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Personality and Attitude

● Name:-Anup Naskar
● sem-8th Course-Btech(EEE)
● Roll-15602817012
● Subject-Organization Behavior
● College -Pailan College of Management
& Technology
• Personality and attitude – two significant
means of describing OB

• Both very complex traits.

• Aanalysis of both vital to understand

and analyse OB

What does it mean ???

• N0 universal agreement on exact
• Some equate with social success –
good, popular or ‘has lot of personality’.
• Others describe it by single dominate –
strong, weak or polite.
• Different theories of personality.


• Latin word ‘PER SONA’ – meaning to speak


• Masks worn by Greek and roman actors.

• Includes both person and the role enacted.

• In essence
‘personality means how people affect others and
how they understand and view themselves. as
also, their inner and outer traits, and person –
situation interaction.’
Traits : the big five

• Extraversion

• Agreeableness

• Conscientiousness

• Emotional stability

• Openness to experience
• Extraversion. sociable, talkative and assertive.
• Agrreableness. good natured, cooperative and
• Conscientiousness. responsive, dependable,
persistent and achievement oriented.
• Emotional stability. secure, sure and relaxed.
• Openness to experience. imaginative, artistically
sensitive and intellectual.

The above not withstanding, dealing with self-concept

(self esteem and self efficacy) and person – situation
interaction also plays important role.

• Attempt to understand self is called self

• Self = blend and product of many
interacting parts.
• To do with self perceived competence
and self image.
• No conclusive outcome of studies of
self esteem.
• Plays important role in moderating
emotional and behavioural responses
and stress.
• Employees with high self esteem feel
unique, secure, empowered and have
better inter-personnel relationship.
• Concerned with self perception.
• How well he/she can cope with
situations as they arise.
• Higher the self efficacy – capable and
confident of performing well in a given
• Self-esteem a generalized trait (all
situations), self efficacy situation specific.
• Training improves self efficacy.
Nature and Dimensions of
• Personality and attitude complex cognitive
• former --- thought as whole person
latter --- what makes personality.
• Often used in describing and explaining
one’s behaviour e.g. ‘She has poor attitude’,
I like her attitude’, ‘our workers do not
produce quality products because they have
poor attitude’.
• Attitude and values not the same but inter
What does attitude mean ??
‘These are evaluating statements – which
could be either favourable or unfavourable –
concerning object, person or event.’
‘A persistent tendency to feel and behave in a
particular manner towards some object, person
or event.’
‘Mohan does not like working night shift.’ it
implies that he has negative attitude towards
his work assignment.
Attitude Characterized by
• Tendency to persist unless something
done to change e.g. change Ram’s duty to
day shift.

• Falls anywhere along continuum, from very

favourable to very unfavourable.

• Directed towards some object about which

a person has a feeling and belief e.g. Ram’s
work shift.
Types of Attitude
▪ Job Satisfaction. a collection of positive
and/or negative feelings that an individual
holds towards his/her job.
▪ Job Involvement.
- identifying with the job.
- actively participating in it.
- considering performance important to
self worth.
- fewer absences and lower resignations.

Types of Attitudes
▪ Organizational Commitment.
- Identifying with particular
organization and its goals.
- Maintaining membership in the
- Negative org commitment.
more absence and turnover.
- May be dissatisfied with the
job but not organization.
Functions of Attitude
❖ Adjustment Function.
o Attitudes help people ADJUST TO
their work environment.
o If workers treated well, they have
positive attitude towards superviso
and management.
o Reverse also true.
o Affects overall attitude.
❖ Ego Defencive Functions.
o Attitudes defend self image.
o Sticking to decision even if
o Ego defence by blaming others.
o Attitudes serve to justify action.
Functions of Attitude
❖ Value Expressive Function.
⮚ Attitudes provide people with
basis for expressing their values –
hard work.
⮚ Expressing views about something
strongly believed in – contribution
towards workers welfare fund.
❖ Knowledge Function.
⮚ Attitude blocks / opens wisdom.

⮚ Distortion of truth / knowledge.


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