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2 Project Title
• A title is an essential part of the outline and project as well.
• A title must be:
• Accurate
• Concise
• Grammatically correct
• Free of Jargon and Acronyms
• An effective title should:
• Convey the main topics of the study
• Highlight the importance of the research
• Be concise
• Attract readers
4.2 Project Title
• Most journals prefer short titles, typically not over 100 characters
(and sometimes considerably fewer), including the spaces between
the words.
• This usually works out to only 10–12 words.
• Delete trivial phrases (such as “Notes on” or “A study of”)
4.2 Project Title - Examples
• The title of a journal article fall under two basic (general) categories:
• Declarative – states main findings/conclusions of the article
• Descriptive – describes the subject of the article, but leaves out the

• Declarative: Selective elimination of messenger RNA prevents an

incidence of untimely meiosis
• Descriptive: Mechanism of DNA translocation in a replicative
hexameric helicase
4.2 Project Title - Examples
• Too long title - When your title exceeds 100 character, it is a candidate
for trimming.
• For example:
A. Research on the way of power plant and substation's basic data regulation to
improve the qualification rate of power system state estimation in HeBei power
B. Design of an IGBT-series-based Solid-State Circuit Breaker for Battery Energy
Storage System Terminal in Solid-State Transformer
C. Does Vaccinating Children and Adolescents with Inactivated Influenza Virus Inhibit
the Spread of Influenza in Unimmunized Residents of Rural Communities?
4.2 Project Title - Examples
Too long title
• Original Title:
Finite element solution comparing the normal contact of an elastic-plastic layer medium
under loading by (1) a rigid and (2) a deformable indenter.
• Edited Title
• Effects of indenter stiffness on finite element modeling of coating.

• The editor has edited the title after reading abstract.

4.2 Project Title - Examples
• Too short – A title should have enough information and allows the reader to
decide whether the article is worthwhile to read or not?

• For example, the below given title does not tell the reader what he will learn
about chemical coatings.

• Original Title
• Diamond Coating
• Edited Title
• Tribological properties of vapor-deposited polycrystalline diamond on cemented carbide
4.2 Project Title - Examples
Too short

Influenza Vaccination of Children: A Randomized Trial

• This title doesn’t give enough information about what makes the
manuscript interesting.
4.2 Project Title - Examples
• Inaccurate Title
• For example, the below given title suggests that it’s a review article. A
review article is one that reviews previous work and does not contain
new information.
• However, the article is really about instrument improvements that make
this measurement technique very easy and cost effective to use.
• Original Title:
Modern ellipsometry: A new surface and film analysis with an old name
• Edited Title:
Ellipsometry improvements that make film thickness measurements easier.
4.2 Project Title - Examples
• Jargon and Acronyms in Titles
• Original Title:
Vanadium oxicarbide films prepared by CVD from vanadil acetylacetonate
• Edited Title:
Vanadium coating to solve wear problems

