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Leaders by Richard Nixon


● The book entails the time period of 1970

● One of the chaotic period in the history of America

● Aims at young Americans as a guide for leadership. focuses on essential traits of great leaders

from the initial struggle to the modern revolutions

● Great American leaders including Dwight Eisenhower, bob Taft, and Richard Russell

● the books show the growth and struggle of many great leaders

“What makes the role of these leaders so compellingly interesting is not just its
drama, but its importance—its impact.“

"The surefire formula for, and a great issue. "placing a leader among the greats has
three elements: a great man, a great country”

“Having known both the peaks and the valleys of public life, I have learned that you
cannot appreciate the heights unless you have also experienced the depths. Nor can
you fully understand what drives a leader if you have only sat on the sidelines,

“Great leadership is a unique form of art, requiring both force and vision to an
extraordinary degree.” 

“If it weren’t for painting I couldn’t live, I couldn’t bear the strain of things.” 

● It's worth noting that all these leaders mention in the book by Richard Nixon have the same core
principle of assisting others rather than focusing on themselves.

● great leadership requires a great vision that is an inspiration not only for the leader but the nation

● “A great leader develops strength by swimming against the tide, not with it.”  

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