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Post methods era

in Language
Postmethod definition
The new era based on Kumaradievlu's (2006) explanation, is the postmethod
era which means a particular group of teachers teaching a particular group of
learners following a particular set of goals within a particular institutional context
embedded in a particular socio-cultural milieu.
But please note that teaching a foreign language does not have the most perfect method,
all methods are very flexible depending on the teacher and learner. In method, teachers have
to accept the theory underlying the method and apply it in classroom. The role of the teacher is
marginalized, he must submit himself to the method. learners are passive recipients of the method
and must submit themselves .In contrast, in learner-centeredness teaching must be flexible and
adoptive to learners needs &interest.
Counseling- Learning
Counseling- Learning
Methods in 02
Language 03 Situational Language
Teaching 04 The Silent Way
06 Total Physical Response
The top down critism
The teacher have to accept the claims or theory
underlying the method and appy them to their own

Good Teachin regarded as . your word

1 Correct use of method your word

2 its prescribed principles and techniques your word

The role of teacher is marginalized
His role or her role is to understand the methodand apply its
principles correctly.

Learners are sometimes viewed asthe passive

recipients of the method
-They must submit themselves to its regime ofexercises and activities .
Role of contextual factor

Both approach and methods are often promoted aall-purpose

solutions to teaching problems
In trying to apply approaches or
methods, teachers sometimes ignore what is the
starting point in language program
design, namely, a careful consideration of the
CLT and cultural imperialism nearly is samething
according to their educational traditions.
In this respect, CLT is used in Britain and United
States, other speaking countries. And so, this
situation is related to target culture and the
assumptions of CLT.
Similarly, Counseling-learning and cooperative
learning and their assumption about the roles of
teachers and learners are not necessarily
culturally universal.
The need from curriculum development
These tradition ally involve:

The careful examination, drawing on all available sources of knowledge and

informed judgement, of the teaching objectives.

The development and trial use in schools of those methods and materials which
are judged most likely to achieve the objectives which teachers agreed upon.

The assessment of the extend to which the development work has in fact
achieved its objectives.
The final element is therefore the feedback of all the experience gained, to
provide a starting point for further study.

Use this circle

based on the assumption that the process of
second language Approaches and methods are
often learning are fully understood.
Brown (1997:3) makes similar point:
Generally, methods are quite
distinctive at the early, beginning
stages of a language course, and rather
indistinguishable from each other at a
later stage.
Beyond approaches and methods
•to learn how to use different approaches and methods and understand when
they might be useful
•to understand some of the issues and controversies that characterize the
history of language teaching
•to participate in language learning experiences based on different
approaches and methods as a basis for reflection and comparison
•to be aware of the rich set of activity resources available to the
imaginative teacher
•to appreciate how theory and practice can belinked froma
variety of different perspectives
Looking Forward
Responses to technology: The potential of the internet, the World Wide Web,
and other computer interfaces and technological innovations is likely to
capture the imagination of the teaching profession in the future as it has in
the past and will influence both the content and the fom of instructional
delivery in the language teaching. Learner-based innovations: Learner-based
focuses recur in laguage teaching and other fields in approximately 10-year
cycles, as we have seen with individualized instruction, the learner centred
curiculum, leamer training, leamer strategies, and Multiple Intelligences. We
can anticipate continuation of this trend
THANK YOU, please ask questions if you don't
understand what we are explaining

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