Group - 6: Case Study:volunteering

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Group -6

Case study :Volunteering

The case discuss about Employee Volunteer
Program initiated by Timberland .
Timberland has been successful in
implementing EVP
Discuses Issues such as :
◦ Are Employee Volunteer Program beneficial in
terms of loyalty and retention of employee .
◦ How can companies maintain a balance between
employee productivity and community service .
Timberland :Reasons for Success
They have taken it seriously and have
included it in their corporate practices .
They Release annual CSR Report
Their CEO Jeffery Swartz Started it With
the visiion that
◦ They their company could bring social
◦ And saw long term benefit from it .
How they did it ?

Launched an In-house volunteer program

in 1992 –Named “ The Path to Success “
Employees are free to choose own
Volunteer activities .
Company Helps employee in finding the
right service program
Due to High employee participation(more
than 90%) They have has allocated 40 hrs
to it.
How they did it ?
Service sabbatical Program –upto
employees each year are given time off
for 3-6 months –and work with a non
profit organization ful time
Full pay and benefits re given to
employee during that Time .
Two targets :
◦ Community well being
◦ Employee enrichment
Others Compaines doing EVP
Q1. What are the benfits to companies
operating a volunteer employee program
stated in the case study ?Do you agree
Benfitsto companies operating a
volunteer employee program are :

 Leads Employee Retention and Employee Loyalty

 Revitalizes employee
 Development of new skill set for employee
 One with community feeling for companies .
 Long term benefit for companies :Which leads to
Q2 .How can companies encourage employee to
participate in volunteer programs and avoid
having employees feel that “by volunteering , they
are potentially derailing their chances for
promotion because of the time they’ll spend out
of office .Do you agree ?
Answer 2
Companies can encourage employee to
participate in volunteer programs by :
By making volunteer programs for complusary
for all employees at all levels from higher
management to staff .
They can give it more importance ….by
considering it during appraisals and promotions
Q3 .On timberland’s website do you get
sense that Timberland is genuine in its
commitment to CSR ?Does that create a
good impression of the company or not
make much difference in your perception
of it ?
Ans 3 .Current program s
The website is well updated on corporate
Responsibility and current program and given
equal importance
Detailed Reports on all activities done so far

Current activities
Earth keeping
Tree plantation
Reforest Hatti
Thanks You ..

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