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Chapter 19 Solved Problems

19.7 The accompanying diagram shows how ΔH (red line) and TΔS (blue
line) change with temperature for a hypothetical reaction.

(a) What is the significance of the point at 300 K, where ΔH and TΔS are
(b) In what temperature range is this reaction spontaneous? [Section 19.6]
(a) What is the significance of the point at 300 K, where ΔH and TΔS are equal?

(a) At 300 K, ΔH = TΔS.

Because ΔG = ΔH –TΔS,

ΔG= 0 at this point.

When ΔG = 0 the system is at equilibrium.

Effect of Temperature on the Spontaneity of Reactions
ΔG⁰ Description* Example
⁰ ⁰
ΔG = (-) – (+) = - C6H12O6(s)glucose →
- + -
Spontaneous at all T 2C2H5OH(l) ethanol +2CO2(g)
ΔG = (+) – (-) = +
+ - + 3O2(g) → 2O3(g)
Nonspontaneous at all T
ΔG = (-) – (-) = + or -
+ or
- - Spontaneous at low T; 2NH3(g) +CO2(g) → NH2CONH2(aq) + H2O(l)
nonspontaneous at high T
ΔG = (+) – (+) = + or - Ba(OH)2.8H2O(s)+2NH4NO3(s) →
+ or
+ + Nonspontaneous at low T;
- Ba(NO3)2(aq)+ 2NH3(g) + 10H2O(l)
spontaneous at high T
*The terms low temperature and high temperature are relative. For a particular reaction, high
temperature could mean room temperature.

(b) In what temperature range is this reaction spontaneous? [Section 19.6]

(b) A reaction is always spontaneous when ΔG is negative.

This is supplied when TΔS > ΔH.

From the diagram, TΔS > ΔH when T > 300 K.

The reaction is spontaneous at temperatures above 300 K.

Once more,let’s remember the genaral effects of temperature on the
spontaneity of reactions using the equation, ΔG = ΔH –TΔS.
Effect of Temperature on the Spontaneity of Reactions
H⁰ ΔS⁰ ΔG⁰ Description*
ΔG = (-) – (+) = -
- + -
Spontaneous at all T
ΔG = (+) – (-) = +
+ - +
Nonspontaneous at all T
ΔG = (-) – (-) = + or -
- - + or - Spontaneous below T= 300 K
nonspontaneous above T = 300 K
ΔG = (+) – (+) = + or -
+ + + or - Spontaneous above T= 300 K
nonspontaneous below T = 300 K
*The terms low temperature and high temperature are relative. For a particular reaction,
high temperature could mean room temperature. For this example T = 300 K

19.8 The accompanying diagram shows how ΔG for a hypothetical
reaction changes as temperature changes.

(a) At what temperature is the system at equilibrium?

(b) In what temperature range is the reaction spontaneous?
(c) Is ΔH positive or negative?
(d) Is ΔS positive or negative? [Sections 19.5 and 19.6]
(a) At what temperature is the system at equilibrium?
(a) At equilibrium, ΔG=0.
On the diagram, ΔG=0 at 250 K.
The system is at equilibrium at 250 K.
(b) In what temperature range is the reaction spontaneous?

(b) A reaction is spontaneous when ΔG is negative.

The reaction is spontaneous at temperatures greater than 250 K.
(c) Is ΔH positive or negative?
(c) ΔG = ΔH –TΔS, in the form of y = b + mx.
ΔH is the y intercept of the graph (where T=0) and is positive.
(d) Is ΔS positive or negative? [Sections 19.5 and 19.6]
(d) The slope of the graph is (–ΔS).
The slope is negative, ΔS is positive.
[Also, ΔG decreases as T increases, so the TΔS term must become more negative
and ΔS is positive.]
19.10 The accompanying diagram shows how the free energy, G,
changes during a hypothetical reaction A(g) + B(g) → C(g). On the
left are pure reactants A and B, each at 1 atm, and on the right is the
pure product, C, also at 1 atm. Indicate whether each of the following
statements is true or false.

