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What is Concluding Phase?

This is the end of the lesson. This meant to determine how well our student have
achieved there goals. This may lead to the giving of homework which is another way
of determining the attainment of our lesson objectives.
What is Homework?

It is a set of tasks assigned to students

by their teachers to be completed
outside the class, it is also encourages
the child to use time wisely and to take
the child responsibility to his/her work.
Why is Homework Important?

Because it improves the child's

thinking and memory. It helps the child
develop positive skills and habits that
will serve him or her well throughout
There are examples of Concluding Phase

Journal writing
it is the process of recording
personal insights, reflection, and
questions on assigned or personal
topics. Journal projects assigned in class
may include your thoughts about daily
experiences, reading assignment or
current event.
There are examples of tools use in the
Concluding Phase
Performance Test
is an assessment that requires
an examinee to actually perform a task
or activity rather than simple answering
questions referring to specific parts. The
performance is to ensure greater fidelity
to what is being tested. It is also
concerned with skills outcome.
Concept Maps
It is a visual presentations that
students create to connect ideas,
concepts, and terms. Students can use
them to organize information they
already know and to incorporate new
learning with this prior knowledge.
Concept Maps help us to see how
students understand content.
Purposeful, systematic process of collecting
and evaluating student products to document
progress toward the attainment of learning target
has been achieved.
Includes student participation in the
selection and student self-reflection.

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