Eng. XI Meaning Into Words (Composion, 43)

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Meanings into Words

Eng. XI
• Report writing
• Letter writing (Letter to Editor & Job
• News Article writing or News story or Article
• Essay writing
Unit 6
Composition (pp43)
1. Imagine that 50 years from now, someone in your class is
very famous. Write an account of his/her life.
Wilson Bikram Budhathoki was born into a middle family in
Eastern Nepal in 1970 AD. He first appeared on the stage when he
was 8. He sang his first song on the anniversary of his school. Ten
years later he went to Kathmandu getting a scholarship from TU
in Kathmandu. He was admitted to Music Academy where he
studied music for five years. While he was there, he sang songs in
Nepali Movies. He was counted as one of the top singers in Nepal
films. Later he also played the role of Protagonist in movies. He
became the superstar. He married a Nepali girl and had a son.
2. Write an account of the most important events in your country's
history, and when they happened.
The Rana had ruled over Nepal for 104 years. Their rule started in
1903 BS. During the Rana regime, there was no civil Rights and
freedom. Nobody was allowed to lead a public life. The rulers tried to
check the spread of education. There was no communication
between Nepal and the outside world Foreigners were not allowed to
enter the country. The rulers feared that people might have been
political conscious and overthrown their rule. After the Second World
War the rise of nationalism spread all over the world. People became
more conscious. They fought for their freedom. Even the King gave up
his throne for the public welfare. The Rana rule was over in 2007BS.
Letter to Editor
Q. Write a letter to a newspaper saying how you fell about the growing use
of computer in our daily live.

26th sept, 2020

The Editor
The Kathmandu Post
I would like to draw your attention about the growing use of computer in our daily lives. I hope millions of readers will advantage
from this article.
Computer is one of the greatest inventions of modern science. It has made our life easier and faster. We can’t imagine our live
without computer. It is the fastest means of communication . The internet and email has changed the world into a global village.
Computer has become essential part of human life in the present world. The users have been increasing day by day. Whether one
is doing official or personal work, one prefers to use computer. No doubt computer makes our task easier. It enables people to
work efficiently and it prevents people from working in weather extremes. Undoubtedly it has made communication easer efficient
and less time consuming.
Nevertheless, computer does have reverse side too. Excess use of computer results into the loss of eyesight in the long run.
Teenagers utilize computer in such a way that their mind get corrupted and they cross social norms and values. Eventually such
deeds are sure to bring social disorder. Moreover it makes people lazy and unsocial as they wish to spend much of their time with
If we use the computer in a proper way, it has surely more advantages than disadvantages. It is the boon of modern science.
Sincerely Yours
Q. Write the letter of job application. Make brief notes under these headings:
Name, age, occupation, Educational qualification, relevant experience

Biratnagar-6, Nepal
September 20, 2020

The Principal Marry Land College Biratnagar

Subject: Application for the Jr. Accountant.
I am writing with regard to your advertisement for the Jr. Accountant which was published in "The
Kathmandu Post" yesterday. I wish to apply for the same.
I am a Jr. Accountant with over three years of experience in Budanilkantha school, Kathmandu. I
graduated from Sasthm College, Biratnagar in 2016 with a First Class degree in BBA. At present, I am
employed as a Jr. Accountant at Ratna Hotel, Biratnagar. I consider myself to be reliable for the post. I
believe the position you offer will give me the opportunity to develop my skills and I feel that my experience
in your college makes me well suited for this position.
I have strong skills and an excellent knowledge of Accountant. I enclose my references and resume.
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Essay on Studying abroad
Studying abroad has become increasingly common in the last few years, especially for young people
from Nepal and India. Many students and their families clearly consider the experience worth the
sacrifices involved. The former often give up friendships when they move abroad; the latter often use
their life savings.
However, this trend has drawbacks as well as benefits for those concerned. One potential drawback is
that the instruction international students receive may not be relevant to their home contexts. For
example, students from developing countries who go to Western countries for teacher training are
often taught to use teaching techniques that are suitable for small classes. When they return home they
are often expected to teach classes of 40 or 50 students. Hence, what they have been trained to do may
not be relevant.
Another potential drawback is the phenomenon of 'brain drain'. Prior to leaving home, they may be
fully committed to returning. Nevertheless, students are often at the stage in their lives when they are
forming their most important personal and professional relationships. Thus they may choose to remain
in the host country on completing their studies.
However, most international students find ways of making the experience work well for themselves
and others involved. Most return home, enriched by new friendships made abroad. Furthermore, most
find ways of adapting what they have learned to their home context. On balance, the drawbacks do not
outweigh the benefits.

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