(a) The minimum of the graph corresponds to the equilibrium mixture

of reactants and products for this reaction.
(b) At equilibrium, all of A and B have reacted to give pure C.
(c) The entropy change for this reaction is positive.
(d) The “x” on the graph corresponds to ΔG for the reaction.
(e) ΔG for the reaction corresponds to the difference between the top
left of the curve and the bottom of the curve. [Section 19.7]
(a) The minimum of the graph corresponds to the equilibrium mixture of reactants and products for this
reaction. A(g) + B(g) → C(g).
(a) True. When ΔG = 0, the reaction is at equilibrium.
(b) At equilibrium, all of A and B have reacted to give pure C.
(b) False. At equilibrium, there is a mixture of reactants and products.
(c) The entropy change for this reaction is positive.
(c) False. There are fewer gas moles in the products than the
reactants, so ΔS is negative.
(d) The “x” on the graph corresponds to ΔG for the reaction.
(d) False. At the left and right extremes of the graph, reactants and
products are gases at 1 atm pressure; they are in their standard states.
The quantity “x” is the difference in free energy between reactants and
products in their standard states, ΔG⁰.
(e) ΔG for the reaction corresponds to the difference between the top left of the curve and the bottom of the
curve. [Section 19.7]
(e) True. ΔG is a measure of the driving force for a reaction to
reach equilibrium.
19.63 Octane (C8H18) is a liquid hydrocarbon at room temperature that
is the primary constituent of gasoline.

(a) Write a balanced equation for the combustion of C8H18(l) to form

CO2(g) and H2O(l).

(b) Without using thermochemical data, predict whether ΔG° for this
reaction is more negative or less negative than ΔH°.
(a) Write a balanced equation for the combustion of C 8H18(l) to form CO2(g) and H2O(l).

2C8H18(l) + 25O2(g) → 16CO2(g) + 18H2O(l).

(b) Without using thermochemical data, predict whether ΔG° for this reaction is more negative or less
negative than ΔH°.

(b) Because there are more moles of gas in the reactants,

ΔS is negative, which makes –TΔ S positive.

ΔG⁰ is less negative than ΔH⁰ .

(This argument is true for the reaction as written. If the products are
all in the gas phase, there are more moles of gas in the products and
ΔG⁰ is more negative than ΔH⁰.)
19.88 Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or
false. If it is false, correct it.
(a) The feasibility of manufacturing NH3 from N2 and H2 depends
entirely on the value of ΔH for the process N2(g) + 3 H2(g)→2 NH3(g).
(b) The reaction of Na(s) with Cl2(g) to form NaCl(s) is a spontaneous
(c) A spontaneous process can in principle be conducted reversibly.
(d) Spontaneous processes in general require that work be done to
force them to proceed.
(e) Spontaneous processes are those that are exothermic and that lead
to a higher degree of order in the system.
(a) The feasibility of manufacturing NH3 from N2 and H2 depends entirely on the value of ΔH for the
process N2(g) + 3 H2(g)→2 NH3(g).

(a) False. The essential question is whether the reaction proceeds far to the right
before arriving at equilibrium. The position of equilibrium, which is the essential
aspect, is dependent not only on ΔH but on the entropy change as well.
(b) The reaction of Na(s) with Cl2(g) to form NaCl(s) is a spontaneous process.

(b) True.
(c) A spontaneous process can in principle be conducted reversibly.

(c) True.
(d) Spontaneous processes in general require that work be done to force them to proceed.

(d) False. Nonspontaneous prosses in general require that work be done to force
them to proceed. Spontaneous processes occur without application of work.
(e) Spontaneous processes are those that are exothermic and that lead to a higher degree of order in the

(e) False. Such a process might be spontaneous, but would not necessarily be so.
Spontaneous processes are those that are exothermic and/or that lead to
increased disorder in the system.
19.89 For each of the following processes, indicate whether the signs of
ΔS and ΔH are expected to be positive, negative, or about zero.

(a) A solid sublimes.

(b) The temperature of a sample of Co(s) is lowered from 60 °C to 25 °C.

(c) Ethyl alcohol evaporates from a beaker.

(d) A diatomic molecule dissociates into atoms.

(e) A piece of charcoal is combusted to form CO2(g) and H2O(g).

(a) A solid sublimes.

Process ΔH ΔS
(a) + +
(b) The temperature of a sample of Co(s) is lowered from 60 °C to 25 °C.

Process ΔH ΔS
(b) - -
(c) Ethyl alcohol evaporates from a beaker.

Process ΔH ΔS
(c) + +
(d) A diatomic molecule dissociates into atoms.