• The original title would frighten the readers away with big words.
• It was really a readable article with usable information. Unfortunately,
many readers would pass this article by because of “title scare.”
4.2 Project Title - Examples
• Ask few question, once the Project Title is finalized.
• Is it interesting, concise, and informative?
• Is it accurate enough for use in indexing systems and bibliographic databases?
• Will potential readers be able to judge your paper’s relevance to their own
interests on the basis of the title alone?
4.3 Preliminary pages
• The preliminary pages are all numbered with
roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi etc.)
• The title page which is generally not numbered.
• Also, a glossary of technical terms or acronyms
might be added to a technical report, or an
executive summary may be required in certain
• Students can adapt the order of their
preliminary pages to meet any specific
instructions given by lecturers or particular
4.3.1 Title page
• A title page should be simple, attractive, and include the following
• name of the university
• name of the particular engineering school
• name and code of the subject
• title of the report (which is precise and indicates the topic and scope)
• name of author(s) and ID number(s)
• name of supervisor/resource person
• date of submission
4.3.2 Abstract
• An abstract is also known as an overview or summary.
• An abstract is often written last as its purpose is to provide a
summary of the report’s essential information.
• All material in the abstract will also be in the report i.e. background.
Purpose, objective, methodology, results, conclusions.
• Abstract is multipurpose:
• A manager may use the abstract to decide whether or not the content of the
report is relevant.
• An abstract allows researchers to quickly review literature and significant
findings on a particular topic.
4.3.2 Abstract
• The abstract should appear on a separate page after the title page, and it is
usually about 100–250 words in length in report. (Journals have their own
• Abstracts are usually inserted right after the title page in the completed
• They are generally written as a single paragraph.
• The abstract should include the following elements:
why? background problem, purpose and objective of the report
how? brief details of the approach/procedure/methods
what? important results/findings (what was accomplished)
so what? major conclusion(s) and recommendation(s)
4.3.2 Abstract
• Additional Information
• Some journals use the term “summary” to describe abstracts of their
articles. However, a summary is not the same as an abstract according
to some journals.
• An abstract is an abbreviated version of the paper, written for people
who may never read the complete version.
• A summary restates the main findings and conclusions of a paper,
and is written for people who have already read the paper. Include a
summary only if the journal requires it.
4.3.2 Abstract
• The following are common mistakes in writing an Abstract
• too much background or methods information
• figures or images
• different font sizes
• duplicate words: e.g., in the in the
• punctuation errors
• poor grammar/word choice
• references to other literature, figures or images
• use of numerals to start a sentence: e.g., 12 children too part in the study
• use of words that do not exist
• undefined abbreviations or acronyms
• contradictory information
• poor structure
4.3.2 Abstract
• Difference between abbreviation and acronyms
• An abbreviation is typically a shortened form of words used to represent the
whole (such as Dr. or Prof., dept. – department, est. - established) 
• An acronym contains a set of initial letters from a phrase that usually form
another word e.g. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
4.3.2 Abstract
• Additional Information
• The location and format for an abstract for a technical journal is
dictated by the journal.
• The format for articles differs with journals and technical societies.
• All have style and form guides, which are included in the author
instructions for a journal.
• Some journals impose word limits like this.
• Sometimes extended abstracts of 300 to 400 words are used in lieu
of published papers, but these are special cases.
4.3.2 Abstract
• The first sentence is a likely place to state why the work was done—
what you hoped to achieve.
• Eliminating Detail
• The investigation may be the hardest part of an abstract to keep brief.
• You must be ruthless (cruel) in eliminating details yet comprehensive in
conveying what was done.
4.3.2 Abstract
• Eliminating Detail
• For example, there may be an urge to describe unique software used
in interpretation of data. If the tests conducted consisted primarily of
tensile tests, state that
“tensile tests were conducted and indicated that . . ..”
• Do not mention how they are done. The detail can be left to the body of the
4.3.2 Abstract
• Do not use results data in the abstract. The results are stated in
• It is acceptable to say that
• “the feature material had only 50% of the reflectivity of the control material,”

