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Because of the losses in the transformer core and coil,

temperature the
core and coil
air increases.
will cool In
transformer effectively
and keeps thecapacity
temperature rise well with in the permissible limits. As
the capacity of the transformer increases, the losses increase and hence
the temperature rise increases. In order to keep the temperature rise
with in limits, air may have to be blown over the transformer. This is not
advisable as the atmospheric air containing moisture, oil particles etc.,
may affect the insulation. To overcome the problem of atmospheric
hazards, the transformer is placed in a steel tank filled with oil. The oil
conducts the heat from core and coil to the tank walls. From the tank
walls the heat goes dissipated to surrounding atmosphere due to
radiation and convection.
Further as the capacity of the transformer increases, the increased
losses demands a higher dissipating area of the tank or a bigger
sized tank. This calls for more space, more volume of oil and
increases the cost and transportation problems. To overcome these
difficulties, the dissipating area is to be increased by artificial
means with out increasing the size of the tank. The dissipating
area can be increased by
1. fitting fins to the tank walls 2. fitting tubes to the tank
3. using corrugated tank 4. using auxiliary radiator

Since the fins are not effective in dissipating heat and corrugated
tank involves constructional difficulties, they are not much used
now a days. The tank with tubes are much used in practice.

Heat goes dissipated to the atmosphere from tank by radiation and
convection. It has been found by experiment that 6.0W goes
radiated per m. sq. of plain surface per degree centigrade and
6.5W goes dissipated by convection / meter sq. of plain surface /
degree centigrade. Thus a total of 12.5W/ meter sq. / degree
centigrade goes dissipated to the surrounding. If θ is the
temperature rise, then at final steady temperature condition, losses
responsible for temperature rise is losses dissipated or transformer
losses = 12.5 St θ.

Temp rise θ

St = Heat dissipating surface of tank

Number & dimensions of TUBES
If the temperature rise of the tank wall is beyond a permissible
value of about 50 degree centigrade, then cooling tubes are to be
added to reduce the temperature rise. With the tubes connected to
the tank, dissipation due to radiation from a part of the tank
surface screened by the tubes is zero. So there is no change in
surface as far as dissipation of heat due to radiation is concerned.
Because the oil when get heated up moves up and cold oil down,
circulation of oil in the tubes will be more. Obviously, this
circulation of oil increases the heat dissipation and convection
from the tubes increase by about 35%.

The diameter of tubes, normally
used, is 50 mm and they are spaced
at 75 mm

Tank Dimensions

• The inner dimensions of the transformer tank are fixed by active

dimensions of transformer and clearances between windings and
grounded parts of transformer.
• Width of tank, Wt = 2D + De +2b ……for three phase
• = D+ De +2b ………for single phase
• where, D= distance between adjacent limbs
• De = external diameter of hv windings
• b = clearance between hv winding and tank
• length of tank = Lt = De + 2l
• where, l = clearance on each side between the windings and tank along
• Height of transformer tank = Ht = H + h
• where, H = height of transformer frame
• h = clearance between assembled transformer and tank
A 250 kVA, 6600/400 kV, 3 phase core type transformer has a total loss of 4800 W at full
load. The transformer tanks is 1.25 m in height and 1m x 0.5 m in plan. Design a
suitable scheme for tubes if the average temperature rise is to be limited to 35 degrees.
The diameter of tubes is 50 mm and are spaced 75mm from each other. The average
height of tubes is 1.05 m. Specific heat dissipation due to radiation and convection is
respectively 6 and 6.5 W/m2 -degrees. Assume that convection is improved by 35 percent
due to provision of tubes.

• Solution:

• Area of plane tank, St = 2(1 + 1.05) x 1.25 = 3.75 m2

• Let the tube area be xSt
• Total dissipating surface = (1 + x ) St = 3.75 (1 + x )
• Specific loss dissipation = 4800/ (3.75 (1 + x ) x 35)
• = 36.5 / (1 + x )
• Loss disspated = (12.5 + 8.8 x ) / (1 + x )
• (12.5 + 8.8 x ) / (1 + x ) = 36.5 / (1 + x )
• x = 2.73
• Area of tubes = 2.73 x 3.75 = 10.23 m2
• Wall area of each tube = πdt x lt
• = π x 0.05 x 1.05 = 0.165m2
• Total number of tubes to be provided = 10.23/0.165 = 62
• The tubes are spaced 75 mm apart. Therefore, in 1 m along the width
of tank, we can accommodate 12 tubes leaving 90 mm on each side.
In 0.5 m along the depth of tank we can accommodate 5 tubes with
100 mm space on each side. The total tubes provided in first row
along width and depth are (2 x 12 + 2 x 5) = 34. The balance 62 – 34
tubes can be provided in second row at the back.

• 11 tubes can be provided in a staggered fashion in each of the two

long sides and 4 in each of two short sides.
• Thus, total tubes provided = 2 x 12 + 2 x 11 + 2 x 5 + 2 x 4 = 64
Arrangement of tubes

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