against Kuwaiti
nationality law
Other activists
mentioned that
according to Islam
rejecting spouse basing
on race, nationality or
social background
reflects discrimination
in society.
Also, it is a sign of
weak faith.
Ideal Marriage according to Law in
In Kuwait ideal
marriage are
considered into the
family with the first
They believe this is
the beat way to protect
the resources.
Additionally, in this
way wealth does not
get divided.
Exception in GCC
Among the GCC countries
Saudi Arabia is exceptional
in this citizenship matter.
They grant citizenship to
the spouse of Saudi
Women particularly where
it is proven that they
contribute to the social and
economic growth of the
Law for marriage between Kuwaiti
men and non Kuwaiti women
A non-Kuwaiti women
when married to a Kuwaiti
men then she can get
citizenship within maximum
5 years of marriage.
Even after divorce and re-
marriage with non- Kuwaiti
men that woman still has the
Kuwaiti citizenship.
This process reflects the
biasness of Kuwaiti system.
Property inheritance law
The property inheritance
law of Kuwait allow the
children of the Kuwaiti
women and non-Kuwaiti
men to inherit apartment
accommodation of their

Though this depend on

children age and gender.
Worldwide citizenship law
In the world total 26 countries
have differentiate women in
terms of giving their
citizenship right and Kuwait is
one of them.

Though in Kuwait have the

provision for applying
citizenship after residing
certain period of time but the
process is very complex and
slow as well.
Changes which need to be done
In order to get the due right
of women in Kuwait they
must actively participate in
legislature which is
currently lacking.
Additionally, literacy
percentage of woman needs
to be improved.
All women from Kuwait
should have the same right
as the men have.
Changes which need to be done
Discrimination basing on
gender needs to be stopped.
To change this strong protest
against the policy maker is
required in the country.
Additionally, to make the
changes in woman life they
must be economically
independent which can help
them in decision making as
In Kuwait, the discrimination against the Kuwaiti women
who married non- Kuwaiti is not a discrimination basing
on gender only, also it is discrimination towards migrant
population in the country which needs to be stopped.
 Tétreault, M. A., & Al-Mughni, H. (2000). Women and the nation in Kuwait. Women, states, and
nationalism: At home in the nation, 143-162.
 Retrieved from :https://books.google.co.in/books?
 Alsharekh, A. (2018). Love or Country: A difficult choice for women in Kuwait. Arabian Humanities.
Revue internationale d’archéologie et de sciences sociales sur la péninsule Arabique/International Journal
of Archaeology and Social Sciences in the Arabian Peninsula, (10).
 Retrieved from: https://journals.openedition.org/cy/3722
 Al-Kazi, L. (2011). Women and non-governmental organizations in Kuwait: A platform for human resource
development and social change. Human Resource Development International, 14(2), 167-181.
 Retrieved from: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13678868.2011.558313
 Tétreault, M. A., & Al‐Mughni, H. (1995). Gender, citizenship and nationalism in Kuwait. British Journal
of Middle Eastern Studies, 22(1-2), 64-80.
 Retrieved from: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13530199508705612?journalCode=cbjm20

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