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DON CUSD x Literacy

in Action Book Project

By: Alexa Riley
Reasons Why:
- As I have grown up and progressed through the education
system, I have noticed inconsistencies in the literature
presented to kids.
- Often the main character of the book is a white kid,
perhaps middle class, etc.
- The sheer lack of diversity in gender, race, sexuality, and
religion in books always confused me. Ultimately it
became a goal of mine to try to promote diverse
education and literature to kids.

- Sage has a diverse student body but yet only one type of
student is being shown in these books.
What are
the benefits of
a diverse education?
When a student receives diverse education, they can
benefit by:
- Becoming more empathetic & open-minded
- Gaining a better understanding of lessons and people
- Feeling more confident and safe around others
- Becoming better prepared for a diverse workplace

Source: Drexel University School of Education

Collab Between:
Main Points
- Explore website to find book
- Sort through books by tags
- Play with the virtual map
- Find new CUSD clubs and their
- Explore student written pieces
- Learn about other cultures and background!
Things to do/Will Do:
- Finish adding each book list to each section
- Hopefully get it done by summer (junior year)
- Make social media for it and promote it
- Spend senior year:
- Polishing it up
- Getting the word out
- finding a shadow?
Needed Feedback
and Obstacles
Closing Statement

- Education is important and every

student should feel that they are
welcomed and excited to learn at school.
- Having content that relates to students
is a way for them to feel included and
excited about learning, and if me and
my team can do that, then we will
continue to strive to meet that goal.
Thank You!

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