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BLOOD Physiology


• Introduction, production, classification.

• Defensive properties of Neutrophils and Macrophages

• inflammation

Dr. Muhammad Imran

Differentiation and Production of WBC’s

In early differentiation of pluripotential hematopoietic stem cells to

committed stem cells, two major lineages of W.B.C’s are formed.

 Myelocytic lineage

 Lymphocytic lineage
Count of different white cells in blood
 Total leukocyte count = 4-11 thousand /mm.
 Differential leukocyte count.
 Neutrophils = 40-75% (acute infection,neutophilia)
 Eosinophils = 1-6% (parasiticinfection,eosinophilia)
 Basophils = 0 - 2% (allergic&parasitic,basophilia)
 Monocytes = 2- 10% (chronic inf,like T.B,monocytosis)
 Lymphocytes = 15-40% (viral & chronic,lymphocytosis)
Defensive properties
(1) innate immunity
(2) Acquired immunity
 This system consists of
(1) granulocytes (neutrophils), monocytes & macrophages.

(2) lymphocytes & Plasma cells.

 These cells work together by two ways to prevent diseases.
 Phagocytosis.
 Forming antibodies (B-lymphocytes) and sensitized-T
“Walling off” effect of Inflammation
 One of the first results of inflammation is to “wall off” the area
of injury from the remaining tissues.
 The tissue spaces and lymphatics in the inflammed area are
blocked by fibrinogen clots.
 So, the fluid hardly flows through the spaces.
 This “walling off” process delays the spread of bacteria & toxins
to the healthy tissues.
1- Tissue macrophage is a first line of defense against

 Within minutes after inflammation, begins the macrophages

already present in the tissues, immediately begin their
phagocytic action.
 The products of infection and inflammation cause rapid
collection of macrophages.
 Many of previously sessile/fixed tissue macrophage break
from their attachments and become mobile.
2- Neutrophil invasion is a second line of defense

 Within the first hour after inflammation, large number of

neutrophils begin to invade the inflammed area from blood.

 This is caused by inflammatory cytokines and other

biochemical products by the inflammed tissues.
Innate Mechanisms for the Recruitment and activation
of Neutrophils

1. Margination and Adhesion

2. Diapedesis and Transmigration
3. Chemotaxis
4. Opsinization & phagocytosis
3-Second macrophage invasion into the
inflammed tissue is third line of defense.

 Along with invasion of neutrophils, the monocytes enter into the

inflammed tissue and enlarge to macrophages.
 Because the number of monocytes is low in circulation and bone
marrow and buildup of macrophages in the inflammed area is
also slow, they require many days to become effective; full
capacity of the tissue macrophages.
 After several days to several weeks the macrophages come to
dominate the phagocytic cells of inflammed area.
4-Increased production of granulocytes and
monocytes by the bone marrow is the fourth
line of defense.

 Granulocytic and monocytic progenitor cells of bone

marrow are stimulated and newly formed cells leave the
bone marrow within 3-4 days.

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