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Ch 5 :Management Function(pp191)

M anagem ent
Emphasis is on achieving F u n t io n
the objective and little concern
with the people
C la s s ic a l P r o je c t F u n c t io n a l
S chool M anager M anager

Managerial capabilities can be

E m p ir ic a l
developed by studying others
S chool Management is the rational
experiences with similar or
un-similar environment approach to decision making using
B e h a v io r a l math models.
S chool

D e c is io n T h e o r y
Human relationship w.r.t work
S chool
Social system of individual/ culture Management is the development of
a system models; input,
M a n a g e m e n t S y s te m
S chool transformation and outputs.
1. Controlling
Finding and measuring process,
evaluating what remain to be done and
taking corrective action
1. Measuring: how much progress is made
2. Evaluation: find deviation, it cause & act
3. Correction: taking control action to correct an
unfavorable trend
Implementing and carrying out approved
plans that are necessary to achieve obj.
1. Staffing: making sure qualified personals are
2. Training: individual how to fulfill their duties
3. Supervising: instructing, guiding & discipline
a required
• Directing/leading by
1. Delegating: assigning work, responsibility
and authority to other
2. Motivating: by fulfilling individual needs
3. Counseling: for personal problem in pvt.
4. Coordinating: activity in relation to their
Management Responsibilities
• Its better to decide an issues and be 10%
• Directives are most effective when K-I-S-S
(Keep It Simple, Stupid) is applied
• Obedience => respect
Management Responsibilities
• Motivation ==> Human behavior
• Theory “X” : Worker is inherently lazy and
required motivation.
– Manger are much authoritative
– Little participation in decision making is
accepted by the manager
Management Responsibilities
• Theory “Y” : Worker is willing to get the
job done without constant supervision
– Risk with professional - pride
– Manager should treat them with authority
With two bosses, worker may find linae
managers treating them as Theory “X” and
project managers as Theory “Y”
Maslow’s Hierarchy

• Each individual has needs, or feelings of

deficiency that drive their behavior
• Once a need is satisficed, then it is no longer
• Needs are in a hierarchy that an individual
moves up as they satisfy levels of needs

Maslow’s Hierarchy




Adapted from Figure
Levels of Needs

• Physiological/Survival needs
– Food, Clothing, Shelter, Air
• Security
– Feel safe, absence of pain, threat, or illness
• Affiliation
– friendship, company, love, belonging
– first clear step up from physical needs
Need levels (cont.)

• Esteem Needs
– self-respect, achievement, recognition, prestige
– cues a persons worth
• Self-Actualization
– personal growth, self-fulfillment, realization of
full potential
– Where are YOU on the hierarchy???
Management Responsibilities
• Manager motivate by providing:
1. A feeling of pride and satisfaction
2. Security of approval
3. Security of opportunity & recognition
4. Security of recognition
5. Security of advancement
6. Security of promotion
Project Authority
• Common source of power & authority
1. Poor documented or no formal authority
2. Power/ authority perceived incorrectly
3. Dual accountability of personal
Project Authority
• Linear responsibility chart(how internal and
external communication takes place to
remove communication conflicts)
– identify participant and to what degree an
activity will be performed
Project Authority
• Communication responsibility matrix
– Who has signature authority; who make the
decision; who must be notified.
Project Authority
• Data distribution matrix
• Personal skills matrix
Interpersonal Influence
Gain support b/c personnel perceive that project
• Formal authority: as being officially empowered to issue orders
• Reward power: as capable of directly dispensing valued org reward
• Penalty power: as capable of directly dispensing penalty
• Expert power: as processing expertise
• Referent power: personal feel personally attracted to the project
manager or to their project.
Team Building Outcome
of Team

Leads to

Trust relationship among team

members and higher quality
information exchange within the team

Leads to

More effective team decision making

Leads to

More effective project control system

High project performance and feedback
mechanism on team member performance
• Right information to the right person, right
time in a cost effective manner
– Written formal
– Written informal
– Oral formal
– Oral informal (preferred by Project manager)
to Management

Literal communication Lateral communication

PROJECT to friend social group and
to peers, other functional MANAGER
groups and customers both formal and informal

communication to
Others: subordinates and
Project review meetings project office personal
Executive review meetings
Customer project review meetings

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