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An Introduction to HTML

Lecture 03
29th Jan 2008
Story So Far …..
 Introduction to Internet & Web basics
• Internet, internet and intranet
• World Wide Web
• Web page
• Browsers
• Server-client Architecture
• Server
• Web server
• Scripting

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Story Continues …



 HTML Tags

 Formatting & Nesting

 Links

 Lists

 Tables

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Acronym #1: HTTP

 Hypertext Transfer Protocol

 provides a way for one computer (the browser) to ask a remote computer
(a web server) for an HTML document

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Acronym #2: HTML

 Hypertext Markup Language

• hypertext : a set of documents with links

• markup : tags are added to text for structure

• language : vocabulary, grammar etc.

 a language for describing the structure and the appearance of web pages

 web browsers read HTML and use the mark up tags to decide how to

display it

 HTML doc is a plain text doc

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 HTML 2.0 - November, 1995.

 HTML 3.0 - September 28, 1995

 HTML 3.2 - January 14, 1997

 HTML 4.0 - July 8, 1997

 W3C – World Wide Web Consortium


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So what’s this tag business?

 HTML documents are plain text (ASCII) with tags added to


 tags appear between angle brackets: <tag>

 the spacing of text in HTML does not affect the layout of the

text in the browser

 the best way to learn is to check the source

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Check the HTML source!

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Check the HTML source!

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 A element is fundamental component of the structure of a text doc

 To denote various elements tags are used.

Structure : “<“, tag name , “>”

 They are generally paired.

 Some tags has additional properties “attributes”.

 Spaces and lines in the source are ignored

 Tag case insensitive: always use lower case

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The structure of an HTML document

 all HTML documents start with <html> and end with

 documents should have <head>…</head> and <body>…
</body> sections
 head contains:
• page title enclosed in <title>…</title> tags

• meta data about the page with the <META> tag

• Javascript, style sheets and other non-visual code

 body contains everything else

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Basic Tags

 Tag Description

 <html> Defines an HTML document

 <body> Defines the document's body

 <h1> to <h6> Defines header 1 to header 6

 <p> Defines a paragraph

 <br> Inserts a single line break

 <hr> Defines a horizontal rule

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Formatting Tags
 <B>The Altered Text</B> The Altered Text

 <I>The Altered Text</I> The Altered Text

 <U>The Altered Text</U> The Altered Text

 <PRE>The Altered Text</PRE> The Altered Text

 <p> </p> Paragraph

 <BR> Line Break

 <CENTER> and </CENTER> Aligns the text to center
 <P ALIGN="right"> and </P> Aligns the text to right
 <P ALIGN=“left"> and </P> Aligns the text to left

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Formatting Tags (contd..)
 <font></font>
• Align
• Size
• Color
<font color="#FF0000" align="center" size=“4"> This is my first

This is my first page

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The Most Common Character Entities
Result Description Entity Name Entity Number

  non-breaking space &nbsp; &#160;

< less than &lt; &#60;

> greater than &gt; &#62;

& ampersand &amp; &#38;

" quotation mark &quot; &#34;

' apostrophe  &apos; (does not work in IE) &#39;

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 Anchor tag

<a href="url">Text to be displayed</a>


<a href="">BITS PILANI</a>

 The Target Attribute

<a href="http://csd"

target="_blank">CSD Rocks!</a>

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View in Browser

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Link (Contd…)

 Mailto Link


 How to make a lmage a link ?

<a href=""><img border="0"

src="button_home.gif" width="53" height="15"></a>

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Body Tags
 Attributes
• Link
• Vlink
• Alink
• background
• Ex:

<body link="#008000" vlink="#800000" alink="#FF0000"


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 LINK is used to indicate relationships between documents

 Path of the file or website is given in a link.

 Path :
• Relative
• Absolute

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Relative Path

 Specifying the path from current document



 file1

• File1

• File2

 Relative path from folder1-file2 to folder2-file1:folder2/file1

 Relative path from folder2-file1 to folder1-file1: ../file1

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Absolute Path
 C Drive
• File1

 File1
 File2

 Absolute path for folder1-file1:


 For a web site the URL is an absolute URL


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Where to use what ?

 Absolute path
• For giving references (links) to other websites

 Relative Path:
• For referring to the web pages of the same website.

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 Unnumbered List
List of Courses :
• Computer Programming I
• Computer Programming II
<li>Computer Programming I</li>
<li>Computer Programming II</li>

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Lists (Contd…)
 Numbered Lists
List of Courses :
2. Computer Programming I
3. Computer Programming II
<li>Computer Programming I</li>
<li>Computer Programming II</li>

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Nested Lists
List of Courses :
 ASP.NET <ul>
• C#
• VB.NET </ul>
<li>Computer Programming
 Computer Programming I
 Computer Programming <li>Computer Programming

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 Table tags

 Rows

 Columns

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Table Tags
 Tag Description
 <table> Defines a table
 <th> Defines a table header
 <tr> Defines a table row
 <td> Defines a table cell
 <caption> Defines a table caption
 <colgroup> Defines groups of table columns
 <col> Defines the attribute values for one or more
columns in a table
 <thead> Defines a table head
 <tbody> Defines a table body
 <tfoot> Defines a table footer
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Colspan (Contd..)
<table border="1">
<td colspan="2"></td>

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<table border="1“ >
<td rowspan="2"></td>

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Comments in HTML
 when you want to write something in the HTML source that
doesn't appear in browser
 also used to hide JavaScript and CSS
 comments start with <!-- and end with -->

Here is a paragraph of text.
<!-- This is a comment that will not be seen -->
The paragraph has two sentences that’s all.

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