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Global Warming, Greenhouse Gas Effect, Carbon

Sequestration & Air Pollution

By Waqas Ali Tunio

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science & Technology, Nawabshah - Pakistan
Global Acceptance of GW

• It took more than 20 years to broadly accept that mankind is causing global
warming with the emission of greenhouse gases. The drastic increase in the
emission of CO2 (carbon dioxide) within the last 30 years caused by burning fossil
fuels has been identified as the major reason for the change of temperature in
the atmosphere
Global Warming

• The drastic increase in the

emission of CO2 (carbon
dioxide) within the last 30
years caused by burning
fossil fuels has been
identified as the major
reason for the change of
temperature in the
Global Warming
• More than 80% of the
world-wide energy
demand is currently
supplied by the fossil
fuels coal, oil or gas. It
will be impossible to
find alternative sources,
which could replace
fossil fuels in the short
or medium term. The
energy demand is
simply too high.
Global Warming
• Another issue is the non-
renewable characteristic
of fossil fuels: It took
nature millions of years
to generate these
resources, however we
will have used them up
within the next decades.
Alone the shrinking
supply will not make it
possible to continue as
usual for a longer time.
Global Warming
• Global Warming, increase in the average temperature of the
atmosphere, oceans, and landmasses of Earth. The planet has
warmed (and cooled) many times during the 4.65 billion years of its
history. At present Earth appears to be facing a rapid warming, which
most scientists believe results, at least in part, from human activities.
The main cause of global warming is our
treatment of Nature
• The true cause of global
warming is our thoughtless
attitude to Nature.
• In our technology and
scientific minded world, we
seem to have forgotten
that mankind is only a
relatively minor part of
Nature. We ignore being
part of a larger whole.
Scientifically Fighting Global Warming

• We believe to be able to control Nature

instead of trying to arrange ourselves
with Nature. This haughtiness is the true
main cause of global warming. As a
matter of fact, some people still believe
that technical solutions alone would be
sufficient to fight global warming.
The lesson from global warming is to base all decisions on deep
respect and consideration for Nature.

• Although we are guests

on Earth, we behave as
if no further visitors
would arrive after us.
It's like having a wild
party where we destroy
beds, the kitchen as
well as the living room
of a hotel without ever
thinking about our
future staying in the
hotel nor about other
guests arriving later.
The ultimate global warming solutions is to
behave as part of a larger whole

• Many people between 20 and 65

years seem to live for the one and
only purpose of earning as much
money as possible in order to be able
to buy as many things as possible.
• Someone who respects Nature and
regards mankind as a part of a larger
whole would never dream about
using up non-renewable resources in
a short time nor would this person
contaminate the environment with
gigantic amounts of pollution.
Photo by Waqas Ali Tunio
It's your personal decision whether you want
to be the cause of global warming
• In this context the question is whether global
warming and its effects will eventually wake up
mankind and spark off a change of paradigm. Will we
understand this hint of Nature to follow the true
meaning of life or will we continue to let us
manipulate by media and advertisement as sheer and
willing consumers in the economic cycle? Will we
continue to strive for power, prestige and possessions
following the concept „the more the better "? Shall
economic growth and an ever increasing personal
income continue to be the reason for being here,
beyond everything else?

As early as 1896 scientists suggested that burning fossil fuels might change the

composition of the atmosphere and that an increase in global average temperature
might result. The first part of this hypothesis was confirmed in 1957, when
researchers working in the global research program called the International
Geophysical Year sampled the atmosphere from the top of the Hawaiian volcano
Mauna Loa. Their instruments indicated that carbon dioxide concentration was
indeed rising. Since then, the composition of the atmosphere has been carefully
tracked. The data collected show undeniably that the concentrations of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere are increasing.
• Scientists use elaborat
e computer models of
precipitation patterns,
and atmosphere
circulation to study
global warming.
Based on these
models, scientists
have made several
predictions about
how global warming
will affect weather,
sea levels, coastlines,
agriculture, wildlife,
and human health.
Effects of GW
• Weather
• Sea Levels
• Agriculture
• Animals and
• Human Health
• Debates over
• The total consumption of
fossil fuels is increasing
by about 1 percent per
year. No steps currently
being taken or under
serious discussion will
likely prevent global
warming in the near
future. The challenge
today is managing the
probable effects while
taking steps to prevent
detrimental climate
changes in the future.
Let's emphasize it again: Not the others need
to change, we must change ourselves.

• There are no international

treaties or additional
national laws required to
start changing. We can
start to change our
immediately. It is really
only about our personal
behaviour - independent of
what others do or don't do.
• The energy that lights and warms Earth comes from the Sun. Most
of the energy that floods onto our planet is short-wave radiation,
including visible light. When this energy strikes the surface of Earth,
the energy changes from light to heat and warms Earth. Earth’s
surface, in turn, releases some of this heat as long-wave infrared


• Greenhouse gases occu
r naturally in the
environment and also
result from human
activities. By far the
most abundant
greenhouse gas is
water vapor, which
reaches the
atmosphere through
evaporation from
oceans, lakes, and
Carbon Footprint 
• The total amount of greenhouse
gases produced to directly and
indirectly support human
activities, usually expressed in
equivalent tons of carbon dioxide
• In other words: When you drive a
car, the engine burns fuel which
creates a certain amount of CO2,
depending on its fuel
consumption and the driving
distance. (CO2 is the chemical
symbol for carbon dioxide). When
you heat your house with oil, gas
or coal, then you also generate
Hard Facts About Pollution
• 5000 people a day die
because of dirty water
• 1 billion people have no
access to water
• Nearly 1 billion going
• Over 50 % of grain traded
around the world is used
for animal feed or bio fuels
• 40 % of arable land has
suffered long term damage
• Every year 13 millions
hectares of forest
Hard Facts About Pollution
• One mammal in 4, one
bird in 3 and one
amphibian in 3 are
threatened with
• Species are dying out at
a rhythm 1000 times
faster than the natural
• Three quarters of
fishing grounds are
exhausted in dangerous
• The average
temperature of the last
15 years have been the
highest ever recorded.
• The ice cap is 40%
thinner than 40 years
Carbon Sequestration

 The simplest way to sequester carbon is to preserve trees and to plant more. Trees,

especially young and fast-growing ones, soak up a great deal of carbon dioxide,
break it down in photosynthesis, and store the carbon in new wood. Worldwide,
forests are being cut down at an alarming rate, particularly in the tropics. In many
areas, there is little regrowth as land loses fertility or is changed to other uses, such
as farming or building housing developments. Reforestation could offset these
losses and counter part of the greenhouse buildup.
Global Warming, Greenhouse Gas Effect, Carbon
Sequestration & Air Pollution
By Waqas Ali Tunio

It's time for change!
Keep earth & environment
pure for the future and
generations to come…

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science & Technology, Nawabshah - Pakistan

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