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Image filtering and noise techniques


By Khalis bin Mat Rahed

Poisson Noise

 Poisson noise is a noise that appear on

image in low-light condition when the
number of photons is small.
 Many image de-noising algorithms assume
that the noise is normally distributed or
 The magnitude of Poisson Noise varies
across the image, which depend on image

 Poisson noise prevails in situations where

an image is created by the accumulation of
photons over a detector.
 Typical examples are found in standard X-
ray films, CCD cameras, and infrared
Poisson vs Gaussian

 From histogram, Poisson noise closely resembles

Gaussian noise. However, there is an important
difference in for dark image values!

Poisson Gaussian
You can see the difference to Gaussian noise in the step wedge below

 In the images below the noise variance is

the same for all noise types at a
brightness of neutral gray except for
Lorentz noise where the variance is not
Matlab example

 I = imread('pocoyo.jpg')
 imshow(I)
Matlab example

 J = imnoise(I,'poisson')
 imshow(J)
Wiener Filtering and Image
 The most important technique for removal of blur
in images due to linear motion or unfocussed
optics is the Wiener filter.
 From a signal processing standpoint, blurring
due to linear motion in a photograph is the
result of poor sampling.
 Each pixel in a digital representation of the
photograph should represent the intensity of a
single stationary point in front of the camera.
Unfortunately, if the shutter speed is too slow
and the camera is in motion, a given pixel will
be an amalgram of intensities from points along
the line of the camera's motion.

 The goal of the Wiener filter is to filter

out noise that has corrupted a signal. It
is based on a statistical approach.
What is wrong with Inverse
 Restores blurred image perfectly from
output of noiseless linear system.
 HOWEVER, It does not work well with
additive white noise.
 Sensitive to noise.
 THUS, Wiener Filter can overcomes this
 Wiener Filter can restoring image in
presence of blur as well as noise.
 two-dimensional analogy
(bakal dibuang)

 where F is the fourier transform of an
"ideal" version of a given image
 H is the blurring function.
Inverse filtering (bakal dibuang)

2-D Fourier Transform of Horizontal Blur

Problem (bakal dibuang)

 the image restoration tools described here work in a

similar manner for cases with blur due to incorrect
focus. In this case the only difference is in the
selection of H. The 2-d Fourier transform of H for
motion is a series of sinc functions in parallel on a
line perpendicular to the direction of motion; and the
2-d Fourier transform of H for focus blurring is the
sombrero function, described elsewhere.
 In the real world: there are two problems with this
 First, H is not known precisely
 Second, inverse filtering fails in some circumstances
because the sinc function goes to 0 at some values of
x and y. Real pictures contain noise which becomes
amplified to the point of destroying all attempts at
reconstruction of an Fest.
(bakal dibuang)

Fest(u,v) = |H(u,v)|^2.G(u,v)/(|
H(u,v)|^2.H(u,v) + K(u,v))

 K is a constant chosen to optimize the estimate

Steps in MATLAB
 Step 1: Read the images
 Step 2: Simulate a motion blur
 Step 3: Restore the blurred image
 Step 4: Simulate additive noise
 Step 5: Restore the blurred and noise image
 Step 6: Use autocorrelation to improve image
example of Wiener filtering

 (a)(b)
 (c)(d)

 A) Original Photo
 B) Blurring due to motion and noise due to poor development
 C) Random gaussian noise (multiplied here by a factor of
100) added into the blurred version of the photo
 D) Reconstructed photograph through Wiener filtering

 Weiner filters are the most common deblurring

technique used because it mathematically
returns the best results.
 Inverse filters are interesting as a textbook
starting point because of their simplicity, but
in practice Wiener filters are much more
 It should also be re-emphasized that Wiener
filtering is in fact the underlying premise for
restoration of other kinds of blur; and being a
least-mean-squares technique, it has roots in a
spectrum of other engineering applications.

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