Process ΔH ΔS
(d) + +
(e) A piece of charcoal is combusted to form CO2(g) and H2O(g)

Process ΔH ΔS
(e) - +
19.90 The reaction 2 Mg(s) + O2(g) →2 MgO(s) is highly
A classmate calculates the entropy change for this reaction and obtains
a large negative value for ΔS°.
Did your classmate make a mistake in the calculation? Explain.

There is no mistake in the calculation.

The second law states that in any spontaneous reaction there is an
increase in the entropy of the universe.
Although there may be a decrease in entropy of the system, as in
the present case, this decrease is more than offset by an increase in
entropy of the surroundings.
19.109 At what temperatures is the following reaction, the reduction of
magnetite by graphite to elemental iron, spontaneous?
Fe3O4(s) + 2 C (s, graphite) → CO2(g) + 3 Fe (s)
Calculate ΔG⁰, ΔH⁰, and ΔS⁰ using data from Appendix C.
Fe3O4(s) + 2 C (s, graphite) → 2CO2(g) + 3 Fe (s)

ΔG⁰ = 2ΔG⁰fCO2(g) + 3ΔG⁰fFe(s) - ΔG⁰fFe3O4(s) - 2ΔG⁰fC(s,graphite)

= 2(-394.4) + 3(0) – [(-1014.2) - 2(0)] = 225.4 kJ
ΔH⁰ = 2ΔH⁰fCO2(g) + 3ΔH⁰fFe(s) - ΔH⁰fFe3O4(s) - 2ΔH⁰fC(s,graphite)
= 2(-393.5) + 3(0) – [(-1117.1) - 2(0)] = 330.1 kJ
ΔS⁰ = 2S⁰CO2(g) + 3S⁰Fe(s) - S⁰Fe3O4(s) - 2S⁰C(s,graphite)
= 2(213.6) + 2(27.15) – [(146.4) - 2(5.69)] =350.9 J/K = 0.350 J/K
Use ΔG⁰ = ΔH⁰ –TΔS⁰ to calculate the temperature at which ΔG⁰
changes sign. Couple this temperature with the sign of ΔG⁰ at 298 K to
state a temperature range over which the reaction is spontaneous.
ΔH⁰ = T ΔS⁰; ΔG = 0 = ΔH –TΔS; T = ΔH⁰ / ΔS⁰
T = 330.1kJ/ 0.3509 J/K T= 940.7 K = 667.6 ⁰C
The reaction will be spontaneous at temperatures above 667.6 ⁰C.
Even though ΔS⁰ is large and positive, a very high temperature is
required to overcome the large positive enthalpy of reaction.
19.112 Carbon disulfide (CS2) is a toxic, highly flammable substance. The following
thermodynamic data are available for CS2(l) and CS2(g) at 298 K:
ΔH⁰f (kJ/mol) ΔG°f (kJ/mol)
CS2(l) 89.7 65.3
CS2(g) 117.4 67.2
(a) Draw the Lewis structure of the molecule. What do you predict for the bond order of
the C¬S bonds?
(b) Use the VSEPR method to predict the structure of the CS2 molecule.
(c) Liquid CS2 burns in O2 with a blue flame, forming CO2(g) and SO2(g). Write a
balanced equation for this reaction.
(d) Using the data in the preceding table and in Appendix C, calculate ΔH° and ΔG° for
the reaction in part (c). Is the reaction exothermic? Is it spontaneous at 298 K?
(e) Use the data in the table to calculate ΔS° at 298 K for the vaporization of CS2(l). Is
the sign of ΔS° as you would expect for a vaporization?
(f) Using data in the table and your answer to part (e), estimate the boiling point of
CS2(l). Do you predict that the substance will be a liquid or a gas at 298 K and 1 atm?
(a) Draw the Lewis structure of the molecule. What do you predict for the bond order of the C¬S bonds?
(b) Use the VSEPR method to predict the structure of the CS 2 molecule.
(c) Liquid CS2 burns in O2 with a blue flame, forming CO2(g) and SO2(g). Write a balanced equation for this
(c) CS2(l) + 3O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2SO2(g)

(d) Using the data in the preceding table and in Appendix C, calculate ΔH° and ΔG° for the reaction in part(c).
Is the reaction exothermic? Is it spontaneous at 298 K?

