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Te Hoe Tapuhi me Kā Ratoka Takata

Department of Nursing and Human Services

Portfolio NCNZ
Professional Portfolios
Scope of Practice
Objectives of this session

A greater awareness is obtained re:

• Scope of Practice
• NCNZ requirements for all registered nurses/enrolled nurses
• Who assesses you?
• What do I need to include in my portfolio?
NCNZ require you to show continuing
competence –
what is this??
Definition of competence

“Competence is the combination of skills,

knowledge, attitudes, values and abilities
that underpin effective performance as a

NCNZ 2005
There are three aspects to meeting the
competence requirements:

• Professional development
• = 60 hours in 3 years

• Evidence of assessment of the four domains of

competency via:
• Self assessment and reflection
• Senior nurse assessment or performance appraisal
• Peer review
• Practice
• = 60 days in last 3 years
• Or last practiced between 3-5 years ago
NCNZ has an expectation that all nurses will keep
evidence of their continuing competence.

Up to 5% of individual practitioners will be randomly

selected for the recertification programme (audit)

Nurses on approved professional development and

recognition programmes will be excluded from the audit
If you are selected you will need to submit:

1. Evidence of your practice hours (a

minimum of 450 hours in the last 3 years,
verified by your employer their contact
details are required.
2. Evidence of your professional development hours
(60 hours in the last 3 years) verified by your
employer or nurse educator.

• This must include a summary of the actual hours signed by

your employer or educator to confirm your participation.
• You must include an explanation of what you have learnt
from these activities. (There is a template available from
NCNZ – see next slide)
Professional Development template NCNZ
(You can develop your own)
3. Evidence of assessment of competence.
You need to show 2 of the 3 methods of assessment of your practice
against all the competencies for your scope of practice
Can you remember the 4
competencies for your scope of
So how do you show all these requirements??

You need to start and develop a professional portfolio!

What needs to be in it??

Depending on your place of employment, you may have slightly

different components.

The core components however should be:

• Current CV
• Annual Practicing Certificate
• Performance Appraisal/s
• NCNZ Summative Assessment
• Professional Development
• Extra information – recommendation letters etc.
Sample of CDHB documentation
Sample of CDHB documentation
You do not need to make it so complex at a
beginning stage!

• Get yourself some inserts for your folder – a ring

binder is a good idea
• Head them with the previously mentioned core
• Current CV, Annual Practising Certificate, Performance
Appraisal (most recent), Peer review or self assessment,
and Professional Development.
• You can have recommendation letters but only with the
person’s consent – i.e. thank you cards/ patients/families
need to show that they are happy with being identified.
Think about the 4 domains of competency

Under each of your insert sections you could:

• Look at some of the individual indicators under each of the
domains and look at how you are meeting those – then
show evidence of how you are doing this:
• i.e. Domain 1 – Professional responsibility. One of the
indicators is “applies the principles of cultural safety in own
nursing practice”.
• You could use a case study and reflection to show what you
did/saw/learnt in this situation - being mindful of
confidentiality and ethical issues.
Who assesses your portfolio??

• NCNZ if you are part of the 5% audited – then you will

be exempt for the next 3 years
• The Professional Development Unit’s own assessors in
some health boards
• If you are going for progression/advancement in your
place of employment, you may need to show your

Do not send in originals of your documentation unless

otherwise instructed.
It all seems very daunting?!

But make a start!

The sooner you start to put this together and keep in the habit of
updating as you go, the easier it becomes!

Thanks to the CDHB Professional Development Unit for the use of their

Te Kaunihera Tapuhi o Aotearoa Nursing Council of New Zealand


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