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Functions of Management

Topic 01 Management

Understand the meaning of management and its significance

02 Functions of Management
Understand the different Functions of Management and how it
can be applied to your job

03 Importance of these Functions

Understand the significance of these functions and why it is
important to the organization
What is
According to George R. Terry, ''Management Is a distinct process consisting
of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling; utilizing in each both science
and art, and followed in order to accomplish pre-determined objectives."

According to Peterson and Plowman, "Management may be defined as

the process by means of which the purpose and objectives of a particular
human group are determined, clarified and effectuated"

Management is considered a continuing activity made up of basic management functions

which are Planning , Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Coordination. The managers have
to perform all these functions in order to achieve the desired organizational goals.
Why Management is Important in an
It helps in Achieving Group Goals

Optimum Utilization of Resources

Essentials for Prosperity of Society

Establishes Sound

Establishes Equilibrium
Functions of Management

To achieve the organizational goals

while using the organizational
Organizing resources most effectively. Coordination

I. Planning
Planning is concerned with the determination of
the objectives to be achieved and the course of
action to be followed to achieve them.
Various alternatives are formulated in order to
achieve the goals. The best alternative courses of
action is then selected which will help the
organization to achieve its objectives.

It bridges the gap between where we are

and where we want to go.

It is deciding in advance what to do and how to

do when to do and by whom it is to be done.
beforehand Planning
Thinking before the
action takes place
What would happen if one fails to
Importance of
Planning Planning increases efficiency

Planning provides direction

Planning encourages creativity and innovation

Planning promotes motivation

Planning provides basis of control

Planning helps in decision making

Steps in Planning Process
6. Measuring and Controlling the Programme

5. Implementing the Plan

4. Finding alternative, evaluate and select
a course of action

3. Deciding the Planning Period

2. Establishing Planning Premises

1. Establishing verifiable goals

II. Organizing
Organizing involves division of work
among people whose efforts must be
coordinated to achieve specific According to Louis Allen
objectives and to implement pre- "Organizing is the process of
determined strategies. identifying and grouping the
work to be performed
defining and delegating
According to the responsibility and authority,
Haiimann "Organizing is and establishing
the process of defining relationships for the purpose
and growing the of enabling people to work
activities of the most effectively together in
enterprise and accomplishing objectives."
establishing authority
relationships among
them. "
Characteristics of Organizing


Communication Objectives
Division of Labor
Importance of

It facilitates efficient management

It facilitates coordination and communication

It facilitates growth and diversification

It ensures optimum use of resources
It provides for optimum use of technological innovations

It facilitates specialization
Steps in the Process of Organizing
1. Determination of objectives

3. Assignment of duties

2. Identification and grouping of


4. Establishing relationship
among individuals and group
III. Directing
According to Koontz and O’donnell “Direction is the interpersonal aspect of
managing by which subordinates are led to understand and contribute
effectively and efficiently to the attainment of enterprise objectives.”


Directing is concerned with the initiation of organized action and

stimulating people to work. It involves issuance of orders, instructions and
leading and motivating the employees to execute them.
Initiates action
Creates a Sound work environment
Develops managers
Facilitates control
Increase in productivity
Facilitates growth

Importance of
Elements of Directing
Directing deals with inter-personal
relations. It is the doing or implementing
phase of management. Hence it is also
called management-in-action.

IV Coordination
According to Henri Fayol “Coordination
Coordination harmonizes synchronizes and unifies
is the individual efforts for better action and for the
management of achievement of the business objectives.”
in work

Coordination is
the process of
the diverse
Coordination leads to blending
functions of
the activities of different
domains and
individuals and group of
securing unity of
individuals for the achievement
of certain objectives.
Importance of
 Division of Labour

 Growth in Size

 Interdependence of units

Growing specialization
Just like Management,

“Nobody ever won a chess game by

resigning.” – Savielly Tartakower
Which among these four functions of
management is the hardest to
1. Participants will be divided into 4 groups
2. Each group will identify one organizational problem or
concerns in their organization.
3. Resolve the problem they have identified by applying the
functions of Management:
- Group 1 Planning
- Group 2 Organizing
- Group 3 Directing
- Group 4 Coordination

Activity Each group may present their ideas to all participants

in their own creative way. They can use PPT
presentations to better explain their ideas.

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