(d) ΔH⁰ = ΔH⁰ CO2(g) + 2ΔH⁰ SO2(g) - ΔH⁰ CS2(l) - 3ΔH⁰O2(g)

= -393.5 + 2(-296.9) –(89.7) -3(0) = -1077.0 kJ
ΔG⁰ = ΔG⁰ CO2(g) + 2ΔG⁰ SO2(g) - ΔG⁰ CS2(l) - 3ΔG⁰O2(g)
= -394.4 + 2(-300.4) –(65.3) -3(0) = -1060.5 kJ
The reaction exotermic(-ΔH⁰) and spontaneous(-ΔG⁰) at 298 K
(e) Use the data in the table to calculate ΔS° at 298 K for the vaporization of CS2(l). Is the sign of ΔS° as
you would expect for a vaporization?
(e) at vaporization: CS2(l) ↔ CS2(g)

ΔG⁰vap = ΔH⁰vap - T ΔS⁰vap ΔS⁰vap = (ΔH⁰vap - ΔG⁰vap)/T

ΔG⁰vap = ΔG⁰ CS2(g) - ΔG⁰ CS2(l) = 67.2 – 65.3 = 1.9 kJ

ΔH⁰vap = ΔH⁰ CS2(g) - ΔH⁰ CS2(l) = 117.4 – 89.7 = 27.7 kJ

ΔS⁰vap = (27.7 kJ - 1.9 kJ)/298 K = 0.0866 kJ/K = 86.6 J /K

ΔS⁰vap is always positive; because the gas phase occupies a greater volume and has
more motional freedom and a larger absolute entropy than the liquid.
(f) Using data in the table and your answer to part (e), estimate the boiling point of CS 2(l). Do you predict
that the substance will be a liquid or a gas at 298 K and 1 atm?

(f) At the boiling point, ΔG = 0 and ΔHvap = Tb ΔSvap

Tb = ΔHvap /ΔSvap = 27.7 kJ/ 0.0866 kJ/K = 319.9 =320 K

Tb = 320 K = 47 ⁰C.
19.113 The following data compare the standard enthalpies and free energies of
formation of some crystalline ionic substances and aqueous solutions of the
Substance ΔH⁰f (kJ/mol) ΔG⁰f (kJ/mol)
AgNO3(s) -124.4 -33.4
AgNO3(aq) -101.7 -34.2
MgSO4(s) -1283.7 -1169.6
MgSO4(aq) -1374.8 -1198.4

(a) Write the formation reaction for AgNO3(s). Based on this reaction, do you expect
the entropy of the system to increase or decrease upon the formation of AgNO 3(s)?
(b) Use ΔH°f and ΔG°f of AgNO3(s) to determine the entropy change upon formation
of the substance. Is your answer consistent with your reasoning in part (a)?
(c) Is dissolving AgNO3 in water an exothermic or endothermic process? What about
dissolving MgSO4 in water?
(d) For both AgNO3 and MgSO4, use the data to calculate the entropy change when
the solid is dissolved in water.
(e) Discuss the results from part (d) with reference to material presented in this
Substance ΔH⁰f (kJ/mol) ΔG⁰f (kJ/mol)
AgNO3(s) -124.4 -33.4
AgNO3(aq) -101.7 -34.2
MgSO4(s) -1283.7 -1169.6
MgSO4(aq) -1374.8 -1198.4
(a) Write the formation reaction for AgNO3(s). Based on this reaction, do you expect the entropy of the
system to increase or decrease upon the formation of AgNO 3(s)?

(a) Ag(s) + 1/2N2(g) + 3/2O2(g) → AgNO3(s)

S decreases because fewer gas molecules in the product.

(b) Use ΔH°f and ΔG°f of AgNO3(s) to determine the entropy change upon formation of the substance. Is
your answer consistent with your reasoning in part (a)?

(b) ΔG⁰f = ΔH⁰f – T ΔS⁰

ΔS⁰ = (ΔG⁰f – ΔH⁰f)/T = (-124.4kJ –(-33.4kJ))/298K = -0.305kJ/K = -

Substance ΔH⁰f (kJ/mol) ΔG⁰f (kJ/mol)
AgNO3(s) -124.4 -33.4
AgNO3(aq) -101.7 -34.2
MgSO4(s) -1283.7 -1169.6
MgSO4(aq) -1374.8 -1198.4

(c) Is dissolving AgNO3 in water an exothermic or endothermic process? What about dissolving MgSO 4 in
(c) Dissolving of AgNO3(s) can be expressed as

AgNO3(s) → AgNO3(aq, 1M)

