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Group Name 5

1.Sefrianti Wulan Ninef

2.Suorpi H Otu
3.Toni H Natonis
4.Yohana Lauata
5.Yakobet M Sae
1.Blance scale
• a device for accurately measuring weight or functioning as a measure
of the mass of an object
• function for certification eye examination
3.Dessecting set
• Serves to study the anatomical structure of the body used for
surgery as a surgical knife
4.Earth scince
• work for a term collection of branches of science that study the
• works for health such as getting rid of cotton allergies
• works as a wound dressing neck bandage to support the head
and limit movement and the cervical spine
• is a small, flexible tube that the patient uses to help empty the
• works to kill germs and viruses that cause disease
9.Surgical Tupe
• is a medicinal plaster used in surgery that does not leave a knife
10.Steril cup
• is a sterilization machine using a practical rotary knob that is
specially presented to ensure the safety of feeding bottles and
other babies
12.Specimen tube
• works to withstand mixtures or precise amounts of solid chemicals or
water especially for qualitative experiments and test tubes
• Work to cut the stitches of the wound
14.Hospital Gown
• serves as a tool for checking patients in hospitals
• a stool collection container made of strong plastic with good quality
and serves as a stool container For patients who cannot or cannot go
to the toilet
• sheet is an electronic worksheet that is displayed on the monitor

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