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• Dibenzo(a.h)anthracene is a polycyclic aromatic

hydrocarbon (PAH) compound with the structural formula
shown below.

• Estimate its properties based on its structural formula

• Cairan hidrocabon yang dihasilkan dari NGL
(natural gas liquid) dipisahkan kedalam ,
propane (C3), Isobuthane (CH4), normal
buthane (nC4) dan produk gasoline ( C5+ ).
Tahapan pertama yaitu memisahkan terlebih
dahulu antara isobutane dengan normal
buthane. Seperti gambar dibawah ini
0.001 gasoline (C5+)
Proses deethanizer
• Aliran gas dari proses demethanizer dialirkan ke
dalam distilator yang bertujuan untuk
menghilangkan kandungan ethane dalam gas. Gas
umpan meiliki komposisi seperti dalam tabel
dengan tekanan 2790 kpa dan temperatur 19.97 C.
Tekanan pada boiler sebesar 2792 kpa, pada
condenser sebesar 2725 kpa dengan presure drop
pada boiler sebesar 35 kpa. Hitung jumlah stage
minimum dan sebenarnya, reflux minimum dan
lokasi optimum umpan, serta diameter distilator,
• The organic phase (S21) contains around 70 mol% of styrene, 27.5 mol% of ethylbenzene, 2.2 mol%
of toluene, and minor amounts of benzene and other components. For modeling of the liquid–liquid
separator use a Three-Phase Separator. The flow of the vapor phase is zero in this case; therefore,
the vapor stream is hidden. As it results from the thermodynamic analysis of this mixture, its
separation to poor components is not very easy. Owing to low relative volatility of ethylbenzene to
styrene and toluene to ethylbenzene, a large number of theoretical stages can be expected and large
reflux ratios are required. For details on the specification of a distillation column in Aspen HYSYS,.
Use a partial condenser in the first distillation column. The number of theoretical stages can be set to
30, and the theoretical feed stage can be the 13th stage. Set both the condenser and the reboiler
pressure to 5 kPa (pressure drop in the column is not taken into account).As initial specifications of
the column, use the distillation rate that equals the molar flow of toluene in the feed stream (S21) and
the reflux ratio. After convergence of the column using initial specifications, define new
specifications: mole fraction of styrene and toluene in the bottom product of 0.999 and mole recovery
of styrene and ethylbenzene in the bottom product of 0.999. With these specifications, the reflux ratio
reaches values of around 17; however, the distillation rate is only around 1 kmol⋅h−1 so the reflux
flow rate is not very high. Separation of the styrene–ethylbenzene mixture is simulated in two
columns. In the first column, 80 mol% of styrene with the purity of 99.9% is recovered. To achieve
these requirements, a column with 60 theoretical stages and a reflux ratio of 7 has to be used. The
column pressure is 5 kPa. The second column with 40 theoretical stages and a reflux ratio of 6.8.
provides styrene recovery of 99.5 and purity of 99.9 mol%. Total styrene recoveryis 99.1%, and its
purity is 99.9%. If requirement for purity of styrene is decreased to 99 mol%, the value of reflux ratio
decreases to 4.1. The ethylbenzene stream is pumped back to the reactor.

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