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Outline (Lecture – 23)

 Complex Notations

1 Elements of Electrical Engineering (EEE 101)

Complex Algebra
 Complex algebra is an alternative to the phasor based analysis of AC

 Rectangular or complex notations are helpful in solving addition and

subtraction of complex quantities like impedances, currents, voltages and

 The phasor notation, in turn, simplifies the multiplication and division of

these complex quantities.

 A complex number is one which represents the horizontal and vertical

components of a polar number separately. The horizontal component is
the real component (hence real power) and the vertical component is the
imaginary component.

2 Elements of Electrical Engineering (EEE 101)

The j Operator

j operator => represents the vertical component of a phasor

3 Elements of Electrical Engineering (EEE 101)
The j Operator

4 Elements of Electrical Engineering (EEE 101)

The j Operator


3 => Real Number

j 4 => Imaginary Number

Complex Number = Real + Imaginary

5 Elements of Electrical Engineering (EEE 101)

The j Operator

Let a current given by I = 3 + j4 amperes passes through a resistor of, say, 10 Ω.

Power due to the ‘imaginary’ component of the current = 42 × 10 = 160 W

Power due to the ‘real’ component of the current = 32 × 10 = 90 W

The actual (resultant) current would be 5 A , and when this current flows through a 10
Ω resistor, the power is 52× 10 = 250 W = 160 + 90

Imaginary component = Quadrature component

Real component = In-phase component

A complex number can be represented by:

A = a + jb (rectangular or Cartesian notation)

= A (cos θ + j sin θ) (trigonometric notation)
= A∠θ (polar notation)
6 Elements of Electrical Engineering (EEE 101)
Complex Notations: Examples

Unsolved Problem 13.1 (Book T1, Chapter 13):

Express in rectangular and polar notations the phasors for the following quantities:
(a) i = 10 sin ωt;
(b) i = 5 sin (ωt − π/3);
(c) v = 40 sin(ωt + π/6).

Draw a phasor diagram representing the above voltage and currents.

7 Elements of Electrical Engineering (EEE 101)

Complex Notations: Examples

Unsolved Problem 13.2 (Book T1, Chapter 13):

With the aid of a simple diagram, explain the j-notation method of phasor
Four single-phase generators whose e.m.f.s can be represented by: e 1 = 20 sin ωt;
e2= 40 sin(ωt + π/2); e3 = 30 sin(ωt − π/6); e4 = 10 sin(ωt − π/3); are connected in
series so that their resultant e.m.f. is given by e = e1+ e2+ e3+ e4.
Express each e.m.f. and the resultant in the form a ± jb.

Hence find the maximum value of e and its phase angle relative to e1.

8 Elements of Electrical Engineering (EEE 101)

Complex Notations: Examples

Unsolved Problem 13.3 (Book T1, Chapter 13):

Express each of the following phasors in polar notation and draw the phasor
(a)10 + j5;

(b)3 − j8.

9 Elements of Electrical Engineering (EEE 101)

Phasor Addition / Subtraction

A1= a1+ jb1 and A2= a2+ jb2 B = - a + j b = Phasor difference of

A1 and A2 (where a1< a2 )
A = a + j b = resultant of A1 and A2
B = a1- a2 + j (b1 - b2)
But a= a1+ a2 and b = b1 + b2 = (a1+ jb1) - (a2+ jb2)
A = a1+ a2 + j (b1 + b2) = A1 - A2
= (a1+ jb1) + (a2+ jb2)
=10A1 + A2 Elements of Electrical Engineering (EEE 101)
Next Lecture

 Complex Notations in Series Circuits

11 Elements of Electrical Engineering (EEE 101)

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12 Elements of Electrical Engineering (EEE 101)

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