• But it is inappropriate to state that

• “the feature had average reflectivity of 22.47 compared to 55.90 on the
• If you obtained ten different results in your tests, group them so that
they can be stated in a sentence or two.
4.3.2 Abstract
• The same type of consolidation must be done with conclusions and
• If you have ten conclusions, convert them to one general conclusion
and one general or overarching (main) recommendation.
• Too long abstract – Most common mistakes with formal reports.
• Try to make the abstract no longer than 250 words.
• For Example: shown on next page
Note: I would also shown an example/covid paper at the very end of
Hydrolysis and Condensation-Coupling of Ph
enyltrimetboxysityl-Terminated Polystyrene
• Anionically grown monofunctional polystyrene macromonomers are coupled through the
hydrolysis and condensation of trimethoxysilyl end groups. Hydrolysis is initiated by adding
acidified water to a tetrahydrofuran solution of the macromonomer. Condensation is facilitated by
evaporating the solvent and heating the polymer under vacuum above the glass transition
temperature. The macromonomers couple to form high-molecular-weight polymers and reach a
finite size, beyond which further growth is inhibited. The final products are completely soluble
star-shaped polymers, which are characterized by size-exclusion chromatography with molecular-
weight-sensitive detectors. The molecular weight distribution of the stars are surprisingly narrow,
although there are definitely mixtures of stars with different numbers of arms. The average number
of arms in a star decreases as the molecular weight of the macromonomer increases. The final,
limiting structures of the stars can be explained by the free energy changes associated with the
number and length of arms. The results strongly suggest that the prevalent mode of growth at later
stages of condensation becomes addition of macromonomer to stars, rather than addition of stars to
stars. Studying the condensation-coupling of the macromonomers provides understanding for more
complicated network-forming systems and also provides a unique method for synthesizing start-
shaped polymers that has several advantages over other synthetic methods.
4.3.2 Abstract
• Avoid Technical Jargon – A most common mistake in writing an
abstract is that it contains so much technical jargon that nonworkers
in the field cannot understand what was done.
• Remember that some readers may not have your technical
• This abstract was widely circulated, and the author knew that people
other than polymer chemists would read it.
• It should have been changed in level accordingly.
4.3.2 Abstract
• The abstract shows above is not only very long and highly technical,
but it also misses the mark on content.
• Why was this work being done?
• What is the scope of the work?
• Was it part of a study to invent a new plastic?
• What does the author want readers to do with the data in the report?
• Is he or she recommending the use of condensation coupling of
4.3.2 Abstract
• Abstracts with about 250 words are about the right length.
• Next slide presents an example of an abstract acceptable in length,
content, and general format.
• Keep in mind that an abstract is not a summary of everything done;
it is the essence of what was accomplished.
• It is like an advertisement of a report; it is your statement to readers
of the value of your work.
• Never introduce information in the abstract that is not covered in the
4.3.2 Abstract
4.3.2 Abstract
• Make it brief, complete, and informative. Also be aware that it may be
published by itself. It must stand on its own.
• Write it to ensure that it covers all of the work including final
• The title and abstract are always read together, so there is no reason
to repeat words or paraphrase the title in the abstract.
Write the abstract last and make it a concise summary of the body of
4.3.3 Disclaimer
• A ‘disclaimer’ or declaration of authenticity is often required in major
pieces of work such as large reports, projects and theses.
• It is a signed statement declaring that the report is the work of the
stated author(s).
• This is a possible disclaimer statement:
• I declare the following to be my own work, unless otherwise referenced, as
defined by the University’s policy on plagiarism … followed by the author’s
• Students are not guilty of plagiarism if they have correctly referenced
the sources of all material which is not their own work.
4.3.4 Acknowledgments
• The acknowledgments section is optional; however, it is essential that
significant assistance, editing or work carried out by another person
or organization be acknowledged.
• Also, students may wish to thank colleagues or supervisors.
• In a group-writing situation where different sections of a report are
written by various people, writers of separate sections must be clearly
identified (Some Journals has requirements.).
• Acknowledgments are not normally used on informal reports (for
concision), but they are allowed on papers and formal reports.
4.3.4 Acknowledgments
• This may be a granting agency that supplied funds, a laboratory that
supplied materials
• Almost all U.S. universities and U.S. government research
organizations require acknowledgment of the source of funding:
4.3.4 Acknowledgments
• Individuals or organizations and their contributions can be named:
4.3.5 Table of Contents
• The heading for the list of contents is Table of Contents. The list
should clearly include:
• all major section/subdivision headings; numbered and worded exactly as in
the text of the report (minor headings/level 4 headings are optional)
• page numbers for each section/subsection
• The title page should be excluded for Table of Content.
• This allows the reader to understand the structure of the report, and
to differentiate between important and less significant information.
4.3.5 Table of Contents
• Example: Indentation of headings in a contents list
4.3.6 List of Figures & List of Tables
• List of Figures
• The list is only necessary if more than a few figures appear in the main text of the
• Skip a List of Figures if only one or two diagrams appear in the report.
• The list includes the figure number, caption, and page number, ordered as in the
• List of Tables
• The list is only necessary if more than a few tables appear in the main text of the
• Skip a List of Tables if only one or two tables appear in the report.
• The list includes the table number, caption, and page number, ordered as in the
4.3.7 List of Symbols
• List of Symbols
• A list of definitions should appear at the
beginning of the report if symbols are used
• If there is no list, symbols should be defined in
the text when first used.
• The list of symbols should include
appropriate information such as
• Symbol
• Definition
• quantity to which the symbol refers
• unit of measurement

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