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Japanese Theatre
What is Kabuki?

 Kabuki- meaning “off balance” or

 Ka for music, bu for dance, and ki for skill
An energetic form of theatre that began around
1600 by Okuni.
 She drew inspiration from Buddhist dances with
contemporary forms
Plays that once lasted a full day, but today only
last about 5 hours.
 Includes themes of feuds, revenge, adventure,
and romance
Kabuki Acting

 Highly stylized form of story telling

The audience is aware they are in
the theatre watching a play.
Actors specialize in certain
Movement is also stylized
The Plays

 The text of the play is less

important than the acting.
 To reveal emotions they display
exaggerated facial expressions and
strike dramatic poses.
Very similar to Western musicals
The Stage

 Combines a proscenium stage and a

thrust stage.
Who can tell me what these are?
 Hamamichi- “Flower path” The
stage connects to a ramp that runs to
the rear of the auditorium.
This runway is used by actors for
dramatic entrances and exits.
Musicians sit on stage
Role of Women in Kabuki
 Okuni began origins of Kabuki in
Japanese culture
 However, in the mid 1600’s women
were banned from kabuki for
engaging in prostitution.
 As a result male Kabuki performers
were then to portray women on
stage, thus creating ONNAGATA
Role of Men in Kabuki

When women became banned men

began to portray female roles (just
like Shakespeare)
 Studying the art of Kabuki is begun
in childhood
 It is an art that is passed down over
Spectacle- Makeup

Known as Kumadori
Not realistic looking
The face is painted with white and
bold lines, mostly red or blue.
Red lines= Virtue/ strength
Blue= Evil
Costumes &
What are some differences between Noh and
Differenes Similarities
 Noh uses masks, Kabuki
uses makeup
 Noh is subtle in movemnts,
Kabuki is loud
What Makes it Different?
 These puppets are NOT marrionets, sock or
hand puppets.
 Bunraku puppets stand about about 3 feet tall
 They are controlled by a series of pullies and
strings controlled by 3 puppeteers
 Another unique component is that they
control facial expressions as well (Think
Sesame Street, but cooler!)

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