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Life in the desert

What is a desert?

A desert is a biome with warm,

dry weather. The Sonoran Desert
is the largest desert in North
America. There may be one day
with a lot of rain. Then months
may pass with no rain at all. Desert biomes

This map shows the locations of

the deserts of the world.
A desert can get very hot during
the day. The Sun’s heat warms
the land and air. At night, the
desert can cool off quickly.
Desert soil is mostly sand. Rain
quickly drips through the sand.
The water goes deeper than
most plants’ roots can reach.
What adaptations help
desert plants?
Desert plants have adaptations that
help them get the water they need.
Some plants have deep roots.
These reach down into the ground
for water. Other plants have
shallow roots. These trap the water
when rain falls.
Desert plants have other adaptations
that help them survive. Thick stems
help them save water. Waxy skin
helps seal in the water. Thorns and
spines keep animals from eating the
plants for food and water.
This aloe plant can grow in the desert. An
aloe’s waxy skin and thick leaves are adapted
to store lots of water.
What adaptations help

Other animals have
also have
parts that
cool. Ainjackrabbit’s
the heat. Some
sleep during
ears help therid
it get hotofpart
bodyof the They
A thin
body out
nightitwhen it is cool.
stay cool.

Rattlesnakes sleep during the

This jackrabbit’s big ears keep it
day. It also shakes its tails to
scare enemies away.
Some desert animals can be hard to
see. Their bodies blend in with their
environment. They can hide easily
from other animals. This adaptation
helps keep them safe.

This frog can blend in with its

Presentation topic: Life in the desert?

1. What is the weather like in the desert?

2. What kinds of plants do you see in the desert?
What do they do to adapt themselves to this
3. What kinds of animals do you see in the desert?
How do the animals protect themselves?

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