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Basics of SEO

Presentation by Kunal Asodaria

2nd May, 2009
 What is SEO and why we require it?
 How to ?
 How Search Engine works?
 Meta Tags
 Robots.txt
 Submission & Link Building
 Noteworthy
 False assumptions
 Summery
What is SEO and why we require it?
 SEO – Search Engine Optimization is for better
visibility in search engine and hence more web
traffic, more customer inquires, better ROI.
 Believe it or not, basic SEO is all about common

sense and simplicity.

 A Netcraft report  suggests that the total count of

websites (including blogs ?) is around 156

million. So tough competition 
 The purpose of search engine optimization is to

make a website as search engine friendly as

How to?
 It’s really not that difficult. Basic SEO doesn’t require
specialized knowledge of algorithms or programming
but it does require a basic understanding of how
search engines work.
 First rule - add a few magical "meta tags" to your web
pages, and you'll skyrocket to the top of the listings.
 Robots.txt – true robot
 Search engine submission and view reports
 Link building
 Quality of contents. Important or not?
How Search Engine Works?
 In the simplest terms,
search engines collect
data about a unique
website by sending an
electronic spider to
visit the site and copy
its content which is
stored in the search
engine’s database.
 Mechanism
Meta tags
 <Title> Tag
◦ The title should not be any longer than 70-100 characters, including spaces.
( Google - DMOZ )
◦ The title should not begin with the domain name. It is often considered as
 <Meta Description> Tag
◦ Shouldn't be any longer than 25-30 words ( DMOZ ).
◦ Shouldn't be any longer than 100 characters ( Google ).
 <Meta Keywords> Tag
◦ Shouldn't be any longer than 250 characters ( referring
to Google ).
◦ You should not use words that are not present in the body of the page.
◦ Start all keywords with capital letters.( Relevant only on alphabetical listings )
Separate keywords with the ", " ( comma, space ) character combination.
◦ You may use phrases as well. You should not use any word, not even within
phrases more than 3 times. It is often considered as spam.
 Web Robots (also known as Web Wanderers, Crawlers, or Spiders), are
programs that traverse the Web automatically.
 Web site owners use the /robots.txt file to give instructions about their
site to web robots; this is called The Robots Exclusion Protocol.
 It works likes this: a robot wants to vists a Web site URL, say Before it does so, it firsts
checks for, and finds:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /
Submission & Link Building
 Submit to Google, Yahoo and MSN.
 Use Google Webmaster tools and Google sitemap.xml
 Submit links to popular Directories, Forums, Blogs for link building
 The H1 and H2 Texts are highly important - Why? They show the search engine
the main subjects and Table of Contents for the content to be indexed. Make
these keyword friendly and reflective of your page’s title tag.
 Use SEO friendly URL
◦ Wrong :
◦ Correct :
 IMG Alt Tags
 Google periodically changes its algorithm for ranking. Even Giant competitors
like Yahoo and Microsoft are not able to crack this algorithm.
 Many more…
False Assumptions
 More keywords, better SEO ?
 I will pay X $ and Google will list me in first page.
 “A” website company has 1000 employees and “B” has only 10, so website “A”
has better rank than “B”
 I will post my website to hundreds of websites online, so my rank will come up
 One point Summery :
Every single design and programming project from Igloo360 must pass through
Basic SEO. Responsibilities by TLs

Thank you
 Your questions
 Ask me for more materials

Presentation by Kunal Asodaria

2nd May, 2009

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