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Human Osmoregulatory and Excretory System and
their Relation to Health
Human excretory
The human excretion system is composed by
excretory organs that involve liver, lungs, kidneys,
and skin.
The human excretion

Human excretion are :

The Osmoregulation
Kidney is located in distal abdomen cavity.
The function of kidney is to filter unusable substances
(waste) in blood. This waste will be excreted along with
There are three past of kidney, the outer portion of
kidney is called cortex, the inner portion in medulla, and
a funnel-shaped chamber is called pelvis, cortex is
composed of malphigian tubules and capillaries. Pelvis is
like a chamber that is used to reserve urine for while, and
then the urine flows into urinary bladder though ureter.
Lungs are main organ in respiratory system because it
functions to take oxygen.
Lungs are also called excretory organ because they can
discharge carbondioxide (CO₂) and water vapor ( H₂O)
Skin is included into an excretory organ because it
discharge swat .
Skin is made up of three layers, they are :
a. The epidermis
b. The dermis
c. The connective tissue under the skin.

Several function of skin are :

a) As excretory organ.
b) As protector.
c) As place of feel of sense and touch of sense.
d) As place to store the surplus of fat.
e) As place to make vitamin D.
f) As regulator of body temperature.
1. Liver
Liver included into gland and the largest gland inside the body.liver
has reddish-brown color of weight in adult people is about 2 kg.
liver is located inside abdominal cavity to the right under
diaphgram. Liver is included into secretory organ and excretory
liver called secretory organ because the liver produces gall, while
liver called excretoryorgan because the galldischarged contains
waste matters that come from brokenred blood cell and destroyed
in the lymph.
( function)
( Picture of Liver )
 Besides as excretory organ, the liver also has the other function as
 1. destroying disease germs and neutralizing poison that enters into
the body.
 2. controlling sugar level in the blood. The surplus of sugar substance
in the blood is changed to be glycogen and if the blood is lacking of
sugar substance, the glycogen is changed to be glucose and it is suplied
to the blood.
 3. as formation place of prothrombin and fibrinogen.
 place to change provitamin A to be vitamin A. provitamin A is
obtained from vegatbles and fruits that by liver is changed to be
vitamin A.
Picture of liver
The example of disease that attack liver are hepatitis and
diabetes mellitus.
The example of disorders and disease in the kidney are
kidney malfunction , nephritis, diabetes
insipidus,albuminuria, and kidney stone.
The example of disorders and disease in the skin are
athlete foot, disease, ringworm, rash ,psoriasis, and
skin cancer.
Osmoregulation is the active regulation of the osmotic pressure of an
organism's fluids to maintain the homeostasis of the organism's water
content; that is it keeps the organism's fluids from becoming too diluted or
too concentrated. Osmotic pressure is a measure of the tendency of water to
move into one solution from another by osmosis. The higher the osmotic
pressure of a solution the more water wants to move into the solution.
Pressure must be exerted on the hypertonic side of a selectively-permeable
membrane to prevent diffusion of water by osmosis from the side containing
pure water.
Organisms in both aquatic and terrestrial environments must maintain the
right concentration of solutes and amount of water in their body fluids; this
involves excretion: getting rid of metabolic wastes and other substances such
as hormones that would be toxic if allowed to accumulate in the blood via
organs such as the skin and the kidneys; keeping the amount of water and
dissolved solutes in balance is referred to as osmoregulation.
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