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Error Distribution

Req: Analysis:20%
Design: 30%
Coding: 50%

June 10, 2021 1

Software Development Process

A development process is a set of activities

together with an ordering relationship
between activities which if performed in such
a manner that satisfies the ordering
relationship will produced the desired result

June 10, 2021 2

Software Development Process
Model (Contd)

• Process model is methodology adopted by

a team of developers.
• A process model for software Engineering
is chosen based on the nature of the
• It is an abstract representation of
development model.

June 10, 2021 3

Software Development Process
Model (Contd)

• The purpose of specifying a development

process is to suggest an overall process
for developing a software.

June 10, 2021 4

Water Fall Model

Simplest Model introduced first by Royee in 1970

states that the phases are organized in linear
ordering that begin at the system level and
program through analysis, design, coding, testing
and maintenance.

June 10, 2021 5

Water Fall Model(Contd)

June 10, 2021 6

Water Fall Model(Contd)
• Basic Assumption In Waterfall Model
There are two basic assumption for justifying the
linear ordering of phase in the manner proposed
by the water Fall model.
1)For successful project resulting in a success
product all phases listed in waterfall model must
be performed anyway.
2)Any Different ordering of the phase will be result
in a less successful software product.

June 10, 2021 7

Water Fall Model(Contd)
Project output in Waterfall model:
The output of project employing the waterfall
model is not just the final program along with
documentation to use it. There are a number of
intermediate output which must be produced in
order to produced a successful product. The
following is set of documents that should be
produced in each product.
1.Requirement Documents.
2.Project Plan.

June 10, 2021 8

Water Fall Model(Contd)
3. System Design documents
4. Detailed Design documents
5. Test plan and test report
6. Final code
7. Software manuals.
8. Review reports

June 10, 2021 9

Water Fall Model(Contd)
Limitations of Waterfall Model:
1. It is difficult for the customer to state all the
requirements explicitly.
2. The waterfall model assume that the
requirement of system can be frozen before the
design begin
3. Using waterfall model a project might taken a
few years to complete so customer should have
4. Errors are not detected quickly but at the end of
all activities.

June 10, 2021 10

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