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‘The Women and children first principle is

blatant sexism. How far do you agree?’

Is it sexist towards
women, men, both,
What are your
connotations of the
word ‘feminist’?
60% of the world’s chronically Two-thirds of all children
hungry are women and girls. denied school are girls, and
75 per cent of the world’s 876
million illiterate adults are
In most countries, women only earn between
60 and 75% of men’s wages - for the same
work It is estimated that there are 650
million women and girls in the world
today who were married before age 18

Women hold only 21 per cent of the

world’s parliamentary seats, and only 8 112 countries do not criminalise marital
percent of the world’s cabinet ministers rape – including Nigeria where it is
are women. specifically not illegal.

Gender-based violence is one of the biggest causes of injury

and death to women worldwide, causing more deaths and
disability among women aged 15 to 44 than cancer, malaria,
traffic accidents, and war.
Adichie and feminism

What do we learn about

Adchie’s thoughts on
v=hg3umXU_qWc v=czogWQ34X1Y
Obinze’s mother

Read the description of Obinze’s mother

Page 70 – ‘They sat on cement blocks…’ to Page 72 ‘...and not because
everyone else is doing it’

What does Adichie want us to admire about Obinze’s mother? What

does this tell us about her views on feminism? What do we learn about
why Obinze is attracted to Ifemelu?
Focus on these suggestions. Each
person read one and then discuss
as a group.

3 – Teach her that gender roles is

absolute rubbish

6 Teach her to question language

9 – Give her a sense of identity

11- Teach her to question our

culture’s selective use of biology
as reasons for social norms
• Create an A4
collage on your
padlet to
Adichie’s 15
suggestions for
raising a feminist
– one image to
summarise each
Why celebrate International Men’s Day?
Why Celebrate International Men’s Day?
• Men have a suicide rate 3 times higher than women
• 1 in 3 men have been the victims of domestic violence
• men on average die 4-5 years before women
• men are nearly twice as likely to suffer from lung cancer than women
• men are nearly twice as likely to suffer from heart disease than
• Men are nearly twice as likely to die from Covid 19 than women.
• Men are 4 times more likely to become an alcoholic, three times
more likely to be dependent on cannabis and account for 9 out of 10
rough sleepers.
• There are a lack of male role models for young boys – 85% of Primary
School Teachers are female.
Negritude is a literary
movement. What do you
think that negritude
writers/artists believe in?

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