ΔH⁰ = ΔH⁰ AgNO3(aq) – ΔH⁰ AgNO3(s) = -101.7-(-124.4) = + 22.7 kJ

MgSO4(s) → MgSO4 (aq, 1M)

ΔH⁰ = ΔH⁰ MgSO4(aq) – ΔH⁰ MgSO4(s) = -1374.8-(-1283.7) = - 91.1 kJ

Dissolving AgNO3(s) is endothermic (+ ΔH⁰), but dissolving MgSO4(s) is

exothermic (- ΔH⁰),
Substance ΔH⁰f (kJ/mol) ΔG⁰f (kJ/mol)
AgNO3(s) -124.4 -33.4
AgNO3(aq) -101.7 -34.2
MgSO4(s) -1283.7 -1169.6
MgSO4(aq) -1374.8 -1198.4
(d) For both AgNO3 and MgSO4, use the data to calculate the entropy change when the solid is dissolved in
(d) AgNO3

ΔG⁰ = ΔG⁰f AgNO3(aq) - ΔG⁰f AgNO3(s) = - 34.2 – (-33.4) = -0.8 kJ

ΔS⁰ = (ΔH⁰ -ΔG⁰) / T

= [22.7 kJ –(-0.8kJ)] / 298 K = 0.0789 kJ/K = 78.9 J/K

ΔG⁰ = ΔG⁰f MgSO4 (aq) - ΔG⁰f MgSO4 (s) = - 1198.4 – (-1169.6) = -28.8 kJ

ΔS⁰ = (ΔH⁰ -ΔG⁰) / T

= [-91.1 kJ –(-28.8kJ)] / 298 K = -0.209 kJ/K = -209 J/K
(e) Discuss the results from part (d) with reference to material presented in this chapter and in the “A Closer
Look” box on page 820.

(e) In general, we expect dissolving a crystalline solid to be

accompanied by an increase positional disorder and an increase in
entropy; this is the case for AgNO3 (ΔS⁰ = + 78.9 J/K).
However, for dissolving MgSO4(s), there is a substantial decrease in
entropy (ΔS⁰ = -209 J/K).
According to Section 13.5, ion pairing is a significant phenomenon in electrolyte
solutions, particularly in concentrated solutions where the charges of the ions are
greater than 1. According to Table 13.4, a 0.1 m MgSO4 solution has a van’t Hoff
factor of 1.21. That is, for each mole of MgSO4 that dissolves, there are only 1.21
moles of “particles” in solution instead of 2 moles of particles. For a 1 m solution, the
factor is even smaller. Also, the exothermic enthalpy of mixing indicates substantial
interactions between solute and solvent. Substantial ion-pairing coupled with ion-
dipole interactions between with H2O molecules lead to a decrease in entropy for
MgSO4(aq) relative to MgSO4(s).
19.114] Consider the following equilibrium:
N2O4(g) → 2 NO2(g)
Thermodynamic data on these gases are given in Appendix C. You may assume that
ΔH° and ΔS° do not vary with temperature.

(a) At what temperature will an equilibrium mixture contain equal amounts of the
two gases?

(b) At what temperature will an equilibrium mixture of 1 atm total pressure contain
twice as much NO2 as N2O4?

(c) At what temperature will an equilibrium mixture of 10 atm total pressure contain
twice as much NO2 as N2O4?

(d) Rationalize the results from parts (b) and (c) by using Le Châtelier’s principle.
[Section 15.7]
19.114] Consider the following equilibrium: N2O4(g) → 2 NO2(g)
Thermodynamic data on these gases are given in Appendix C. You may assume that ΔH° and ΔS° do not
vary with temperature.
(a) At what temperature will an equilibrium mixture contain equal amounts of the two gases?
(a) K= P2NO2/ PN2O4
 Assume equal amounts means equal number of moles. For gases, P=n(RT/V).
In an equilibrium mixture, RT/V is a constant, so moles of gases are directly proportional to
partial pressure.
Gases with equal partial pressures will have equal moles of gas present.
The condition PNO2 = PN2O4 leads to the expression K=PNO2.
The value of K then depends on Pt for the mixture. For any particular value of Pt, the
condition of equal moles of two gases can be achieved at some temperature. For example,
PNO2 =PN2O4 = 1.0 atm, Pt = 2.0 atm.
  K= (1.0)2/ 1.0 = 1.0,
ln K = 0; ΔG = 0 = ΔH –TΔS; T = ΔH⁰ / ΔS⁰
ΔH⁰ = 2ΔH⁰ NO2(g) - ΔH⁰ N2O4(g) = 2(33.84) – (9.66) = + 58.02 kJ

