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Journal Entries

BY: Ava Fidalgo

Ava Fidalgo
Ms. DeWinne & Mrs. Paolino
Writing & Research
23 February 2021

Poetry was a large part of the Elizabethan Era. Queen Elizabeth herself supported the arts, especially

Journal Entry #15 poetry. During the Elizabethan Era, poetry was used to help those who were miserable. Some poems even

encourages people to live better lives based off of the poem they read and studied. William Shakespeare is

said to have been on of the greatest play wrights of all time and he became popular throughout the

Elizabethan Era. When it came to poetry, Shakespeare mainly wrote sonnets. Sonnets were a type of poem

Poetry of the that were fourteen lines. The poem had an order in which it rhymed and ended powerfully. On top of it all,

Elizabethan Era Shakespeare even wrote in multiple languages, reaching out to a more diverse audience.

Another famous poet was Francesco Petrarch. He created the Petrarch sonnet. This poem divided

from six to eight lines. Philip Sidney wrote similarly to Petrarch. Pastorals about moral, simple lives were

dreamed to be achieved by the people of the Elizabethan Era. These forms of poetry can still be seen in

modern day. The poetry of the Elizabethan Era impacted the everyday lives of people as well as people of

the monarchy. The Elizabethan Era popularized art, including poetry, and would leave an impression in the

literary world for centuries to come.

Ava Fidalgo
Mrs. Paolino & Ms. DeWinne
Writing & Research
4 March 2020

While all forms of rhetoric are useful, the most effective strategy is logos. Logos deals with facts,
Journal Entry # 16
definitions, and truthful evidence. All of the information is stated and clearly supported. This form of rhetoric

works on all people because some people do not show emotion, some can not detect emotion, and others find it

hard to trust others without facts. This disregards ethos and pathos and saves the most effective form or Ethos.

Ethos, Pathos, Children and adults can see evident statements that they can interpret. For example, a form of logos can be a

phone company showing their rates. Also, when numbers are involved, they are easy to read, understand and this

or Logos? allows people to follow along with the message being given to them. The rhetorical strategy known as logos is

the most effective and best strategy to use in order to get a point across that can affiliate with a majority of

Ava Fidalgo
Mrs. Paolino & Ms. DeWinne
Writing & Research
9 March 2021

There are plenty of moments in life in which people feel the need to go “huh?’. When they have

trouble comprehending a situation. Something personal to my self that I question is in fight scenes in movies
Journal Entry #17
and shows. During violent scenes where guns are used for fighting, both sides are constantly shooting. The

moment that makes me wonder is how most times, no one is shot. There could be an entire scene with

consistent shots fired at a target, a person amongst other things, and no one is injured. It baffles me that these

trained shooters cannot hit a person, even multiple shooters with one target and at times hundreds of bullets.

Huh? To add, typically the ”good guys” are able to make their shots more often than the “bad guys”. This is

a bit unfair and makes movies and shows even more unbelievable. I was always surprised by the fact that

nine out of ten shots fired did not hit the given target. Even of the target was hit, most times no major injury

was created. This is very unrealistic and makes me wonder while watching certain scenes. I feel the need to

step back and think “huh?” when watching unrealistic shoot scenes in cinema because there is no way that

most to all shots fired did not hit the given target.
Ava Fidalgo
Ms. DeWinne & Mrs. Paolino
Writing & Research
12 March 2021
There are far too many conspiracies to list but one is considered the “mystery of life”. The conspiracy is the strange
connection between former President Abraham Lincoln and former President John F. Kennedy. Not only were both of these
men President’s of the United States of America, but many similarities are found from each of their lifetimes. To start, both
President’s were assassinated and killed with shots to the head. Both men were elected to congress in 46’, Abraham being
Journal entry #18 elected in 1846 and Kennedy in 1946. Then, both men were elected President’s in the 60’s, Lincoln in 1860 and Kennedy in
1960. Both men were shot on a Friday and their doctors had the same name, Charles Taft, so odd! Their assassinators were
southern, has fifteen letters in their names, went my three names, and were then assassinated before their trials. John
Wilks Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln and Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated John Kennedy. Booth ran from the theatre
in which he shot Lincoln to a warehouse. Now to follow, Oswald ran from a warehouse in which he shot Kennedy from and

What if… ran to a theatre. This comparison of running to the same places opposite of each others assassination spot is absolutely
insane, but this is not all. The law-enforcement officer who detained John Wilkes Booth was called Lafayette Baker, as was
the man who detained Lee Harvey Oswald was Marrion L. Baker. Is it not strange that those two officers happen to have the
same last name?
Moving onto more personal aspects of their lives, both President’s married in their 30’s to women in their 20’s as
well as both men were strongly concerned about civil rights. The two men lost a son while living in the White house, both
men had four children and both lost two children before they reached their teen years of life. Lincoln and Kennedy were

Works cited: shot in the presence of their wives. Lincoln was shot in box #7 in Ford’s theatre and Kennedy was riding in car #7 in the cavalcade in a Lincoln car created by Ford Motor company. Lincoln’s private secretary was called John, John Nicolay,
m/Abraham_Lincoln.htm and Kennedy’s private secretary was called Evelyn Lincoln. Both Lincoln’s and Kennedy’s successors were southerners and
names Johnson. President Andrew Johnson succeeded Lincoln and President Lyndon B. Johnson succeeded Kennedy. In
addition, both successors, Andrew Johnson and Lyndon B. Johnson, were born in an 08’. Andrew Johnson was born in 1808
and Lyndon B. Johnson was born in 1908. These odds are astronomical. This conspiracy has way to many coincidences to
Ava Fidalgo
Mrs. Paolino & Ms. DeWinne
Writing.& Research
9 April 2021

In the forest there were bunnies, foxes, numerous types of birds, and wolves. The plush green, leafy tress

Journal entry #19 were home to many creatures. Birds lived at the top of trees, on branches or in tree holes. Foxes sleep and stay

in burrows which are holes in the ground. Even though all of the animals have habitats that are not the same,

they live around each other and have one thing in common, bedtime. When the sun sets and the moon comes

out, the sky darkens and all of the stars can be seen. Just like people, animals go to sleep every night to get rest.

Bedtime story They all get comfy in the place that they chose, close their eyes and dream while they slowly drift to sleep.

Dreams can be made up of anything you like, fiction or non-fiction. The moon is shining bright and all animals

in the forest and around the world go to bed and fall asleep.

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