7P'S of Marketing Mix in Tourism and Hospitality

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7P’S of Marketing Mix in

Tourism and Hospitality

Which results in satisfaction of a need or want in of the target
customers. The product must be capable of resolving and
fulfilling the requirements of the customer. Which is the primary
benefit the customer seek from the service.
Serving pricing decision are made in more varied environment
than product pricing decisions and also prices are set according
to how much a customer is willing and able to pay that vary on
the quality and the services. Cost oriented method is more
common but this is also difficult to implement because its hard
determine the cost of people based on services.
Refers to the ease of access that potential customers have to a
service just like for example you want to book in a hotel in an
online website and you need to think which place you need to
The element of promotion in the marketing mix comprises the
marketing mix comprises the advertising and events to support
the certain service and product and also made to promote the
product in the market. The traditional promotion mix include
various methods of communicating the benefits of a service to
potential customers or advertising, sales promotion, personal
The importance attached to people management in improving
quality and customer oriented service increasing to a large
event. The attitudes and action of the employees can certainly
affect the success of service encounter and it is also likely that
the behaviour of other customers.
The process is an integrated buying exposure. From the prime
segment of contact, generally the network or website to
distribution of the good or service. The important objective of
marketing is to identify the needs and wants in the market place
so that the service may be designed to fulfill these needs.
The intangible nature of service means that potential customers
are unable to judge a service before it consumed, increasing the
risk involved in the purchase decision. The building and the
service environment where the service environment are the
major of evidences of the service nature.
Name: Aliviado, Myra Jecca BSHM2

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