ΔS⁰ = 2S⁰ NO2(g) - S⁰ N2O4(g) = 2(240.45) – (304.3) = + 0.1766 kJ/K

(b) At what temperature will an equilibrium mixture of 1 atm total pressure contain twice as much NO 2 as
Pt = 1.00 atm; PN2O4 = x , PNO2 = 2x; x + 2x = 1.00 atm
x = PN2O4 = 0.333 atm; PNO2 = 2x 0.333 = 0.667 atm.
K= (0.667)2/ 0.333 = 1.33, ΔG = -RTlnK = ΔH⁰ –TΔS⁰;
-(8.314x10-3 kJ/K) (ln1.334) T = 58.02 kJ –(0.1766kJ/K) T T= 333.0 K

(c) At what temperature will an equilibrium mixture of 10 atm total pressure contain
twice as much NO2 as N2O4?
Pt = 10.00 atm; PN2O4 = x , PNO2 = 2x; x + 2x = 10.00 atm
x = PN2O4 = 3.33 atm; PNO2 = 2x3.33 = 6.67 atm.
K= (6.67)2/ 3.33 = 13.33, ΔG = -RTlnK = ΔH⁰ –TΔS⁰;
-(8.314x10-3 kJ/K) (ln13.34) T = 58.02 kJ –(0.1766kJ/K) T T= 374.2 K

(d) Rationalize the results from parts (b) and (c) by using Le Châtelier’s principle. [Section 15.7]
19.115 The reaction
SO2 (g) + 2 H2S(g) ↔ 3 S(s) + 2 H2O(g)
is the basis of a suggested method for removal of SO2 from power-
plant stack gases.
The standard free energy of each substance is given in Appendix C.

(a) What is the equilibrium constant for the reaction at 298 K?

(b) In principle, is this reaction a feasible method of removing SO2?

(c) If PSO2 = PH2S and the vapor pressure of water is 25 torr, calculate
the equilibrium SO2 pressure in the system at 298 K.

(d) Would you expect the process to be more or less effective at higher
The reaction SO2 (g) + 2 H2S(g) ↔ 3 S(s) + 2 H2O(g)
(a) What is the equilibrium constant for the reaction at 298 K?
ΔG⁰ = 3ΔG⁰f S(s) + 2ΔG⁰f H2O(g) - ΔG⁰f SO2(g) - 2ΔG⁰f H2S(g)
= 3(0) + 2(-228.57) – (304.4)-2(33.01)
= -90.72 kJ
lnK = - ΔG⁰/RT = -(-90.72kJ)/ (8.314x10-3 kJ/K) (298K)
= 36.6 K = e36.6 = K = 8x1015

(b) In principle, is this reaction a feasible method of removing SO 2?

The reaction is highly spontaneous at 298 K and feasible in principle. However, use of
H2S(g) produces a severe safety hazard for workers and the surrounding community.

(c) If PSO2 = PH2S and the vapor pressure of water is 25 torr, calculate the equilibrium SO 2 pressure in the
system at 298 K.
P H2O = 25 torr/ 760 torr/atm = 0.033 atm
K= P2H2O / PSO2xP2H2S ; PSO2 = PH2S = x atm
K = 7.99x1015 = (0.033)2/ x(x)2 ; x = 5x10-7 atm.
(d) Would you expect the process to be more or less effective at higher temperatures?
ΔH⁰ = 3ΔH⁰f S(s) + 2ΔH⁰f H2O(g) - ΔH⁰f SO2(g) - 2ΔH⁰f H2S(g)
= 3(0) + 2(-241.82) – (296.9)-2(-20.17)
= -146.4 kJ

ΔS⁰ = 3S⁰ S(s) + 2S⁰ H2O(g) - S⁰ SO2(g) – 2S⁰ H2S(g)

= 3(31.88) + 2(188.83) – (248.5)-2(205.6)
= -186.4 J/K

The reaction is exothermic (-ΔH), so the value of Keq will decrease

with increasing temperature.
The negative ΔS⁰ value means that the reaction will become
nonspontaneous at some higher temperature.
The process will be less effective at elevated temperatures.

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