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Group 7

Environmental degradation is the

deterioration of the environment through
depletion of resources. Environmental
degradation has many causes,
consequences and effects to it. But all
these consequences and effects that it
brings can be replenished.
Effects caused by environmental
1. it impacts on human health;
Human health is affected as a result of
environmental degradation
 areas exposed to toxic air pollutants lead
to respiratory problems like pneumonia
2. It leads to a loss of biodiversity
 biodiversity is important in maintaining
the balance of the ecosystem.
Deforestation , global warming and
overpopulation affect it and lead to its loss
as animals and plants die.
3. it leads to ozone layer depletion
The presence of chlorofluorocarbons and
hydro fluorocarbons in the atmosphere
leads to ozone layer depletion
Loss for tourism industry
 the deterioration of the environment is a
huge setback for the tourism for their daily
Environmental damage in the form of loss of
green cover, loss of biodiversity, huge
landfills is a big turn off for most of the
Consequences of Environmental
 as there is loss of tourism as well as safe
sources of water to use in irrigation
• Overcrowding
Everyone will want to settle in a good
place and cause overcrowding because
other places have been polluted
• Famine
Very little or no other ways of farming as
much of the environment is polluted with
• Malnutrition
• Social and economic instability
Replenishment of the environment
1.Reduce Consumption Levels
It has become essential to reduce our consumption levels. Our
developed society always strives for the latest electronics,
smartphones, and the trendiest clothes and so on.
However, this behavior leads to huge resource depletion and
excessive production of waste. We have to lower our
consumption levels significantly to avoid the adverse ecological
2.Reuse and Reduce Waste Generation
You can reduce waste production by using your items and food
more efficiently. If you want to get rid of old but still working
This presentation has given an overview
of Environmental degradation, its effects
and consequences and how it can be
replenished while emphasizing on
Group members
Hope adonijah Malishe
Lumban Wanda
Thresfore chikaonda
Wezzie Liabunya
Memory Sokho
Mervis Gochi
Victory ng”omah
Sky bondi

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